This guide assumes you have homebrew installed.
You will need the following local tools installed:
task 1. intro to the command line within the finder bar of your cumputer lives the following. -application -utilites -terminal -click on and open the terminal
-the terminal aka the command line is where we build our enivorment for this project
task 2. this assumes you have a github account
articles that will help with command line
this assumes you have a github account
cd into casa
- Ruby
- NodeJs (optional)
- Postgres
- Google Chrome
All dependencies are installed with homebrew.
Open your command line
Your Mac came with a version of ruby installed (when you installed homebrew you used it), however Apple is sometimes a little behind the current version and homebrew allows you to stey up to date.
If you installed ruby awhile ago and haven't updated it, the bundle installer may flag the need for an update, in which case use:
brew upgrade ruby
The Casa package frontend leverages several javascript packages managed through yarn
, so if you are working on those elements you will want to have node, npm, and yarn installed.
brew install node
brew install yarn
If you have an older version of postgres, brew postgresql-upgrade-database
For a more GUI focused postgres experience, try an alternative to the CLI focused default postgres
Many of the frontend tests are run using Google Chrome, so if you don't already have that installed you may wish to include it:
from Gemfile
ruby "3.1.2" gem "rails", "~> 7.0.3"
Ruby Version This app uses Ruby version 3.1.2, indicated in /.ruby-version and Gemfile, which will be auto-selected if you use a Ruby versioning manager like rvm, rbenv, or asdf.
Yarn Installation If you don't have Yarn installed, you can install with Homebrew on macOS brew install yarn or visit Be sure to run yarn install after installing Yarn. NOTE: It's possible that Node version 12 may cause you problems, see issue #751. Node 10 or 11 seem to be fine.
Install dependencies using Yarn Run yarn to install project dependencies.
Create your .env with database credentials Be sure to create a .env file in the root of the app that includes the following lines (change to whatever is appropriate for your system):
PG_USERNAME=username PG_PASSWORD=password If you're getting the error PG::ConnectionBad: fe_sendauth: no password supplied, it's because you have probably not done this.
Database Configuration This app uses PostgreSQL for all environments. You'll also need to create the dev and test databases, the app is expecting them to be named diaper_dev, diaper_test, partner_dev, and partner_test respectively. This should all be handled with rails db:setup. Create a database.yml file on config/ directory with your database configurations. You can also copy the existing file called database.yml.example as an example and just change the credentials.
Seed the database From the root of the app, run bundle exec rails db:seed. This will create some initial data to use while testing the app and developing new features, including setting up the default user.
Start the app Run bundle exec rails server or bin/start (recommended since it runs webpacker in the background!) an