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3.7 Unity Simulation

Anthony Tan edited this page Feb 3, 2024 · 7 revisions

Sim binaries


Source code

Unity simulation source code can be found here

How to launch the sim

Build files can be found in catkin_ws/src/sim/builds. To launch the sim, enter the build folder that corresponds to your operating system, and run the executable.

How the sim communicates with Docker

ROS communicates uses TCP/IP which is a communication protocol used in networks. The unity sim can publish and subscribe to rostopics using a bridge facilitated by the ros tcp connector unity package. The ros side can communicate with unity via the ros tcp endpoint package. The ros tcp endpoint runs a server on port 10000 while the ros tcp connector (unity) accesses it as a client. The Docker container does not have direct access to port 10000 on the host machine so a port forward is established in the compose.yml file.


How to run a mission with the sim.

Run roslaunch sim sim.launch to launch the ros tcp endpoint package as well as all necessary packages (controls, state estimation, vision, propulsion, etc.). In another tab, run rosrun planner [your missions file].py.