Delta sigma ADCs can achieve a resolution of up to 15 bits at sampling rates of tens of kHz (TU Delft web page)
Lattice provide some information and IP:
- Leveraging FPGA and CPLD Digital Logic to Implement ADC Converter, Lattice Semiconductor White Paper, March 2010
- Lattice has ∆∑ IP for the MachXO and XP2 families. The design uses about 60 LUTs and achieves a sample rate of 7.63kHz (62.5MHz clock). See Simple Sigma-Delta ADC ( It looks like the IP will run on an iCE40 as well.
Much more interesting :-)
Very high sample rates can be achieved.
- A 17ps Time-to-Digital Converter Implemented in 65nm FPGA Technology.
- TU Delft has a nice website FPGA designs forreconfigurable converters:
- Low resource FPGA-based Time to Digital Converter, Balla et al., 2012 demonstrates a 32 channel TDC with a precision of 255 ps on a Xilinx Virtex-5.