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File metadata and controls

151 lines (96 loc) · 5.12 KB



Make a request {
    await get('');
    Verify the response {
        // The global variable 'response' is automatically filled with the last response
        // response.verify() checks that the actual response object matches
        // the expected response object that's passed in
            // you can list zero or more of these expected keys:
            statusCode: 200,   // expected status code
            headers: {         // expected headers
                'content-type': 'application/json'
            error: null,       // expected error object from request library
            body: {            // expected body (js obj if body is json, string otherwise)
                one: 'two'
            rawBody: '{"one":"two"}',   // expected raw response body
            response: {}       // expected response object from request library


开发API测试的一个好例子是先执行一个请求步骤,然后执行一个 c(response)响应(类似于console.log(response)),

通常通过console.log并 response.verify()校验响应

response.verify() 匹配

  • 预期对象中的值必须==实际对象中的相应值,否则将发生错误
  • 预期数组跟默认值匹配
  • 预期对象与默认值子集匹配(例如:期望 {one: 1} 会匹配{ one: 1, two: 2 },但不匹配 { one: 3 } 或者{ two: 2 }
  • 如果出错会抛出实际值并且-->下一行解释错误


  • { $typeof: "type" }

    • 确保实际对象中的相应值属于此类型(使用JS的type of)

    • 你可以用 “array” 匹配 arrays

  • { $regex: /regex/ } 或者 { $regex: "regex" }

    • 确保实际对象中的相应值是一个可以匹配该正则的字符串
  • { $contains: "string" }

    • 确保实际对象中的相应值是一个包含该字符串的字符串
  • { $max: N }

    • 确保实际对象中的对应值是不大于n的数字。
  • { $min: N }

    • 确保实际对象中的对应值是大于n的数字。
  • { $code: (actual) => { return actual == 'something'; } }

    { $code: "return actual == 'something'"}

    { $code: "actual == 'something'"}

    • 确保实际对象中的对应值执行代码后返回true。
  • { $length: N }

    • 实际值是数组、对象、字符串返回的长度是N
  • { $maxLength: N }

    • 实际值是数组、对象、字符串返回的最大长度是N
  • { $minLength: N }

    • 实际值是数组、对象、字符串返回的最小长度是N
  • { $exact: true, a: A, b: B }

    • 实际对象精确匹配(例如{ $exact: true, one: 1 } 会匹配 { one: 1 }, 其他都不行)[不按照文档中一堆话解释了]
  • { $every: A }

    • 匹配实际数组中每一项都是A

      • { $every: 'Q' } 会匹配 [ 'Q', 'Q', 'Q' ]

      • { $every, { $contains: "foo" } } 会匹配 [ "foobar", "barfoo", "foo" ]

  • [ "$subset", A, B, C ]

    • 实际数组以任何顺序匹配 A,B,C(可以包含更多的项)
  • [ "$anyOrder", A, B, C ]

    • 实际数组中以任何顺序匹配 A,B,C,不能包含其他值

    • 可以使用 [ "$subset", "$anyOrder", A, B, C ] 任何顺序匹配 A,B,C,以及可能更多的项目

  • 同一个对象中可以有多个关键词

    • 例如 { $typeof: "string", $length: 10, $regex: /[A-Z]+/ } 或[ "$subset", "$anyOrder", A, B, C ]
  • 当预期值为对象时,您可以在预期对象中同时包含正则和$-key.

  • undefined

    • { one: undefined, two: 2 } 会匹配 { one: undefined, two: 2 } 或者 { two: 2 }

    • 验证 one: undefined 存在,使用{ $typeof: 'undefined' } 这里就不需要关心one匹配的值和类型

    • 验证 one: undefined 不存在,{ $exact: true, two: 2 } ,这里没有one这个key


校验js对象一般用内置的 Comparer,例如

// Same functionality as response.verify(expectedObj);
 * Compares the actual object against the expected object
 * @param {Object} actualObj - The object to check. Must not have circular references or multiple references to the same object inside. Could be an array.
 * @param {Object} expectedObj - The object specifying criteria for actualObj to match
 * @param {String} [errorStart] - String to mark the start of an error, '-->' with ANSI color codes if omitted
 * @param {String} [errorEnd] - String to mark the end of an error, '' with ANSI color codes if omitted
 * @param {String} [errorHeader] - String to put at the top of the entire error message, '' if omitted
 * @param {Boolean} [jsonClone] - If true, compares using the rough clone method, aka JSON.stringify + JSON.parse (which handles multiple references to the same object inside actualObj, but also removes functions and undefineds, and converts them to null in arrays)
 * @throws {Error} If actualObj doesn't match expectedObj
Comparer.expect(actualObj, errorStart, errorEnd, errorHeader, jsonClone).to.match(expectedObj);