// Finds the first matching WebElement
let elem = await $('elementfinder'); // waits up to 2 secs, otherwise throws error
// Can be used to verify existence of an ElementFinder (by throwing error if not found)
await $(`
* Finds the first matching element. Waits up to timeout ms.
* @param {String or WebElement} element - An EF representing the EF to use. If set to a WebElement, returns that WebElement.
* @param {Boolean} [tryClickable] - If true, first try searching among clickable elements only. If no elements are found, searches among non-clickable elements.
* @param {WebElement} [parentElem] - If set, only searches at or within this parent element
* @param {Number} [timeout] - How many ms to wait before giving up (2000 ms if omitted)
* @param {Boolean} [isContinue] - If true, and if an error is thrown, that error's continue will be set to true
* @return {Promise} Promise that resolves to first WebDriver WebElement that was found
* @throws {Error} If a matching element wasn't found in time, or if an element array wasn't properly matched in time
await $(element, tryClickable, parentElem, timeout, isContinue);
// Finds all the matching WebElements
let elems = await $$('elementfinder'); // waits up to 2 secs, otherwise throws error
* Finds the matching elements. Waits up to timeout ms.
* See $() for param details
* If element is an EF and a counter isn't set on the top element, sets it to 1+
* @return {Promise} Promise that resolves to Array of WebDriver WebElements that were found
* @throws {Error} If matching elements weren't found in time, or if an element array wasn't properly matched in time
await $$(element, parentElem, timeout, isContinue);
// Ensures no matching elements exist
await not$('elementfinder'); // waits up to 2 secs, otherwise throws error
* Throws an error if the given element(s) don't disappear before the timeout
* See $() for param details
* @return {Promise} Promise that resolves if the given element(s) disappear before the timeout
* @throws {Error} If matching elements still found after timeout
await not$(element, parentElem, timeout, isContinue);
// str() escapes strings for use in ElementFinders:
let s = "string\'\n";
await $(`
.item, contains '${str(s)}'
// Define props with ElementFinders or functions
// If a prop listed already exists, it is overridden
// Prop definitions exist for all future steps in the branch, until overridden
// ElementFinder definitions:
'message box': `.msgbox, enabled`,
'search results': `
.result, 'one'
.result, 'two'
'groovy': `'contains this groovy text'`,
'retro button': `selector '.button', groovy`,
// Function definitions:
'fuzzy': function(elems, input) {
// This function will be injected into the browser
// elems is an array of DOM Elements
// input is the input string (e.g., fuzzy 'input here'), undefined if not set
// return an array of Elements from elem that match this prop
return elems;
// Same as props(), but adds to a definition if it already exists
'message box': `.msgbox`
Define a message box {
'message box': `.msgbox`
Add to the definition of a message box {
'message box': `#msgbox`
// Now, an element will be a 'message box' if it matches .msgbox OR #msgbox
// Clears the definitions of the props listed
propsClear(['message box', 'groovy']);
await executeScript(function() {
// executes js in the browser
// see webdriverjs's executeScript()
let arg1 = 'one';
let arg2 = 2;
let v = await executeScript(function(arg1, arg2) {
// arg1 and arg2 are accessible here
return arg1 + arg2;
}, arg1, arg2);
// v is "one2"
await executeAsyncScript(function(done) {
// executes js in the browser
// must call done() callback at the end
// see webdriverjs's executeAsyncScript()
let arg1 = 'one';
let arg2 = 2;
let v = await executeAsyncScript(function(arg1, arg2, done) {
// arg1 and arg2 are accessible here
done(arg1 + arg2);
}, arg1, arg2);
// v is "one2"
browser; // BrowserInstance object that represents the open browser
// Browser details
browser.driver; // webdriverjs WebDriver object that represents the open browser's driver
尝试用Mock time to date 代替
let date = new Date();
await mockTime(date); // set the browser's date to this one
* Mock's the current page's Date object to simulate the given time. Time will run forward normally.
* See sinon's fake timers for more details
* @param {Date} time - The time to set the browser to
await mockTime(time);
尝试用Mock location 代替
await mockLocation(28.538336, -81.379234); // sets the browser's location to the given latitude and longitude
// Responds with 200 'canned response' when an XHR GET in the browser tries to hit /endpoint on the current domain
// See mocking APIs for more details
await mockHttp('GET', '/endpoint', 'canned response');
* Mocks the current page's XHR. Sends back the given response for any http requests to the given method/url from the current page.
* You can use multiple calls to this function to set up multiple routes. If a request doesn't match a route, it will get a 404 response.
* See sinon's fake xhr and server for more details
* @param {String} method - The HTTP method ('GET', 'POST', etc.)
* @param {String or RegExp} url - A url or a regex that matches urls
* @param response - A String representing the response body, or
* An Object representing the response body (it will be converted to JSON), or
* an array in the form [ [status code], { header1: "value1", etc. }, [response body string or object] ], or
* a function
* See server.respondWith() from sinon's documentation
await mockHttp(method, url, response);
await mockHttpConfigure({autoRespond: false});
* Sets configs on the currently mocked XHR
* @param {Object} config - The options to set (key value pairs)
* See fake server options for details on what config options are available
* Fails silently if no mock is currently active
await mockHttpConfigure(config);
await mockTimeStop(); // stops time mocks and restores original time
await mockLocationStop(); // stops geolocation mocks and restores original geolocation
await mockHttpStop(); // stops http mocks and restores original endpoints
尝试使用 Stop all mocks 代替
await mockStop(); // stops all time, geolocation, and http mocks, restores originals
await injectSinon(); // injects sinon js library into browser
// sinon becomes accessible in browser via global var 'sinon'
// automatically called when one of the mocking functions above invoked
// does nothing if sinon is already available inside browser