- This project is buildable on a variety of Linux platforms (It has been tested extensively on CentOS 6.6 and 7.0) and on Windows 7 (it's probably buildable on more recent versions also)
- USD-0.18.11 (18.11) built with ptex-2.0.40 (<2.0.41)
- google test framework (>1.8.0) to build and run the tests
- GLEW: Maya (certainly up to 2018) uses a very old build of GLEW. We've found that both to use the latest OpenGL 4x features that Hydra exploits, and for stability reasons, you should use a newer version (e.g GLEW 2.0). We've had to LD_PRELOAD GLEW 2.0 to make this happen.
Recent versions of AL_USDMaya contain an export plugin for Pixar's USDMaya - see here creating a plugin called AL_USDMayaPxrTranslators. This sandboxes the main AL_USDMayaPlugin from needing to link against any pixar maya libraries (ie, usdMaya) There is a cmake option to disable building of the plugin entirely, BUILD_USDMAYA_PXR_TRANSLATORS
- maya-2016 extension 2
- have done limited testing (via docker). Selection probably broken. Does it work in VP1?
- USD built with PXR_MAYA_TBB_BUG_WORKAROUND turned on might be needed if deadlocks happen
- maya-2017
- Update 3 recommended for viewport selection fixes
- maya-2018
- working as far as we know
- maya-2019
- we have done some testing up to and including beta PR97
Start with preparing the repository ready for a build
git clone <git_path_to_AL_UsdMaya>
cd AL_USDMaya
mkdir build
cd build
Fill out the paths below then run the following commands to build and install
cmake \
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX='/path/to/install' \
-DCMAKE_MODULE_PATH='/paths/to/folders/which/have/cmake/files' \
-DBOOST_ROOT='/path/to/boost' \
-DMAYA_LOCATION='/path/to/maya' \
make -j <NUM_CORES> install
Name | Description | Default |
BUILD_USDMAYA_SCHEMAS | Build optional schemas | ON |
BUILD_USDMAYA_TRANSLATORS | Build optional translators | ON |
git clone <git_path_to_AL_UsdMaya>
cd AL_USDMaya
<edit package names to match your internal named rez packages>
rez build --build-target RelWithDebInfo --install -- -- -j 8
AL_USDMaya's DockerFile needs to be based on a docker image that contains Maya and usd. Build the wanted flavour of docker files from the docker-usd repository that contain the OS and maya version you would like to base your AL_USDMaya package on:
For example I want to base it on centos6 with maya2016 installed:
git clone https://github.com/AnimalLogic/docker-usd
cd docker-usd/linux
sudo ./build-centos6_maya2016.sh
To build AL_USDMaya's docker image:
git clone https://github.al.com.au/rnd/AL_USDMaya
cd AL_USDMaya
sudo ./build_docker_centos6.sh
Feel free to use any flavour of the build_docker_*.sh scripts. You just need to make sure you build the same flavour in the docker-usd repository.
AL_USDMaya is made of several plugins:
- AL_USDMayaPlugin.so (maya plugin): its path has to be added to MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH
- libAL_USDMaya.so, libAL_USDMayaSchemas.so, libAL_USDMayaTranslators.so (usd plugins): they need to be setup properly (using PXR_PLUGINPATH_NAME) for them to register types used by AL_USDMaya.
- python bindings are also available, they have to be added to PYTHONPATH. See the docker scripts for a configuration example.
To be able to use the additional MayaReference
translator, an environment variable has to be set to the path where AL_USDMaya has been installed. By default, the environment variable's name is AL_USDMAYA_LOCATION
This environment name can be configured when maya is built by setting the AL_USDMAYA_LOCATION_NAME cmake variable to the name you want.
If you need to use VP2, it won't work with the current ProxyShape implementation unless you set Legacy Profile - can to this via env vars, options etc. e.g you can also use the following MEL code to switch the Maya preferences to use the Viewport 2.0 based OpenGL Legacy Mode profile:
optionVar -sv "vp2RenderingEngine" "OpenGL";
or env var:
will force VP2 to use the "OpenGL -- Legacy" profile
see Autodesk docs
For selection to work, also need to set
as mentioned here: http://help.autodesk.com/view/MAYAUL/2017/ENU/?guid=__files_GUID_343690A7_F76D_4CD2_A964_E10DA7B5BDF8_htm
Unit tests of AL_USDMaya have been wrapped into a regular maya plugin (AL_USDMayaTestPlugin). Its path simply needs to be part of the MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH environment variable and then it can be loaded.
AL_USDMayaPlugin and AL_USDMayaTestPlugin cannot be loaded at the same time.
Once the test plugin loaded, you can run the AL_usdmaya_UnitTestHarness
command. This test command does not need an interactive maya instance and can be run in a maya batch session.
We use git and github at Animal Logic. This repository and it's companions are git subtrees of our internal repo. This repo contains almost everything in our internal repo except for some of the Rez files we use internally for building (we do provide examples). Rez is an excellent package management system used by many studios in our industry, and you can find the source here. We run AL_USDMaya unit tests on our internal Jenkins server