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3.1. Rule Object Schema

Guy Acosta edited this page Jul 21, 2020 · 7 revisions

Each rules file is an array of one or more Rules object, conforming to the following Schema:


    "id" : type=string   
    Required Value   
    Unique Value  

    "name": type=string  
    Required Value   

    "overrides": type=array of string  
    Optional Value  

    "tags": type=array of strings  
    Optional value, no default value  

    "applies_to": type=array of strings  
    Optional value, no default value (default behavior is applies to everything) 

    "severity": type=enum (string)  
    Required Value  

    "description": type=string  
    Required Value  

    "patterns": type=array of Pattern  
    Required Value  
    "conditions": type=array of Conditions
    Optional Value  

    "_comment": type=string  
    Optional Value  

Definitions of each Key/Value Pair


id should be in the form AI######. It must be unique per rule.

  • Example: "id":"AI168931"


Short text identifier of the rule intended for humans. Does NOT need to be unique per rule

  • Example: "name" : "Detect broken/weak cryptographic hash algorithms"


Optionally, an array of ids (see above) this rule overrides. If both this rule, and one or more of the ids in overrides fires on the same code, only this rule should be shown. This is most often used when there is a generic catch all rule as well as a language specific rule. For example, there is a rule that flags the string MD5 in any file. The second rule therefore overrides the first so that they aren't both shown.

  • Example: "overrides": [ "AI197800" ]


Array of strings representing the "category" of rule this corresponds to, roughly analogous to CWE hierarchy. e.g. "Cryptography.HashAlgorithm". They can be empty. The tags are documented in tags section.

  • Example : "tags": [ "Cryptography.HashAlgorithm" ]


Array of strings dictating what languages/files a rule should be run on. If absent, a rule runs on every file MATCHING a supported language. When specifying a particular file, i.e. project.json, the rule will only run on that specific file, not on all JSON files. The list of supported values for various languages are documented in applies_to section.

  • Example: "applies_to": [ "objective-c" ]


Couple sentences/Paragraph describing the feature of interest e.g. Cryptography or File Delete


Array of one or more pattern objects. If any of the patterns in the array find a match then one of two things happens. If a conditions array (see below) is provided, that is then processed for further logic to determine a rule match. If it is not provided, the rule matches

  • Example: "patterns" : [ { "pattern" : "CC_(MD2|MD4|MD5|SHA1)","type" : "regex","scope" : "code"}]


Optional Array of one or more conditions used to further analyze the code after a pattern matches, for additional details that would signify a finding. If present conditions are invoked AFTER a pattern matches code, and while with a pattern (above) a hit from any item in the array constitutes a finding, ALL conditions in the array (if present) must match to signify a finding (patterns[above] is OR, conditions is AND).

  • Example: "conditions" : [{"pattern" : {"pattern": "xmlns","type": "regex", "scopes": ["code"], "_comment": ""}, "negate_finding": true,"_comment": "" } ]


Optional string to allow the author of a rule to leave comments or notes to others reading the json file, providing a place to explain things like complicated regex logic, since the json format doesn't provide native comment syntax.