From 689d770aae256df330d7dcfb87a71abc2661282d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Mikael Mieskolainen <>
Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2024 00:41:05 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] update plotting

 icefit/ | 207 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 iceplot/  |  21 +++--
 2 files changed, 133 insertions(+), 95 deletions(-)

diff --git a/icefit/ b/icefit/
index 3caed01b..ff36a353 100644
--- a/icefit/
+++ b/icefit/
@@ -1,15 +1,14 @@
 # Log-normal density parameters & generation
-# Run tests with: pytest -rP
+# Run with: python
-#, 2023
+#, 2024
 import numpy as np
 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-from scipy import optimize
+from scipy.optimize import fsolve
-def lognormal_param(m, v, inmode='mean', verbose=False):
+def lognormal_param(m, v, match_mode='mean', verbose=True):
     Compute log-normal distribution \mu and \sigma parameters from
     the target mean (or median) m and variance v
@@ -20,40 +19,47 @@ def lognormal_param(m, v, inmode='mean', verbose=False):
         m      : mean (or median or mode) value of the target log-normal pdf
         v      : variance value of the target log-normal pdf
-        inmode : input m as 'mean', 'median', or 'mode'
+        match_mode : input m as 'mean', 'median', or 'mode'
-    if   inmode == 'mean':
+    if   match_mode == 'mean':
         """ CLOSED FORM SOLUTION """
         mu    = np.log(m**2/np.sqrt(v + m**2))
         sigma = np.sqrt(np.log(v/m**2 + 1))
-    elif inmode == 'median':
+    elif match_mode == 'median':
         """ CLOSED FORM SOLUTION """
         mu    = np.log(m)
         sigma = np.sqrt(np.log((np.sqrt(m**2 + 4*v)/m + 1)/2))
-    elif inmode == 'mode':
+    elif match_mode == 'mode':
         """ NUMERICAL SOLUTION """
-        def fun(x):
+        def mode_func(x):
             d = np.array([m - np.exp(x[0] - x[1]), v - (np.exp(x[1]) - 1)*np.exp(2*x[0] + x[1])])
-            return np.sum(d**2)
-        sol   = optimize.minimize(fun=fun, x0=[1, 1], method='nelder-mead')
-        mu    = sol['x'][0]
-        sigma = np.sqrt(sol['x'][1])
+            return d
+        init_guess = (np.log(m), np.log(1 + np.sqrt(v)/m))
+        sol   = fsolve(mode_func, init_guess)
+        mu    = sol[0]
+        sigma = np.sqrt(sol[1])
+    elif match_mode == 'geometric':
+        """ CLOSED FORM SOLUTION """
+        mu    = np.log(m) # m is median and also geometric mean
+        sigma = np.log(1 + np.sqrt(v)/m) # from log(s_G), where s_G = exp(STD(log(X)))
-        raise Except('lognormal_param: Unknown inmode')
+        raise Exception(f'lognormal_param: Unknown match_mode {match_mode}')
     if verbose:
-        print(f'  - Input:     m = {m:0.5f}, v = {v:0.5f}, target = {inmode}')
-        print(f'  - Obtained parameters: mu = {mu:0.5f}, sigma = {sigma:0.5f}')
+        print(f'  - Input:     m = {m:0.3f}, v = {v:0.3f}, sqrt[v] = {np.sqrt(v):0.3f}, sqrt[v] / m = {np.sqrt(v)/m:0.3f}, target mode = {match_mode}')
+        print(f'  - Obtained parameters: mu = {mu:0.3f}, sigma = {sigma:0.3f}, exp(sigma) = {np.exp(sigma):0.3f}')
     return mu, sigma
-def rand_lognormal(m, v, N, inmode='mean'):
+def rand_lognormal(m, v, N, match_mode='mean'):
     Generate random numbers from log-normal density with
     the distribution target mean (or median) m and variance v
@@ -62,131 +68,158 @@ def rand_lognormal(m, v, N, inmode='mean'):
         m      : mean (or median or mode) value of the target log-normal pdf
         v      : variance value of the target log-normal pdf
         N      : number of samples
-        inmode : input m as 'mean', 'median', or 'mode'
+        match_mode : input m as 'mean', 'median', or 'mode'
-    mu,sigma = lognormal_param(m=m, v=v, inmode=inmode)
+    mu,sigma = lognormal_param(m=m, v=v, match_mode=match_mode)
     # Standard transform
     y = np.exp(mu + sigma * np.random.randn(N))
     return y
-def rand_powexp(b, sigma, N):
+def rand_powexp(m, std, N):
-    Power+exp type parametrization (positive definite)
+    Power+exp type parametrization for median matching
-        sigma : standard deviation
+        m     : median target
+        std   : standard deviation target
         N     : number of samples
     theta = np.random.randn(N) # theta ~ exp(-0.5 * sigma^2)
-    return b*(1 + sigma)**theta
+    return m*(1 + std/m)**theta
+def create_label(X):
+    mean  = np.mean(X)
+    med   = np.median(X)
+    std   = np.std(X)
+    gsd   = np.exp(np.std(np.log(X))) # Geometric standard deviation
+    # Find histogram mode
+    bins = np.linspace(0, 5*med, 300)
+    counts, xval = np.histogram(X, bins)
+    mode = xval[np.argmax(counts)]
+    return f'(mean,med,mode) = ({mean:0.1f}, {med:0.1f}, {mode:0.1f}), STD[X] = {std:0.2f}, GSD[X] = {gsd:0.2f}, std/mean = {std/mean:0.1f}, std/med = {std/med:0.1f}, std/mode = {std/mode:0.1f}'
 def test_lognormal():
     import pytest
-    N     = int(1e6)
+    N     = int(1e7)
     # Nominal value
-    b0    = 1.5
+    m0    = 1.5
     # Different relative uncertainties
-    delta_val = np.array([0.1, 0.4, 1.5])
+    delta_val = np.array([0.1, 0.4, 0.8, 1.6])
     # Different input modes
-    modes = ['mean', 'median', 'mode']
-    fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=len(delta_val), ncols=len(modes), figsize=(14,9))
+    modes  = ['mean', 'median', 'mode', 'geometric']
+    symbol = ['\\bar{{m}}', 'm', '\\tilde{{m}}', 'm']
+    fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=len(delta_val), ncols=len(modes), figsize=(20,15))
     for i in range(len(delta_val)):
-        delta = delta_val[i]
+        # log-normal pdf targets
+        delta = delta_val[i] 
+        std   = delta*m0
+        # 2. Generate power-approx formula distributed variables
+        Y  = rand_powexp(m=m0, std=std, N=N)
+        Y_label = create_label(Y)
         for j in range(len(modes)):
             # 1. Generate log-normally distributed variables
-            sigma = delta*b0
-            b   = rand_lognormal(m=b0, v=sigma**2, N=N, inmode=modes[j])
-            # Computete statistics
-            mean = np.mean(b)
-            med  = np.median(b)
-            std  = np.std(b)
-            # Find mode
-            bins = np.linspace(0, 5*b0, 300)
-            counts, xval = np.histogram(b, bins)
-            mode  = xval[np.argmax(counts)]
-            label = f'b_0 = {b0:0.1f}, \delta = {delta:0.2f} :: (mean,med,mode) = ({mean:0.2f}, {med:0.2f}, {mode:0.2f}), std = {std:0.2f}, std/mean = {std/mean:0.2f}, std/med = {std/med:0.2f}, std/mode = {std/mode:0.2f}'
-            print(f'{label} \n')
+            X       = rand_lognormal(m=m0, v=std**2, N=N, match_mode=modes[j])
+            X_label = create_label(X)
-            if (i == 0):
-                ax[i,j].set_title(f'<{modes[j]}> as the target $m$')
+            # Compute sample point statistics
+            print(f'** {modes[j]} matching: m_0 = {m0:0.1f}, \delta = {delta:0.2f} **')
+            print(f'{X_label} \n')
-            # 2. Generate power-exp distributed variables
-            c  = rand_powexp(b=b0, sigma=sigma, N=N)
+            title = f'$({symbol[j]} = {m0:0.1f}, \sqrt{{v}}/{symbol[j]} = {delta:0.1f})$'
+            ax[i,j].set_title(f'<{modes[j]}> matching: {title}', fontsize=9)
-            ax[i,j].hist(b, bins, label=f'exact log-N: $m = {b0:0.2f}, \\sqrt{{v}} = {delta:0.2f}$', histtype='step')
-            ax[i,j].hist(c, bins, label=f'approx power: $s = {delta:0.2f}$', histtype='step')
+            # ---------------
-            ax[i,j].legend(fontsize=9, loc='lower right')
-            ax[i,j].set_xlim([0, b0*3])
-            ax[i,j].set_xlabel('$x$')
+            bins = np.linspace(0, 5*np.median(X), 200)
+            ax[i,j].hist(X, bins, label=f'E: {X_label}', histtype='step', density=True)
+            ax[i,j].hist(Y, bins, label=f'A: {Y_label}', histtype='step', density=True)
+            ax[i,j].legend(fontsize=4, loc='lower right')
+            ax[i,j].set_xlim([0, m0*2.5])
+            ax[i,j].set_ylim([0, None])
+            if i == len(delta_val) - 1:
+                ax[i,j].set_xlabel('$x$')
-    plt.savefig('sampling.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
+    figname = 'sampling.pdf'
+    print(f'Saving figure: {figname}')
+    plt.savefig(figname, bbox_inches='tight')
+    plt.close()
 def test_accuracy():
     Test accuracy made in the power-exp approximation with median = 1
-    def func_s(v, order=1):
-        A = np.sqrt(v)
+    def expanded_s(v, m, order=1):
+        if order >= 1:
+            A = np.sqrt(v)/m
         if order >= 2:
-            A += v/2
+            A +=  (1/2)*(v/m**2)
         if order >= 3:
-            A += -7*v**(3/2)/12
+            A += -(7/12)*(v**(3/2)/m**3)
         if order >= 4:
-            A += -17*v**2/24
+            A += -(17/24)*(v**2/m**4)
         if order >= 5:
-            A += 163*v**(5/2)/160
+            A +=  (163/160)*(v**(5/2)/m**5)
         if order >= 6:
-            A += 1111*v**3/720
+            A +=  (1111/720)*(v**3/m**6)
         if order >= 7:
-            A += -96487*v**(7/2)/40320
-        return A / (np.exp(np.sqrt(np.log(1/2 * (1 + np.sqrt(1 + 4*v))))) - 1)
+            A += -(96487/40320)*(v**(7/2)/m**7)
-    v = np.linspace(1e-9, 1.5**2, 10000)
+        return A
+    def exact_s(v, m):
+        return np.exp(np.sqrt(np.log(1/2 * (np.sqrt(4*v/m**2 + 1) + 1)))) - 1
+    # Fixed m value
+    m       = 1.5
+    v       = np.linspace(1e-9, m*4, 10000)
     fig, ax = plt.subplots()
-    plt.plot(np.sqrt(v), np.ones(len(v)), color=(0.5,0.5,0.5), ls='--')
+    plt.plot(np.sqrt(v) / m, np.ones(len(v)), color=(0.5,0.5,0.5), ls='--')
     for i in range(1,7+1):
         if i % 2:
-            txt = f'$O(v^{{{i:.0f}/2}})$'
+            txt = f'$O(v^{{{i:.0f}/2}} / m^{{{i:.0f}}})$'
-            txt = f'$O(v^{{{i/2:.0f}}})$'
-        plt.plot(np.sqrt(v), func_s(v=v, order=i), label=f'{txt}')
+            txt = f'$O(v^{{{i/2:.0f}}} / m^{{{i:.0f}}})$'
+        plt.plot(np.sqrt(v) / m, expanded_s(v=v, m=m, order=i) / exact_s(v=v, m=m), label=f'{txt}')
-    plt.ylabel('[Expansion of $s$ $|_{near \\;\\; v=0}$] / Exact $s$')
-    plt.xlabel('$\\sqrt{v}$')
+    plt.ylabel('[Expansion of $s$ $|_{near \\;\\; \\sqrt{v}/m=0}$] / Exact $s$')
+    plt.xlabel('$\\sqrt{v} / m$')
     plt.xlim([0, 1.5])
     plt.ylim([0.8, 1.5])
-    plt.savefig('series_approx.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
+    figname = 'series_approx.pdf'
+    print(f'Saving figure: {figname}')
+    plt.savefig(figname, bbox_inches='tight')
+    plt.close()
+def main():
+    test_accuracy()
+    test_lognormal()
\ No newline at end of file
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()
diff --git a/iceplot/ b/iceplot/
index e0a7e38d..c670e1cc 100644
--- a/iceplot/
+++ b/iceplot/
@@ -85,6 +85,10 @@ def __init__(self, counts = 0, errs = 0, bins = 0, cbins = 0, binscale=1.0):
             self.is_empty = False
+    # Compute histogram integral (piece-wise differential sum)
+    def integral(self):
+        return np.sum(self.binscale * self.counts * binwidth(self.bins))
     # + operator
     def __add__(self, other):
@@ -100,7 +104,7 @@ def __add__(self, other):
         counts = self.counts + other.counts
         errs   = np.sqrt(self.errs**2   + other.errs**2)
-        return hobj(counts, errs, bins, cbins, binscale)
+        return hobj(counts, errs, self.bins, self.cbins, binscale)
     # += operator
     def __iadd__(self, other):
@@ -503,7 +507,7 @@ def histmc(mcdata, all_obs, density=False, scale=None, color=(0,0,1), label='non
         # Compute differential cross section within histogram range
         # Note that division by sum(weights) handles the histogram range integral (overflow) properly
         binscale = mcdata['xsection_pb'] / binwidth(bins) / np.sum(mcdata['weights']) 
         # Additional scale factor
         if scale is not None:
             binscale *= scale
@@ -516,6 +520,8 @@ def histmc(mcdata, all_obs, density=False, scale=None, color=(0,0,1), label='non
         obj[OBS] = {'hdata': hobj(counts, errs, bins, cbins, binscale),
                     'hfunc' : 'hist', 'color': color, 'label': label, 'style' : style}
+        print(f'histmc: integral = {obj[OBS]["hdata"].integral():0.2E} ({OBS})')
     return obj
@@ -525,13 +531,11 @@ def histhepdata(hepdata, all_obs, scale=None, density=False, MC_XS_SCALE=1E12, l
     obj = {}
     for OBS in all_obs.keys():
-        # Over all DATA files (now fixed to one)
-        data_obj = []
         y        = hepdata[OBS]['y']    
         yerr     = hepdata[OBS]['y_err']
         bins     = hepdata[OBS]['bins']
+        binwidth = hepdata[OBS]['binwidth']
         cbins    = hepdata[OBS]['x']
         binscale = hepdata[OBS]['scale'] * MC_XS_SCALE
@@ -542,14 +546,15 @@ def histhepdata(hepdata, all_obs, scale=None, density=False, MC_XS_SCALE=1E12, l
         # Density integral 1 over the histogram bins
         if density:
-             # note .mean(), each element is already differentially normalized
-            norm  = hepdata[OBS]['binwidth'].mean() * y.sum()
+            norm  = (y * binwidth).sum()
             y    /= norm
             yerr /= norm
             binscale = 1.0
         obj[OBS] = {'hdata': hobj(y, yerr, bins, cbins, binscale),
                     'hfunc' : 'hist', 'color': (0,0,0), 'label': label, 'style' : style}
+        print(f'histhepdata: integral = {obj[OBS]["hdata"].integral():0.2E} ({OBS})')
     return obj