BibTex Code Here
+ @article {Queen2024.12.10.627665,
+ author = {Queen, Owen and Huang, Yepeng and Calef, Robert and Giunchiglia, Valentina and Chen, Tianlong and Dasoulas, George and Tai, LeAnn and Ektefaie, Yasha and Noori, Ayush and Brown, Joseph and Cobley, Tom and Hrovatin, Karin and Hartvigsen, Tom and Theis, Fabian and Pentelute, Bradley L. and Khurana, Vikram and Kellis, Manolis and Zitnik, Marinka},
+ title = {ProCyon: A multimodal foundation model for protein phenotypes},
+ elocation-id = {2024.12.10.627665},
+ year = {2024},
+ doi = {10.1101/2024.12.10.627665},
+ URL = {},
+ eprint = {},
+ journal = {bioRxiv}
+ }