diff --git a/manifests/s/stacklok/minder/0.0.75/stacklok.minder.locale.en-US.yaml b/manifests/s/stacklok/minder/0.0.75/stacklok.minder.locale.en-US.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..0ba61a150094 --- /dev/null +++ b/manifests/s/stacklok/minder/0.0.75/stacklok.minder.locale.en-US.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +# This file was generated by GoReleaser. DO NOT EDIT. +# yaml-language-server: $schema=https://aka.ms/winget-manifest.defaultLocale.1.6.0.schema.json +PackageIdentifier: stacklok.minder +PackageVersion: 0.0.75 +PackageLocale: en-US +Publisher: stacklok +PublisherSupportUrl: https://github.com/mindersec/minder/issues/new/choose +PackageName: minder +PackageUrl: https://stacklok.com +License: Apache-2.0 +LicenseUrl: https://github.com/mindersec/minder/blob/main/LICENSE +Copyright: Stacklok, Inc. +ShortDescription: minder is the client CLI for interacting with Minder by Stacklok. +Moniker: minder +Tags: + - golang + - cli +ReleaseNotes: | + ## Changelog + * 5f4407f7af57ccb72ed91b16507ab722b6e1c5ee: Add Minder resource parsing using protojson and use it for data sources (#4981) (@JAORMX) + * 0c315ea2b1193e6e4dc798119902cc7350a0e524: Add data sources to ruletype API (#5019) (@JAORMX) + * 3ae9f53f5082ff2de7a4ca7d36ea8455a7dfcf2f: Add datasources CLI stubs (#5020) (@teodor-yanev) + * 6bd6f55f09cb19254dae19e17d71ad802ace63b4: Add entitlements assignment at the time of project creation (#4963) (@teodor-yanev) + * 64aec6a0996f49a3e27d53814c47d8a687d6ed72: Add migration for data sources. (#5008) (@blkt) + * c6efd48497d33ea63e5f4b8cafdab5713b3d31e0: Add more queries for managing bundles and subscriptions (#5028) (@rdimitrov) + * ea52b4b617be36f9357a6aa457243cf42bdfeb6d: Add support for labels to `minder history list`. (#4961) (@blkt) + * 088cba81637c82f8e52bd4c40df67d4fbdd4299e: Auto-generated DB schema update - 2024-11-21 13:21:56 (#5021) (@github-actions[bot]) + * 11a3d5c72d2a650a52264551827f4cf4323f10d0: Auto-generated cli documentation update - 2024-11-22 15:49:21 (#5027) (@github-actions[bot]) + * 657bf015e97b53d58cb057bc87420b31c4fbeeb7: Decouple Trusty engine from Trusty SDK structs. (#5011) (@blkt) + * c8469dde13c5e470005702f48b739f73ca5d31a0: Expect `GetContext` for context v2 resources (#5025) (@JAORMX) + * 8590a3048f0eec8d2ac4c986ee85e7f6d2b56b3b: Fix the unit tests validating for required rule type fields (#4998) (@rdimitrov) + * 3cc4ae8caa711a8f087332cfdeae399ebbc16c47: Implement REST datasource driver (#5009) (@JAORMX) + * 77b19918e119f973550cbe4500ac57982a3877f1: Implement data source interfaces & registration in rego engine (#4997) (@JAORMX) + * d41e3aa4e564a13fe861a6e055567b64bba8382c: Remove leftover printf (#5007) (@JAORMX) + * 15a256549f3e13d856cdac305f77ac7daddc22d6: Remove unused RetrieveProperty function (#5014) (@navnitms) + * 2f26b0e099295eec5ae4baa26dc0a6b64f092b85: Surface ruletype validation errors to user (#4989) (@eleftherias) + * 3a80b9b5846df8ae212fd3d7a1965c5cc695b871: Use correct structure to validate data sources input (#5010) (@JAORMX) + * 39380da260fc7e819400403b4224d2fa24f7d069: Validate rule type alert during creation/update (#4991) (@eleftherias) + * c88ec8cd32c707e3300658fcf3404ba5ecd3c5bd: Validate ruletype remediation during creation/update (#5003) (@eleftherias) + * be229259a83ef56913a78f8f95f7f1d5cb67e186: build(deps): bump anchore/sbom-action from 0.17.7 to 0.17.8 (#5023) (@dependabot[bot]) + * 0179d5c5b28efef9eb50bf524d6eb4ae03fd7996: build(deps): bump aquasecurity/trivy-action from 0.28.0 to 0.29.0 (#5005) (@dependabot[bot]) + * 40ba6c91542ceaa1687b7fc0a443813dde586d1a: build(deps): bump cross-spawn from 7.0.3 to 7.0.5 in /docs (#4987) (@dependabot[bot]) + * 2a9f72edc4b462e59f4885bf4703ee0ef72fd6ab: build(deps): bump github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2 from 1.32.4 to 1.32.5 (#4992) (@dependabot[bot]) + * 7f13a58c0e3ad012d4a97955796295fa2e778971: build(deps): bump github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/config from 1.28.4 to 1.28.5 (#4994) (@dependabot[bot]) + * c31b50d975862574b23108c6364f05798ee68c64: build(deps): bump github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/sesv2 from 1.38.2 to 1.38.3 (#4995) (@dependabot[bot]) + * 44958cad062dbcefc2bf3733173a9200957b56bf: build(deps): bump github.com/bufbuild/protovalidate-go from 0.7.2 to 0.7.3 (#4996) (@dependabot[bot]) + * 26f4beabefdbfd61256d034d9a6aa6caad3b63ec: build(deps): bump github.com/charmbracelet/bubbletea from 1.2.2 to 1.2.3 (#5006) (@dependabot[bot]) + * c32d7c611e7c43cf196ed0d81246c936ed40679a: build(deps): bump github.com/go-playground/validator/v10 from 10.22.1 to 10.23.0 (#4985) (@dependabot[bot]) + * bf7b27ee87ecf092e7cdcf87c9e787e0bf52e474: build(deps): bump github.com/mikefarah/yq/v4 from 4.44.3 to 4.44.5 (#4984) (@dependabot[bot]) + * eb0cbed7d93459ff765e39a83072b2144ce784ac: build(deps): bump github.com/mikefarah/yq/v4 from 4.44.3 to 4.44.5 in /tools (#4983) (@dependabot[bot]) + * da599d1baff76c46b521e193c1c5a2d73f00df60: build(deps): bump github.com/styrainc/regal from 0.29.1 to 0.29.2 (#4986) (@dependabot[bot]) + * 88695dccbadb94aa3712bc88309988758dbf4687: build(deps): bump github.com/xanzy/go-gitlab from 0.113.0 to 0.114.0 (#4993) (@dependabot[bot]) + * a81830b52e2b12ff13a0e87ec1a87ce80e2d993e: build(deps): bump github/codeql-action from 3.27.4 to 3.27.5 (#5016) (@dependabot[bot]) + * 9c6259b88ce4666f9ddba25d2ff74c3947b03a76: build(deps): bump k8s.io/client-go from 0.31.2 to 0.31.3 (#5018) (@dependabot[bot]) + * 1fa93ef94dd9fb0214145949c3631d4d5b1e3bcf: build(deps): bump the docusaurus group in /docs with 4 updates (#5004) (@dependabot[bot]) + * 2967d1e8b7e7fb3fb90f0e489c4ca36efc0bcaea: compose: Override settings so we don't need to change config (#4990) (@JAORMX) +ManifestType: defaultLocale +ManifestVersion: 1.6.0