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Clojars Project


remote-test-refresh is a leiningen plugin which uses SSH to synchronize code changes between local and remote machine automatically. When running, remote-test-refresh will scan code resources in the local project for changes. When detecting change, remote-test-refresh will transfer it per ssh and apply it to the remote repository.

In summary, remote-test-refresh offer possibilities:

  • to synchronize code change between local and remote repository over ssh.
  • to run command (.i.e start application, run tests) in the project on the remote machine and stream its output to local machine.
  • to forward port between remote and local machine. It's useful to test application interactively.

This picture illustrates how remote-test-refresh leverages the SSH for synchronization:

     |----Local Machine----|        remote-test-refresh        |----Remote Machine---|  
     |                     |     <----------SSH---------->     |                     | 
     | +--parent-folder    |      + transfer code change       | +--parent-folder    | 
     |    +-- project-1    |      + port forwarding            |   +-- project-1     | 
     |    +-- project-2    |      + run command remotely       |   +-- project-2     | 
     |---------------------|                                   |---------------------|  

To configure remote-test-refresh, you can define :remote-test in your .lein/profiles.clj or in project.clj of the local project repository:

:remote-test {:user              "your-ssh-user"                  ;required for ssh connection
	      :host              "host-name-or-ip"                ;required for ssh connection
	      :with-system-agent true                             ;required for ssh connection 
	      :remote-path       "parent/folder/path/on/remote"   ;required for sync code change
	      :forwarding-port   9001                             ;optional for port forwarding
	      :command           "lein run"                       ;optional for running cmd
	      :notify-command    ["terminal-notifier" "-title"] } ;optional for notification

remote-path specifies the absolute path to the parent folder on remote machine. remote-test-refresh must know it, in order to apply code change to the remote repository correctly.

if :remote-test can not be found in the project.clj/profiles, remote-test-refresh will ask you all those parameters at the runtime.

If :with-system-agent is set to false, remote-test-refresh will use a separated ssh agent to connect to remote machine. In this case, remote-test-refresh will ask you for ssh authentication at the runtime.


To start remote-test-refresh :

$ lein remote-test-refresh
* Remote-Test-Refresh version: 0.1.8

* ==> Which command do you want to run on the repository of remote machine (optional): lein run  
* ==> Enter a port > 1023 if you need a port to be forwarded (optional): 8080

* Starting with the parameters: {:repo "repo", :user "user", :auth {:with-system-agent false, :password ***}, :host, :remote-path /folder/path/}
* Starting session with the parameters: {:username "user", :strict-host-key-checking :no, :password ***, :use-system-ssh-agent false}

* Change has been transferred successfully
  Application starting ...


By defining :notify-command you will be notified every time code change has been transferred successfully to remote machine. Currently it's tested for Mac OSX and Ubuntu.

On Mac:

 # install terminal-notifier
 $ brew install terminal-notifier
:remote-test {:user "user"
              :notify-command  ["terminal-notifier" "-title" "Tests" "-message"]}

On Ubuntu:

 # install notify
 $ sudo apt-get install libnotify-bin
:remote-test {:user "user"
              :notify-command  ["notify-send" "Tests"]}


If you have this problem under ubuntu when using system agent option:

 java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Unable to load library 'c': /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ invalid ELF header

A solution could be:

$ cd /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
$ sudo ln -s


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