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Control Correlation Identifier (CCI) Converter

Joyce Quach edited this page Oct 28, 2024 · 8 revisions

The Control Correlation Identifier (CCI) provided by the DoD Cyber Exchange is in many file types, such as XSL, HTML, and XML. Heimdall2 utilizes JSON-formatted files when converting different formats to Heimdall Data Format (HDF). Our CCI List to JSON converter only processes the provided U_CCI_List.xml file and produces two JSON files, the first being a list of CCI to NIST identifiers and the second being a list of CCI to definitions. So, the U_CCI_List.xml file needs to be converted from XML to JSON. The converter will only convert CCIs who have references to NIST controls.

To accomplish this process, follow the instructions listed below.

The process to convert the U_CCI_List.xml file from XML to JSON is as follows:

  • Get the most recent version of the U_CCI_List file
  • and run: yarn workspace @mitre/hdf-converters cciListXml2json <Path/To/U_CCI_List.xml> <Path/To/U_CCI_List.nist.json> <Path/To/U_CCI_List.defs.json>
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