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LucyLMM edited this page Jan 5, 2022 · 6 revisions

LiGround - Wiki

Components Overview:

All Components:

  1. AnalysisEvalRow
  2. Analysishead
  3. AnalysisView
  4. BoardStyleSelector
  5. ChessGround
  6. ChessPocket
  7. DarkModeSwitch
  8. EngineConsole
  9. EngineModal
  10. EngineSelect
  11. EngineStats
  12. EvalBar
  13. EvalPlot
  14. EvalPlotButton
  15. GameBoards
  16. GameInfo
  17. JumpButtons
  18. LandingPage
  19. MenuBar
  20. Mode960
  21. MoveHistoryNode
  22. PgnBrowser
  23. PieceStyleSelector
  24. PlayerInfo
  25. PromotionalModal
  26. PVLines
  27. RoundedSwitch
  28. SettingsTab

The classes: (6) ChessPocket, (7) DarkModeSwitch, (9) Engine Modal, (25) Promotional Modal, (27) RoundedSwitch and (28) SettingsTab are not displayed in the graphic below. They are visualized in their own graphics.

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