Serial Secret Box is a simple application that sends a passcode on Serial port and expect it to be resend in order to change state (educationnal purpose).
Currently this application is set to communicate on COM2 at 9600 bauds/s.
The application also requires following librairies installed :
- PyQt5
- PySerial
Additionnaly you'll need softwares to communicate through serial port :
- Virtual Serial Port Emulator (VSPE) :
- Some Serial Port sniffer like freeserialanalyzer (not tested myself) with ability to connect to a port and receive/send message on that port.
Testing procedure :
- Open VSPE, create a new pair and defines port numbers (ex COM1 >> COM2)
- Open your sniffer and connect it to COM1
- Start SerialSecretBox, clicks on start and interract through serial port in order to make it change state. From level 1 or 2 you'll need an interracting application.