diff --git a/pymead/gui/gui.py b/pymead/gui/gui.py
index c24c251c..fca7f0a8 100644
--- a/pymead/gui/gui.py
+++ b/pymead/gui/gui.py
@@ -1290,10 +1290,111 @@ def multi_airfoil_analysis_accepted(self):
def multi_airfoil_analysis_rejected(self):
self.multi_airfoil_analysis_settings = self.dialog.valuesFromWidgets()
+ def display_mses_result(self, aero_data: dict, mset_settings: dict, mses_settings: dict):
+ def display_fail():
+ # Throw a GUI error
+ self.disp_message_box("MSES Analysis Failed", message_mode='error')
+ # Output failed MSES analysis info to console
+ self.output_area_text(
+ f"[{str(self.n_analyses).zfill(2)}] "
+ f"MSES Converged = {aero_data['converged']} | "
+ f"Errored out = {aero_data['errored_out']} | "
+ f"Timed out = {aero_data['timed_out']}",
+ line_break=True
+ )
+ def display_success():
+ # Calculate L/D if necessary
+ if "L/D" not in aero_data.keys():
+ aero_data["L/D"] = np.true_divide(aero_data["Cl"], aero_data["Cd"])
+ # Compute the output analysis directory
+ analysis_dir_full_path = os.path.abspath(
+ os.path.join(mset_settings['airfoil_analysis_dir'], mset_settings['airfoil_coord_file_name'], '')
+ )
+ # Output successful MSES analysis data to console
+ self.output_area_text(f"[{str(self.n_analyses).zfill(2)}] ") # Number of analyses
+ self.output_area_text(f"MSES", mode="html") # Folder link
+ self.output_area_text(
+ f" ({mset_settings['mea']}, "
+ f"\u03b1 = {aero_data['alf']:.3f}\u00b0, "
+ f"Re = {mses_settings['REYNIN']:.3E}, " # Reynolds number
+ f"Ma = {mses_settings['MACHIN']:.3f}): " # Mach number
+ f"Cl = {aero_data['Cl']:+7.4f} | " # Lift coefficient
+ f"Cd = {aero_data['Cd']:+.5f} | " # Drag coefficient
+ f"Cm = {aero_data['Cm']:+7.4f} | " # Pitching moment coefficient
+ f"L/D = {aero_data['L/D']:+8.4f}".replace("-", "\u2212"), # Lift-to-drag ratio
+ # Note that the hyphens are replaced with the unicode subtraction char because the hyphen does not
+ # obey the fixed-width rule
+ line_break=True
+ )
+ if not aero_data['converged'] or aero_data['errored_out'] or aero_data['timed_out']:
+ display_fail()
+ else:
+ display_success()
+ def display_svgs(self, mset_settings: dict, mplot_settings: dict):
+ def display_svg():
+ f_name = os.path.join(mset_settings['airfoil_analysis_dir'],
+ mset_settings['airfoil_coord_file_name'],
+ f"{svg_plot}.svg")
+ if not os.path.exists(f_name):
+ self.disp_message_box(f"SVG file {f_name} was not found")
+ return
+ image = QSvgWidget(f_name)
+ graphics_scene = QGraphicsScene()
+ graphics_scene.addWidget(image)
+ view = CustomGraphicsView(graphics_scene, parent=self)
+ view.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing)
+ Mach_contour_widget = QWidget(self)
+ widget_layout = QGridLayout()
+ Mach_contour_widget.setLayout(widget_layout)
+ widget_layout.addWidget(view, 0, 0, 4, 4)
+ start_counter = 1
+ max_tab_name_search = 1000
+ for idx in range(max_tab_name_search):
+ name = f"{svg_plot}_{start_counter}"
+ if name in self.dock_widget_names:
+ start_counter += 1
+ else:
+ self.add_new_tab_widget(Mach_contour_widget, name)
+ break
+ for svg_plot in SVG_PLOTS:
+ if mplot_settings[SVG_SETTINGS_TR[svg_plot]]:
+ display_svg()
+ def plot_mses_pressure_coefficient_distribution(self, aero_data: dict, mea: MEA):
+ if self.analysis_graph is None:
+ # Need to set analysis_graph to None if analysis window is closed
+ self.analysis_graph = AnalysisGraph(
+ background_color=self.themes[self.current_theme]["graph-background-color"])
+ self.add_new_tab_widget(self.analysis_graph.w, "Analysis")
+ # Get the index of the pen to determine which style to use
+ pen_idx = self.n_converged_analyses % len(self.pens)
+ # Get the maximum physical extent of the airfoil system in the x-direction (used to prevent showing
+ # off-body pressure recovery)
+ x_max = mea.get_max_x_extent()
+ # Plot the Cp distribution for each airfoil side
+ for side in aero_data["BL"]:
+ pg_plot_handle = self.analysis_graph.v.plot(
+ pen=pg.mkPen(color=self.pens[pen_idx][0], style=self.pens[pen_idx][1]), name=str(self.n_analyses)
+ )
+ x = side["x"] if isinstance(side["x"], np.ndarray) else np.array(side["x"])
+ Cp = side["Cp"] if isinstance(side["Cp"], np.ndarray) else np.array(side["Cp"])
+ pg_plot_handle.setData(x[np.where(x <= x_max)[0]], Cp[np.where(x <= x_max)[0]])
def multi_airfoil_analysis(self, mset_settings: dict, mses_settings: dict,
mplot_settings: dict):
- # print(f"{mplot_settings = }")
- # mea = self.mea.deepcopy() if mset_settings["use_downsampling"] else self.mea
mea = self.geo_col.container()["mea"][mset_settings["mea"]]
@@ -1310,83 +1411,19 @@ def multi_airfoil_analysis(self, mset_settings: dict, mses_settings: dict,
self.disp_message_box(str(os_error), message_mode="error")
- if not aero_data['converged'] or aero_data['errored_out'] or aero_data['timed_out']:
- # Throw a GUI error
- self.disp_message_box("MSES Analysis Failed", message_mode='error')
- # Output failed MSES analysis info to console
- self.output_area_text(
- f"[{str(self.n_analyses).zfill(2)}] MSES Converged = {aero_data['converged']} | Errored out = "
- f"{aero_data['errored_out']} | Timed out = {aero_data['timed_out']}", line_break=True)
- else:
- # Calculate L/D if necessary
- if "L/D" not in aero_data.keys():
- aero_data["L/D"] = np.true_divide(aero_data["Cl"], aero_data["Cd"])
- # Output successful MSES analysis data to console
- self.output_area_text(
- f"[{str(self.n_analyses).zfill(2)}] ")
- self.output_area_text(f"MSES", mode="html")
- self.output_area_text(f" ({mset_settings['mea']}, \u03b1 = {aero_data['alf']:.3f}\u00b0, Re = {mses_settings['REYNIN']:.3E}, "
- f"Ma = {mses_settings['MACHIN']:.3f}): "
- f"Cl = {aero_data['Cl']:+7.4f} | Cd = {aero_data['Cd']:+.5f} | "
- f"Cm = {aero_data['Cm']:+7.4f} | L/D = {aero_data['L/D']:+8.4f}".replace("-", "\u2212"), line_break=True)
+ self.display_mses_result(aero_data, mset_settings, mses_settings)
if aero_data['converged'] and not aero_data['errored_out'] and not aero_data['timed_out']:
+ self.plot_mses_pressure_coefficient_distribution(aero_data, mea)
+ self.display_svgs(mset_settings, mplot_settings)
+ # Update the last successful analysis directory (for easy access in field plotting)
self.last_analysis_dir = os.path.join(mset_settings["airfoil_analysis_dir"],
- if self.analysis_graph is None:
- # Need to set analysis_graph to None if analysis window is closed! Might also not want to allow
- # geometry docking window to be closed
- self.analysis_graph = AnalysisGraph(background_color=self.themes[self.current_theme]["graph-background-color"])
- self.add_new_tab_widget(self.analysis_graph.w, "Analysis")
- pen_idx = self.n_converged_analyses % len(self.pens)
- x_max = mea.get_max_x_extent()
- for side in aero_data['BL']:
- pg_plot_handle = self.analysis_graph.v.plot(pen=pg.mkPen(color=self.pens[pen_idx][0],
- style=self.pens[pen_idx][1]),
- name=str(self.n_analyses))
- x = side["x"]
- Cp = side["Cp"]
- if not isinstance(x, np.ndarray):
- x = np.array(x)
- if not isinstance(Cp, np.ndarray):
- Cp = np.array(Cp)
- pg_plot_handle.setData(x[np.where(x <= x_max)[0]], Cp[np.where(x <= x_max)[0]])
- # pg_plot_handle.setData(x, Cp)
- # pg_plot_handle = self.analysis_graph.v.plot(pen=pg.mkPen(color=self.pens[pen_idx][0],
- # style=self.pens[pen_idx][1]),
- # name=str(self.n_analyses))
- # pg_plot_handle.setData(aero_data['BL'][0]['x'], aero_data['BL'][0]['Cp'])
- # pen = pg.mkPen(color='green')
+ # Increment the number of converged analyses and the total number of analyses
self.n_converged_analyses += 1
self.n_analyses += 1
- for svg_plot in SVG_PLOTS:
- if mplot_settings[SVG_SETTINGS_TR[svg_plot]]:
- f_name = os.path.join(mset_settings['airfoil_analysis_dir'],
- mset_settings['airfoil_coord_file_name'],
- f"{svg_plot}.svg")
- if os.path.exists(f_name):
- image = QSvgWidget(f_name)
- graphics_scene = QGraphicsScene()
- graphics_scene.addWidget(image)
- view = CustomGraphicsView(graphics_scene, parent=self)
- view.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing)
- Mach_contour_widget = QWidget(self)
- widget_layout = QGridLayout()
- Mach_contour_widget.setLayout(widget_layout)
- widget_layout.addWidget(view, 0, 0, 4, 4)
- # new_image = QSvgWidget(os.path.join(RESOURCE_DIR, 'sec_34.svg'))
- # temp_widget.setWidget(new_image)
- start_counter = 1
- max_tab_name_search = 1000
- for idx in range(max_tab_name_search):
- name = f"{svg_plot}_{start_counter}"
- if name in self.dock_widget_names:
- start_counter += 1
- else:
- self.add_new_tab_widget(Mach_contour_widget, name)
- break
self.n_analyses += 1