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Tabular Q-Learning

Requirements: [[Value Functions]]



If you've read the requirements, you understand how MDPs can represent a very general class of tasks; namely, any task where an agent interacts with an environment. You also understand how the [[Value Functions | Q Function]] $Q(s, a)$ encodes the expected return when taking an action $a$ in a state $s$. We are now ready to formulate our first solution to MDPs with discrete state and action spaces!


Given an MDP $(\sc S, \sc A, \mathcal{T}, r)$, let's simply memorize the value of $Q(s, a)$ for each state $s$ and action $a$ we see. When our algorithm is running, it will take the action $a$ which maximizes our recoded $Q(s, a)$, or a random action if we have not recorded $Q(s, a)$ for any $a$.

Formally, we'll put them in a table indexed by $s$ and $a$ and containing estimates of our $Q$-values. Hence, this method is called Tabular Q-Learning. Let $\hat{Q}(s, a)$ be the estimate corresponding to state-action pair $(s, a)$. When the algorithm is queried at a state $s$, we will find the set $A(s)$ of actions $a$ for which $\hat{Q}(s, a)$ already exists: $$A(s) = {a\in\sc A \mid \hat Q(s, a) \text{ is recorded}}$$ If $A(s)$ is empty, we take a random action. Otherwise, we take the action $$a^*(s) = \mathop{\text{argmax}}_{a \in A(s)}; \hat{Q}(s, a)$$

In order to update the $\hat Q$ table as we see new transitions, suppose we experience a transition $(s, a, s')$ $$n(s, a) \leftarrow n(s, a) + 1$$ $$\hat{Q}(s, a) \leftarrow \frac{1}{n(s, a)}\bigg((n(s, a) - 1)\hat{Q}(s, a) + r(s, a) + \gamma\max_{a'\in A(s')}\hat{Q}(s', a')\bigg)$$ These updates may be described as continual averaging: they are designed such that $\hat{Q}(s, a)$ is the average (over $s'$) of the target value $r(s, a) + \gamma\max_{a'\in A(s')} \hat{Q}(s', a')$. The more we take an action $a$ in a state $s$, the more samples $s'$ we are averaging over, and the lower the variance of our estimate of $Q(s, a)$.

Use Cases

TQL can be used to solve MDPs with

  • Discrete and Finite State Spaces
  • Discrete and Finite Action Spaces


Let $\hat Q$ be a table with entries $\hat Q(s, a)$ for each $s\in S$ and $a\in A$. Let $n(s, a)$ be a counter representing the number of times we have taken action $a$ in state $s$.

Suppose we are in a state $s$, we take an action $a$, and we land in state $s'$. If $\hat{Q}(s, a)$ has no entry, let $$\hat{Q}(s, a) = r(s, a) + \gamma\max_{a'\in A(s')} \hat{Q}(s', a')$$ $$n(s, a) = 1$$ Otherwise, update $Q(s, a)$ and $n(s, a)$ as

$$n(s, a) \leftarrow n(s, a) + 1$$ $$\hat{Q}(s, a) \leftarrow \frac{1}{n(s, a)}\bigg((n(s, a) - 1)\hat{Q}(s, a) + r(s, a) + \gamma\max_{a'\in A(s')}\hat{Q}(s', a')\bigg)$$ These updates may be described as continual averaging: they are designed such that $\hat{Q}(s, a)$ is the average (over $s'$) of the target value $r(s, a) + \gamma\max_{a'\in A(s')} \hat{Q}(s', a')$. Storing the count $n(s, a)$ allows us to simply store the running average rather than keeping track of every target $Q$ value we see to calculate this average. The more we take an action $a$ in a state $s$, the more samples $s'$ we are averaging over, and the lower the variance of our estimate of $Q(s, a)$.


Theorem: Our algorithm converges if the MDP is finite and acyclic.

Proof: First note that if we run TQL long enough, $A(s')$ will become the entire action space $\sc A$, meaning we have visited $(s', a')$ for each $(s', a') \in \sc S\times \sc A$. This will come in handy later.

We prove that TQL converges by induction on state-action pairs. We know TQL automatically converges on terminal states because we always visit these states (see the paragraph above), and convergence on these states takes only 1 visit. Suppose we also know that whenever TQL converges on all state-action pairs reachable from $(s, a)$, it also eventually converges on $(s, a)$. Then, because the MDP is finite and acylic, we can inductively establish that TQL converges on the entire MDP.

We now prove that TQL converges on some fixed $(s, a)$ using the assumption that it converges on all state-action pairs reachable from $(s, a)$.

Let $n = n(s, a)$, so we've visited this state-action pair $n$ times. Let $s'1, s'2, ..., s'n$ be the states we landed on each time, and let $\hat{Q}k(\cdot, \cdot)$ be the estimate in the table just after visiting $(s, a)$ and landing on $s'k$. (By extension, $\hat{Q}0(\cdot, \cdot)$ is the estimate before we ever visit $(s, a)$.) Then we can unroll our updates as follows: $$\begin{align*}\hat{Q}(s, a) &= \hat{Q}n(s, a)\&=\frac{1}{n}\bigg((n - 1)\hat{Q}{n-1}(s, a) + r(s, a) + \gamma\max{a'\in A(s'n)}\hat{Q}{n-1}(s'n, a')\bigg)\&=\hat{Q}n(s, a)\&=\frac{1}{n}\bigg[(n - 1)\frac{1}{n-1}\bigg((n - 2)\hat Q{n-2}(s, a) + r(s, a) + \gamma\max{a'\in A(s'{n-1})}\hat{Q}{n-2}(s'{n-1}, a')\bigg) + r(s, a) + \gamma\max{a'\in A(s'n)}\hat{Q}{n-1}(s'n, a')\bigg]\&= \frac{1}{n}\bigg((n - 2)\hat{Q}{n - 2}(s, a) + 2r(s, a) + \gamma\max{a'\in A(s'{n-1})}\hat{Q}{n-2}(s'{n-1}, a')+ \gamma\max{a'\in A(s'{n})}\hat{Q}{n-1}(s'{n}, a')\bigg)\&\vdots\&= \frac{1}{n}\Bigg[nr(s, a) + \sum{k=1}^n\gamma\max_{a'\in A(s'k)}\hat{Q}{k-1}(s'k, a')\Bigg]\&=r(s, a) + \gamma\Bigg[\frac{1}{n}\sum{k=1}^n\max_{a'\in A(s'k)}\hat{Q}{k-1}(s'_k, a)\Bigg]\end{align*}$$ But recall we have $A(s'k) = \sc A$, and since TQL has converged on all state-action pairs reachable from $(s, a)$, we have $\hat{Q}{k-1}(s'k, a') = \hat{Q}(s'k, a')$. Putting these together, we have shown $$\hat{Q}(s, a) = r(s, a) + \frac{1}{n}\sum{k=1}^n\max{a'\in \sc A}\hat{Q}(s'_k, a')$$ which is clearly an unbiased Monte-Carlo estimate of the Bellman expression when $s'1, ..., s'n \sim \mathcal{T}(s'\mid s, a)$: $$\hat{Q}(s, a) = r(s, a) + \mathop{\mathbb{E}}{s'\sim \mathcal{T}(s'\mid s, a)}\bigg[\max{a'\in A}\hat{Q}(s', a')\bigg]$$