diff --git a/borsar/stats.py b/borsar/stats.py
index 03e0d5a..e705dc7 100644
--- a/borsar/stats.py
+++ b/borsar/stats.py
@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@
 # - [x] return residuals
 # - [ ] consider returning  a dictionary of additional info if required
 #       (for example coefficients and SE)
-def compute_regression_t(data, preds, return_p=False, return_residuals=False):
+def compute_regression_t(data, preds, return_p=False, return_residuals=False,
+                         return_all=False):
     '''Compute regression t values for whole multidimensional data space.
@@ -19,6 +20,16 @@ def compute_regression_t(data, preds, return_p=False, return_residuals=False):
         If ``True`` - also return p values. Defaults to ``False``.
     return_residuals : bool
         If ``True`` - also return regression residuals. Defaults to ``False``.
+    return_all : bool
+        If ``True`` - return all outputs as a dictionary. Defaults to
+        ``False``. The outputs include:
+        * ``'coefs'`` - regression coefficients
+        * ``'SE'`` - standard errors
+        * ``'t'`` - t values
+        * ``'p'`` - p values (only if ``return_p`` is ``True``)
+        * ``'resid'`` - regression residuals
+        * ``'df'`` - degrees of freedom
+        * ``'predicted'`` - predicted values
@@ -49,18 +60,30 @@ def compute_regression_t(data, preds, return_p=False, return_residuals=False):
     SE = np.sqrt(MSE * np.diag(np.linalg.pinv(preds.T @ preds))[:, np.newaxis])
     t_vals = (coefs / SE).reshape([n_preds, *original_shape[1:]])
-    out = (t_vals,)
+    if return_all:
+        out = {'coefs': coefs.reshape([n_preds, *original_shape[1:]]),
+               'SE': SE.reshape([n_preds, *original_shape[1:]]),
+               't': t_vals,
+               'df': df,
+               'predicted': prediction.reshape(original_shape)}
+    else:
+        out = (t_vals,)
     if return_p:
         from scipy.stats import t
         p_vals = t.cdf(-np.abs(t_vals), df) * 2.
-        out += (p_vals,)
-    if return_residuals:
+        if return_all:
+            out['p'] = p_vals
+        else:
+            out += (p_vals,)
+    if return_residuals and not return_all:
         residuals = residuals.reshape(original_shape)
         out += (residuals,)
     # make sure we return a tuple only if we have more than one output
-    if len(out) == 1:
+    if len(out) == 1 and not return_all:
         return out[0]
         return out