C-a v
vertical split.C-a h
horizontal split.
C-a w
shows all windows and panes.C-a j|k
move to previous/next window.C h|j|k|l
moves between panes. Provided by vim-tmux-navigator.C-a <arrow key>
move between panes.C-a n
next window.C-a p
previous window.
Resize panes
C-a C-<arrow key>
resizes the pane in small steps.C-a z
maximazes the pane. Press it again to restore the size.C-a Space
iterates over layouts.
Official Tmux copy and paste documentation.
enters the copy mode.vi
movements apply. -
Copy mode
select text.y
copies selected text (and exists copy mode).Y
"put" selection. Equivalent to copying a selection, and pasting it to the command line.
Normal mode
C-a y
copies text from the command line to the clipboard (?).C-a Y
copy the current's pane working directory to the clipboard.C-a ]
paste current buffer.C-a =
shows a list of all the buffers.Enter
paste selected buffer.p
paste selected buffer, same asEnter
delete selected buffer.t
tag an element.P
(capital) paste tagged buffers.D
(capital) delete selected buffer.
Keyboard mappings. More about notations, here
By default, the leader key is \
: Go to next warning/error.<leader>j
: Go to previous warning/error.<leader>ld
: Go to definition.<leader>lr
: Go to references.<leader>rt
: Go to type definition.<leader>ri
: Go to implementation.<leader>lrn
: Rename.<leader>F
: Format file.<leader>e
: Show hover information.
Remember, t
for terminal.
: Floating terminal.<ledaer>th
: Horizontal terminal.<leader>tv
: Vertical terminal.<C-\>
: Toggle terminal (default direction).
: Toggle comments.
: Trigger completion.<CR>
: Accept completion.<C-j>
: Move up on completion list.<C-k>
: Move down on completion list.
Remember, f
for find.
: Telescope find_files.<leader>fg
: Telescope live_grep.<leader>fb
: Telescope buffers.<leader>fh
: Telescope help_tags.<leader>fk
: Telescope keymaps.<leader>fp
: Telescope commands.
More on telescope's documentation.
Remember, the meta
or m
key is alt
by default.
Reordering tabs
: Move tab to right.<m-s-j>
: Move tab to left.<m-p>
: Pin tab.
Navigating tabs
: Move to next tab.<m-j>
: Move to previous tab.
Close tab
: Close tab
Byobu is a suite of enhancements to tmux, as a command line tool providing live system status, dynamic window management, and some convenient keybindings:
_ Used by X11 _Shift-F1
Display this help
Create a new windowShift-F2
Create a horizontal splitCtrl-F2
Create a vertical splitCtrl-Shift-F2
Create a new session
Move focus among windowsAlt-Left/Right
Move focus among windowsAlt-Up/Down
Move focus among sessionsShift-Left/Right/Up/Down
Move focus among splitsShift-F3/F4
Move focus among splitsCtrl-F3/F4
Move a splitCtrl-Shift-F3/F4
Move a windowShift-Alt-Left/Right/Up/Down
Resize a split
Reload profile, refresh statusAlt-F5
Toggle UTF-8 support, refresh statusShift-F5
Toggle through status linesCtrl-F5
Reconnect ssh/gpg/dbus socketsCtrl-Shift-F5
Change status bar's color randomly
Detach session and then logoutShift-F6
Detach session and do not logoutAlt-F6
Detach all clients but yourselfCtrl-F6
Kill split in focus
Enter scrollback historyAlt-PageUp/PageDown
Enter and move through scrollbackShift-F7
Save history to $BYOBU_RUN_DIR/printscreen
Rename the current windowCtrl-F8
Rename the current sessionShift-F8
Toggle through split arrangementsAlt-Shift-F8
Restore a split-pane layoutCtrl-Shift-F8
Save the current split-pane layout
Launch byobu-config windowCtrl-F9
Enter command and run in all windowsShift-F9
Enter command and run in all splitsAlt-F9
Toggle sending keyboard input to all splits
_ Used by X11 _F11
_ Used by X11 _Alt-F11
Expand split to a full windowShift-F11
Zoom into a split, zoom out of a splitCtrl-F11
Join window into a vertical split
Escape sequenceShift-F12
Toggle on/off Byobu's keybindingsAlt-F12
Toggle on/off Byobu's mouse supportCtrl-Shift-F12
Mondrian squares
10 min video tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NawuGmcvKus