A collection of various man pages, IDEs, Language Servers, etc. that help in development & analysis.
Not 100% sure how to do this, but it would be glorious if I could figure out how to attach mobdebug to wireshark and use vscode as the lua IDE
This would be a part of using vscode / vscodium as lua wireshark "live" debugger - good for intellisense, etc. However, I'm not 100% sure on how this actually works (primarily definition files - creating the wireshark lua api definition file). There is an example at Definition Files
Addons probably has useful examples of how definition files are made / have been made. LuaLS Addons
LuaCATS has other examples of definition files / addons LuaCATs All Repos
A useful IDE which allows for relatively easy "live debug" of wireshark lua scripts running in wireshark.
Not a fan of the folding in the IDE, however.
See here: Mobdebug
This is no longer in development by the author - but the repo is still up, and there have been forks. Would be interesting to look at the forks and the repo for how he's doing things.