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gp_general program


The gp_general program is a Fortran90 implementation of multidimensional Gaussian Process that can learn from value and/or derivative observations with or without sparsification and predict function values, first and second derivatives and corresponding variances. Covariance can be calculated based on the squared exponential kernel that is hard coded and massively parallelized or arbitrary user defined kernel. The implementation uses OpenMP multithreading.


L. Mones, N. Bernstein and G. Csanyi

Get the code

For a more convenient code development/maintenance the program package is divided into two parts (prerequisites and project_gp_general). Both are available on GitHub. To get all components just simply run the following script:



To install the software use cmake in the main directory and cross your fingers:

cmake .

If you are lucky the build process is successful and you have a Makefile. Then simply type:


The executable will be installed into the bin directory (gp_general). Both intel and gfortran compilers should work. If multiple compilers available use the standard way in cmake to specify the one you want (i.e. supposing you are using bash: export FC=gfortran). To use preinstalled BLAS/LAPACK libraries you have the following options:

  • Intel MKL library: if environment variable MKLROOT is specified then it is automatically detected and used (enforce this option use -DBLAS_VENDOR=MKL)

  • Apple's Accelerate framework for MacOSX: use -DBLAS_VENDOR=ACC

  • Specifying path to BLAS/LAPACK libraries: use -DBLAS_LAPACK_LIBRARIES=/path/to/lib (enforce this option by using -DBLAS_VENDOR=LIB) If no preinstalled libraries of the above specifications are found then internal BLAS and LAPACK routines provided by the package are compiled and applied. This routines are not optimised so to achieve good performance for double precision calculations internal BLAS/LAPACK is not advised. Quad precision is also available, for this type:

    cmake -DPREC=QUAD

This will use the internal linear algebra subroutines. By default subprojects are built as shared libraries. Using them as static add -DLIB_BUILD_TYPE=STATIC. Debug mode can be activated by the option -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=DEBUG.


The list of available topics can be obtained by simply calling the executable without any argument or with the standard help flags:

    gp_general -h[elp]
    gp_general --help

Calling a given topic will list the corresponding options. Options must be defined as arguments after gp_general. The arguments are case-insensitive and the order is arbitrary. Below there is a short explanation of the possible options.

Specifying the type of input

  • The program can learn from values (-InVal), derivatives (-InDer) or both (-InVal -InDer).
  • The data input file's name can be specified by -TrainFile trainfile. By default the program looks for a file called training.txt. The format of the data file is discussed later (see File formats section).
  • In the case of sparsification, previously taught data that are saved in one ore more gpfiles can be also used by specifying -InGP. The files should be specified as -GPInFile gpinfile1 -GPInFile gpinfile2 etc. If no input data file is specified then the gpfiles are simply merged together, otherwise the new teaching result is also added to the previous one(s).

Specifying input variables

  • The number of variables has to be defined by -NDim ndim. This will allocate several arrays that are used even in the input parsing process.
  • -Periodicity per1 per2 etc. defines the possible periodicities of the variables (defining 0 periodicity means that the variable is not periodic).
  • The available interval of interest is either calculated automatically from the actual training points using the minimum and maximum values for each component or can be specified by -Range min1 max1 min2 max2 etc. Where a grid is required by default this range is used unless the grid is explicitely defined (see -PredRange, -SparseRange and -MinRange).
  • By default all lines of the input datafile is used but this can be controlled by the -LStart lstart (first line to read), -LStop lstop (last line to read) and -LInc linc (frequency of lines to read) keywords.
  • The first column of the datafile can be omitted by applying -RowNum.
  • There are two types of kernel that can be specified by the keyword -Kernel: squared exponential (se) and user defined (user).
  • In the case of se kernel the function deviation (-Delta delta), the theta values (-Theta theta1 theta2 etc.) must be specified. Function values can be shifted by -AveVal aveval before the training.
  • User defined kernel must be specified by -FKernel "...". Please use quotation marks (single or double) if you apply white space characters in this definition. The function synthax must be standard fortran synthax. First and second variables have the form of x1, x2, etc and y1, y2, etc. where the numbers denote the corresponding components (up to ndim). Using -Prefix1 prefix1 and -Prefix2 prefix2 the x and y prefixes can be modified (no white space character is allowed for prefix definitions).
  • Value and derivative deviations can be provided either in the input datafile (e.g. if they are known and different) or uniform values can be specified by -SigmaVal sigmaval and -SigmaDer sigmader1 sigmader2 etc.
  • -Jitter jitter adds a small number to the diagonal elements of the covariance matrices to get a better conditioned matrix.
  • For the calculation of the inverse of the covariance matrix several factorization methods are available. By default the Cholesky factorization is used but this can be modified to QR (or Bunch-Kaufman) using -Factorization qr (or bk).
  • By default no sparsification is applied. The sparsification can be activated by using the -Sparsification with a corresponding keyword. There are three different ways currently implemented to pick the sparse points:
    • clustering uses a cluster analysis based on the provided data points. The clustering method can be specified by the -Clustering keyword that can be every (sparse points equidistantly selected from the data file), kmeans (using kmeans clustering method) and kmeans++ (using kmeans++/kmeans clustering method). The number of sparse points is defined by -SparsePoints sparsepoints. For kmeans and kmeans++/kmeans methods the option -SparseFreq sparsefreq can be used to apply the methods to only a subset of data points using every sparsefreq-th point. -KMeansThreshold can be used to accelerate kmeans method by specifying thresholds for each component.
    • grid uses an equidistant grid based on the interval calculated automatically or specified by -Range. If different range is needed then use -SparseRange min1 max1 min2 max2 etc. The grid must be specified using the -SparseGrid grid1 grid2 etc. keyword.
    • file uses an external file that includes the sparse points positions. The name of the file can be given by -SparsePosFile sparseposfile and if the first column is needed to be skipped the keyword -SparseRowNum must be used.
  • Based on the article "A Unifying View of Sparse Approximate Gaussian Process Regression" by J. Quinonero-Candela and C. E. Rasmussen (Journal of Machine Learning Research 6 (2005) 1939) the following sparsification techniques can be used: (-SparseMethod) dic, dtc (default) and fitc. The type of sparse points can be selected using the -SparseType option and it can be value (val, default), derivative (der) or both (all).
  • Random seed for random number generator can be specified by using -Seed seed.
  • -Verbose activates a verbose mode.

Specifying the type of output

  • The program can predict values (-OutVal), their deviations (-OutValDev), derivatives (-OutDer) and their deviations (-OutDerDev), and in the case of squared exponential kernel even integrals (-OutInt) and their deviations (-OutIntDev).
  • When integrals are prediceted integration intervals must be specified using -Interval int_min1 int_max1 int_min2 int_max2 etc. Variables with the same int_min and int_max are not integrated out.
  • Prediction points can be defined by either using -PredGrid grid1 grid2 etc. (which applies an equidistant grid) or providing the points explicitely: -PredPosFile predposfile. Skipping the first column of this file -PredRowNum has to be added.
  • By default, results of prediction are written to pred.txt file. The name of this file can be modified by using -PredFile predfile.
  • When values are predicted, the final result can be shifted by -Shift shift to move the minimal value to 0.
  • -Gnuplot keyword inserts empty lines between blocks if grid based prediction was requested. This is very useful for 3D visualization using gnuplot.
  • For later use a special gpfile can be printed out (-OutGP). The name of this file can be specified by -GPOutFile gpoutfile, by default it is gp.txt. Using gpfile is very useful when sparsification is applied for large data set by splitting the data file to smaller portions, processing them separately and then merging them together.
  • There are three different ways to store data in gpfile using the keyword -GPMode. The default is full that prints out all information. This is useful for conventional GP but could be very large when sparsification is used. For such situations the more economical partial mode is suggested. It also contains all the informations required for prediction but the inverse of the covariance matrix is not calculated and stored in the gpfile. Finally, compact mode results in a realtively small gpfile that includes only the information for doing prediction but no more training data can be added.
  • Hyper parameter optimization is available for squared exponential kernel (-OutOpt). -OptDelta, -OptSigmaVal, -OptSigmaDer and -OptTheta keywords specify the relative stepsizes for each parameter and using 0 value does not optimize the corresponding parameter. The result of the optimization is written into opt.txt file that can be altered by -OptFile optfile keyword. Numerical differentiation is used to calculate gradients in the parameter space. -NumDiff defines whether it is one-sided (default) or two-sided. Optimization related keywords are explained in section Optimization parameters.
  • Searching for local minima is also possible on the reconstructed GP surface (-OutMin). Walkers are launched from the prediction positions and minimizations are performed. Specific grid can be specified by -MinGrid grid1 grid2 etc. or external file including the starting positions can be used (-MinPosFile minposfile). Specific range can be defined by -MinRange min1 max1 min2 max2 etc. The found minima are printed out into the min.txt file, the name of this file can be altered by using -MinFile minfile.

Optimization parameters

  • Optimizer can be selected by -Optimizer optimizer. Currently only limited memory BFGS method can be used with bound-constraint.
  • -NCorr ncorr specifies number of corrections for lbfgs optimizer.
  • Maximum number of iteration can be given by -MaxIter maxiter.
  • -MaxDVal maxdval, -MaxGrad maxgrad, -MaxRMSGrad maxrmsgrad correspond to the specification of thresholds of maximum change of the function being optimized, maximum of the absolute value of gradient components and maximum RMS value of the gradients. If at least one of these criteria is satisfied, the optimization stops.

File formats

Below the required formats are specified for the different files. Each entry represents a column in the file and the order is strict. Brackets mean that the entry can be skipped by appropriate specification.

Training file format (input):

[ROW_NUMBER] POS(1) POS(2) ... POS(ndim) [VAL] [VAL_VAR] [DER(1) DER(2) ... DER(ndim)] [DER_VAR(1) DER_VAR(2) ... DERV_VAR(ndim)]

Position file format for prediction (input):

[ROW_NUMBER] POS(1) POS(2) ... POS(ndim)

Position file format for sparsification (input):

[ROW_NUMBER] POS(1) POS(2) ... POS(ndim)

Position file format for minimization (input):

[ROW_NUMBER] POS(1) POS(2) ... POS(ndim)

Prediction file format (output):

POS(1) POS(2) ... POS(ndim) [VAL] [VAL_VAR] [DER(1) DER(2) ... DER(ndim)] [DER_VAR(1) DER_VAR(2) ... DERV_VAR(ndim)]

Hyper parameter optimization file format (output):

[START_REL_THETA(1)=1] [START_REL_THETA(2)=1] ... [START_REL_THETA(ndim)=1] -> \
[OPT_REL_THETA(1)=1] [OPT_REL_THETA(2)=1] ... [OPT_REL_THETA(ndim)=1] \

Function minimization file format (output):