- Basics of JavaScript
- Variables
- Functions
- What is JavaScript used for?
- How is JavaScript different from Python?
Assignment: JavaScript practice problems
- Mozilla Developer Network - JavaScript
- Video: JavaScript for Python developers
- Simplified JavaScript Jargon
- Eloquent JavaScript
- JavaScript and the DOM
- Traversing the DOM
- Updating the DOM
- Responding to events
- Using data attributes
Assignment: Calculator
- Mozilla Developer Network - the DOM
- What is the DOM? on CSS-Tricks
- DOM Enlightenment by Cody Lindley
- Chapters 13-15 of Eloquent Javascript
- Introduction to events
- MDN Event Reference
- The Basics of DOM Manipulation in Vanilla JavaScript
- onclick vs addEventListener
- Ajax
- jQuery
Assignment: iTunes Search
- jQuery
- The original Ajax article
- Ajax Basics Explained By Working At A Fast Food Restaurant
- HTTP Status Guide
- HTTP Cats
- Event delegation
- The larger JavaScript ecosystem
- Podcasts
- Websites/blogs
- Real Python
- Simple is Better Than Complex
- Full Stack Python
- Dev.to - create your own blog here
- Lobsters - link aggregator
- Newsletters
- Books
- Introduction to Computation and Programming Using Python - great book to teach yourself more CS skills
- Programming with the Puzzled
- Exercises in Programming Style
- Data Science from Scratch - if you're interested in data science, this will teach you the fundamentals
- The Pragmatic Programmer