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154 lines (109 loc) · 3.6 KB

File metadata and controls

154 lines (109 loc) · 3.6 KB


On norns, toggle bottom PCB switch from RUN to DISK. Connect norns to linux computer via usb cable.

Disconnect the boot USB port. Switch DISK back to RUN. Insert wifi.

Tape or weight down the power button. (Because a system file is not yet installed to keep the soft-power-switch on).

  • connect to norns serial port: screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200

The remaining commands happen within the terminal session:

login is "pi" with password "raspberry"

  • sudo raspi-config
  1. Change password: sleep
  2. Network > Hostname (norns)
  3. Network > Wifi (set SSID/password)
  4. Interfacing > SSH (on)
  5. Advanced > Expand File System
  6. Localization > (set)
  7. Exit, Reboot
  • ctrl-A-Z will quit screen

re-login via ssh [email protected] (pw is now sleep)

continuing on within the ssh session:

update kernel

  • get new kernel, put in linux computer TODO: get directly from gh
sudo tar -xvzf ~/kernel(...).tar.gz
sudo cp -R boot/* /boot/
sudo cp -R lib/* /lib/
sudo shutdown now

you can now remove the tape/weight from your power switch

run updates

  • sudo apt-get update
  • sudo apt-get upgrade
  • sudo apt-get install vim git bc i2c-tools

change user name: we

  1. sudo passwd root
  2. logout, login as root
  3. usermod -l we -d /home/we -m pi
  4. groupmod --new-name we pi
  5. exit, login as we
  6. sudo passwd -l root

disable need for passwd with sudo

  1. sudo vim /etc/sudoers.d/010_pi-nopasswd
  2. change 'pi' to 'we'
  3. force write with :w!

clone norns-image for config setups

(this really needs to be done via screen not ssh because installing network-manager kills the wifi connection)

NOTE: buster branch of norns-image (to be commited to main)

git clone 
cd norns-image


sudo apt-get install libevdev-dev liblo-dev libudev-dev libcairo2-dev liblua5.3-dev libavahi-compat-libdnssd-dev libasound2-dev libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev libsndfile1-dev libjack-dev libboost-dev libnanomsg-dev
sudo apt install --no-install-recommends jackd2 libjack-jackd2-dev
sudo apt install --no-install-recommends ladspalist usbmount


git clone
./waf configure
sudo ./waf install


sudo apt-get install libsamplerate0-dev libsndfile1-dev libasound2-dev libavahi-client-dev \
    libreadline-dev libfftw3-dev libudev-dev libncurses5-dev cmake git
git clone

cmake     -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
    -DNATIVE=1 \
    -DSSE=0 \
    -DSSE2=0 \
    -DSC_IDE=0 \
    -DSC_ED=0 \
    -DSC_EL=0 \
    -DSC_VIM=1 \
    -DNO_X11=ON -DSC_QT=OFF ..

NOTE: must remove failing deprecated class manually! (as of writing this)


install norns

  • just copy norns/maiden/dust release folders.

(clone your norns git)

cd norns
./waf configure
cd sc

note: you may need to run sclang once first (it will fail) before running norns/sc/

reboot, norns should boot up.


edit /etc/dhcpcd.conf --- add denyinterfaces wlan0 edit /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf to be:

