This is just some rough notes because issue 237 on the ev3dev project reminded me of something worth sharing. I started to write this as a comment on the issue, but it's rather off topic so I just put it here.
I have used a logitech USB joypad to control the ev3 motors.
With a few rather LARGE caveats, unless you've heard of ROS. I mention this because ros_joy package supports the ps3 joypad as well as the wiimote, xbox joypad and logitech joypads.
It's probably a lot of overhead to get ros up and running, and familiarize yourself with it. But you could also look into their ps3 driver code on github.
- If you're still interested, here is what I did. I apologize in advance that I don't have any python scripts to share it was just hacking on my desktop and I'm away from home.
- If you're familiar with ROS, the longest step is part 1, but I've created easy to follow instructions.
- If you're not familiar with ROS, then getting it installed on your system and reading through the beginner tutorials takes a day.
First the setup:
- I have installed ROS (Robot Operating System) onto my ev3, instructions linked to on the projects page
- The USB joypad was plugged into my desktop.
- The EV3 was connected to my network via USB wifi adapter
- A python script (ros node) was running on the ev3
- A pyhton script (ros node) was running on the desktop
- I used the existing ros joy package to deal with the joypad
- roscore can only run on the desktop, with network set up so that the desktop and ev3 could communicate via hostnames, and the desktop and ev3 had their ROS_MASTER_URI environement variables set to the desktop. More notes on this here
The process:
- run roscore on the desktop
- launch joypad node on the desktop (this is a default node which only needs configuration) it listens to the joypad and publishes "messages" to a topic /joy (some arrays of button values)
- wrote a node on the desktop to listen to the /joy topic and publish to /cmd_vel (a std_msgs/Twist)
- wrote a node on the ev3 to listen to /cmd_vel and command the motors.
As I was only testing I was just using one motor and going forward or backward. But the end idea is to use ros_control and have differential drive controller which publishes wheel velocities to the ev3. I'm looking forward to working on the project again soon - but currently working on a something with a sooner deadline.
I'm also in the mountains with a very unreliable internet connection for the next few days so if you do opt to try ROS I won't be actively available on github.
If I wanted to use a joypad without ROS, then I would probably start by looking into the ros joypad driver code and see if I could get it working sans-ROS.
This will be one of the first basic things to get up and running once I'm working on this ros-ev3 project again, so hopefully I'll update this process with more details in a few weeks.
Note to self:
- /joy -> ev3dev_teleop: A teleop node to listen to the joypad data.
- /cmd_vel -> ev3dev_driver: A driver node to convert a std_msgs/Twist according to the robot setup (diff, omni)
- ev3dev_driver will publish according to setup motor velocities.
- /ev3/motor_vel/[A-D] -> small script running on ev3 listens for motor velocities and publishes them to the motors