- Initial commit, to support new library manager
- ported from Sparkfun-MP3-Player-Shield-Arduino-Library
- removed sdfat, works with sdfat version=1.0.1
- changed from using sdfats depricated FreeRam() to using FreeStack()
- fixed depricated sdfat.getFilename() with sdfat.getName()
- implemented sdfatlib20131225 into repo
- ifdef'ed out space for Leonardo's less program space.
- made FilePlayer.ino more equal to that of MP3Shield_Library_Demo.ino
- implemented sdfatlib20130629 into repo
- removed unused code in FilePlayer.ino
- Added support for Bass Enhancer VSBE
- implemented sdfatlib20130313 into repo
- updated VLSI Patches and Plugins.
- fixed MP3ButtonPlayer2.ino example
- added demo of button using button2.h library for debounce (see gisthub for improved button.h library)
- added support for BareTouch pinout in config
- added SendSingleMIDInote() that sends a MIDI beep. It will suspend current playing stream to send beep and then resume prior stream
- added PERF_MON_PIN to enable allowing measurement of the CPU utilization and description of performance document
- implemented sdfatlib20130629 into repo
- minor corrects of SdFatUtil's FreeRam() reporting correct value.
- improved SPI handling to guard against other SPI effects and speed
- increased SPI rate for 16Mg vs 8Mg FCPU, as to read at correct speeds.
- cleared interrupt during refill, if used. As to allow others. Such as timer0 was falling behind during the SdCard track.read().
- Along with displaying current second at command prompt, for verifying time.
- updated SdFatLib to sdfatlib20130313
- added const to PROGMEM uint16_t bitrate_table for avr-gcc 4.7.2 compatibility
- added ASCII range check to strip off non-ASCII, such as CR or LF, on FilePlayer.ino
- added new example FilePlayer.ino, more elaborate command to play all files.
- updated ram usage prints.
- added missing MinimumSerial files from new SdFatLib
- Roll up of all below changes for release
- added getState() as to report other possible states, such as paused but playing.
- added check to enableRefill()
- added GetDifferentialOutput() and SetDifferentialOutput() feature to change the output, as to create a differential left/right output with a maximum output of 3V.
- changed case of get.. and set.. functions all to lower case for consistency.
- added VU meter support
- added chdir("/") to example and fixed enableTestSineWave freq
- Added skip, pauseMusic, resumeMusic and optional time offset to playMP3 along with examples.
- corrected typo's in Differential and initialized.
- updated test for mp3
- added example WebPlayer.ino
- sdfatlib20121219 replaced sdfatlib20120719
- changed sdFat to be instanced from INO file using sd.begin() for simpler use.
- added end() feature to put VS10xx into low power mode, along with corresponding checks.
- Fixed SkipTo() feature and added menu command.
- added support for Leonardo's interrupt switching and documentation.
- added documentation Gravitech's MP3-4NANO
- added Mono Mode and menu command, because of Nano's single speaker.
- added ADMixerLoad and ADMixerVol features
- formatted comments with Doxygen markdown.
- rearranged location of functions for organizing documentation
- extracted read of MP3 files bit-rate to member function.
- cleaned up some type casting.
- added history.md and license files
- improved tolerance of bit-rate read from mp3 file header.
- moved setting Playing to true after file is opened and bitrate is read.
- Added SFEMP3ShieldConfig.h to support alternate hardware for none INT0 DREQ based cards and or Shields. By using Timers, or software pollings, such as with Mega and Seediunos.
- moved MP3 functions into class and cleaned up syntax
- finished bitrate_table[] table with last row, that was missed.
- added "d" command to print directory of SdCard
- added "+/-" command to change volume by 1.0 dB
- added print of FreeRam() to show amount of static RAM available.
- save 220 bytes by using F() function to put strings into Flash and not use RAM:
- i.e. Serial.Print(F("Hello)");
- note: FreeRam() is supplied with SdFatUtil.h
- Added apply patch/plugins from SdCard file to VS1xxx.
- Added quick check if trackname is mp3 extension.
- chomp'd non ASCII characters from file names.
- added functions to read track title,artist,album
- fixed silly use of static where it shouldn't have been
- fixed for Arduino Mega use by calling SDfatlib properly.
- Blame Nathan for bad implentation of SDFatlib
- added skipTo() and related functions to skip around in track
- added functions to cancel and resume external interrupt in case something else is on the SPI bus
- added isPlaying function to query shield status
- included pre-modified SDFat Library
- Initial Release, using external interrupt driven.