for new features.Changed
for changes in existing functionality.Deprecated
for soon-to-be removed features.Removed
for now removed features.Fixed
for any bug fixes.Security
in case of vulnerabilities.
- flatMap operator
- distribute operator: taking [categroy, value] tuples as input, it will send values to sub-iterator branches based on category
- for itr8 developers:
- package.json:scripts.release added read OTP for npm publishing and then pass it to npm publish command (--otp $OTP)
- added c8 to npm test script to check code-coverage of the tests
- added missing async iterator tests for itr8ToString
- added 'npm run benchmark'
- typing issue on tap operator
- updated micromatch to fix a Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS)
- a getTimestamp(value) function argument to both the 'debounce' and the 'throttle' operators, so the timestamps can be 'prerecorded' inside the values
- a file to track notable changes
- for itr8 developers:
- pkg:update_script npm script to make it easier to edit multi-line package.json scripts
- for itr8 developers:
- Edited version npm script to check if the has been properly updated before bumping the version
- Added branchAndMerge operator to do multiple operations on the same source iterator and then combining the results in a tuple
- improved itr8ToMultiIterable to be able to use it synchronously as well
- and some changes that might interest itr8 developers:
- preversion script: removed node 12 tests (since mocha 18 needs node >= 14) and added node 22 tests
- .github/workflows/node.js.yml added node 22 to matrix tests
- removed a (performance related) test that was failing on github workflow node 18
- Updated ts-node + formatting fixes
- Upgraded sinon from 15 to 1`
- package.json: improved
npm run gitDiff
to allow comparing with another branch