This table provides a key to the most commonly used abbreviations in the Cambridge and Oxford online manuscript catalogues.
Abbreviation | Abbreviation | Full reference |
Acta Sanctorum | J. Bollandus, Acta sanctorum quotquot toto orbe coluntur … (Antwerp, 1643– ) | |
AHDLMA | Archives d’histoire doctrinale et littéraire du moyen âge, 1– (Paris, 1926– ) | |
AL | Aristoteles Latinus: Codices, ed. G. Lacombe et al., i (Rome, 1939), ii (Cambridge, 1955), Supplementa altera (Bruges, Paris, 1961) | |
Alexander and Temple | J.J.G. Alexander and E. Temple, Illuminated Manuscripts in Oxford College Libraries, the University Archives and the Taylor Institution (Oxford, 1985) | |
AO | J. Foster, Alumni Oxonienses, early series, 4 vols. (Oxford, 1891–2) | |
Bale, Index | John Bale, Index Britanniae scriptorum: John Bale’s Index of British and Other Writers, ed. R. L. Poole and M. Bateson (Oxford, 1902), repr. with an introduction by C. Brett and J. P. Carley (Cambridge, 1990) | |
BAV | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana | |
BHG | Bibliotheca hagiographica Graeca, 3rd ed., 3 vols. (Brussels, 1957) | |
BHL | Bibliotheca hagiographica latina, 2 vols. (Brussels, 1898-1901); suppl. Brussels, 1986 | |
BL | British Library, London | |
Bloomfield | M. W. Bloomfield et al., Incipits of Latin Works on the Vices and Virtues, 1100–1500 A. D. (Cambridge, Mass., 1979) | |
BLR | Bodleian Library Record, 1– (Oxford, 1939– ) | |
BMC | British Museum, Catalogue of Books Printed in the Fifteenth Century now in the British Museum, 12 vols. (London, 1908–85) | |
BnF | Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris | |
Boase1 | C. W. Boase, Register of the Rectors and Fellows … of Exeter College Oxford with Illustrative Documents and a History of the College, 2 vols. (Oxford, 1879, 1894) | |
Boase2 | C. W. Boase, Registrum collegii Exoniensis …, new edn., OHS, 27 (Oxford, 1894) | |
Briquet | C-M Briquet, ed. Allan Stevenson, Les filigranes: Dictionnaire historique des marques du papier des leur apparition vers 1292 jusqu'en 1600: A Facsimile of the 1907 edition with supplementary material contributed by a number of scholars, 4 vols. (Amsterdam, 1968) | |
BRUC | A. B. Emden, A Biographical Register of the University of Cambridge to 1500 (Cambridge, 1963) | |
BRUO | A. B. Emden, A Biographical Register of the University of Oxford to A. D. 1500 (Oxford, 1957–9) | |
BRUO 1501–1540 | A. B. Emden, A Biographical Register of the University of Oxford A.D. 1501 to 1540, 3 vols. (Oxford, 1974) | |
Brou | D. L. Brou, The psalter collects from V–VIth century sources (Three Series), Henry Bradshaw Society 83 (London: Henry Bradshaw Society, 1949) | |
Bruyne | D. de Bruyne, Préfaces de la Bible latine (Namur: Auguste Godenne, 1920) | |
BSB | Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich | |
Bursill-Hall, Census | G. L. Bursill-Hall, A Census of Medieval Latin Grammatical Manuscripts (Stuttgart, 1981) | |
Cameron | Angus Cameron, `A List of Old English Texts' in A Plan for the Dictionary of Old English, ed. R. Frank and A. Cameron (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1973), pp. 25-306; online: | |
CBMLC | Corpus of British Medieval Library Catalogues | |
CCCM | Corpus Christianorum, Continuatio Medievalis | |
CCSL | Corpus Christianorum, Series Latina | |
Chevalier | RH, Rep. Hymn. | U. Chevalier, Repertorium hymnologicum, 6 vols (Louvain, 1892-1921) |
CIC | Corpus iuris civilis, i: Institutiones, Digesta, ed. P. Krueger and Th. Mommsen (Berlin, 1870, repr. 1954); ii: Codex Justinianus, ed. P. Krueger (Berlin, 1892) | |
CMA | (E. Bernard), Catalogi manuscriptorum Angliae et Hiberniae (Oxford, 1697) | |
CPG | M. Geerard [et al.], Clavis patrum Graecorum, 2nd ed., 6 vols. (Turnhout, 1974-1987) | |
CPL | E. Dekkers and E. Gaar, Clavis patrum Latinorum, 3rd ed. (Turnhout, 1995) | |
CPPM | Clavis patristica pseudepigraphorum medii aevi (1990-) | |
CSEL | Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum | |
CUL | Cambridge University Library | |
Dean & Boulton | Ruth J. Dean and Maureen B.M. Boulton, Anglo-Norman literature : a guide to texts and manuscripts (London, 1999) | |
DNB | Dictionary of National Biography, now Oxford DNB | |
DIMEV | Digital Index of Middle English Verse | |
DSO | Joannis Duns Scoti doctoris subtilis, ordinis minorum opera omnia. Editio nova juxta editionem Waddingi XII tomos continentem a patribus franciscanis de observantia accurate recognita, 26 vols. (1891, repr. 1969) | |
Emden | BRUC | A. B. Emden, A Biographical Register of the University of Cambridge to A.D. 1500, 3 vols. (1963) |
Emden | BRUO | A. B. Emden, A Biographical Register of the University of Oxford to A.D. 1500, 3 vols. (1957-9) |
eTK | L. Thorndike and P. Kibre, A catalogue of incipits of mediaeval scientific writings in Latin, 2nd ed (London, 1963); online:; electronic edition: (e.g. eTK 0447A, column number with added letters for entries) | |
eVK | Linda Ehrsam Voigts and Patricia Deery Kurtz, Scientific and Medical Writings in Old and Middle English: An Electronic Reference CD, revised digital edition (2019) | |
GCS | Die Griechischen Christlichen Schriftsteller | |
Glorieux | Arts. | P. Glorieux, La Faculté des arts et ses maîtres au XIIIe siècle (Paris, 1971) |
Glorieux | Théol. | P. Glorieux, Répertoire des maîtres en théologie de Paris au XIIIe siècle, 2 vols. (Paris, 1933-4) |
Goy | Rudolf Goy, Die Überlieferung der Werke Hugos von St Viktor (Stuttgart, 1976) | |
Grégoire | R. Grégoire, Homéliaires liturgiques médiévaux : analyse de manuscrits (Spoleto, 1980) | |
GW | Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke ( | |
Heawood | Edward Heawood, Watermarks mainly of the 17th and 18th centuries. Hilversum (The Paper Publications Society) 1950 (Monumenta Chartae Papyraceae, vol. I). | |
Hain | L. Hain, Repertorium bibliographicum, 8 vols. (Stuttgart, 1826-38, repr. Milan, 1948), with Supplement by W. A. Copinger (London, 1895-1902; repr. Milan, 1950) | |
Hutter | I. Hutter, Corpus der byzantinischen Miniaturenhandschriften (1977-1997) | |
ICO | Ioannis Chrysostomi Opera Omnia, ed. S. Gelenius (Basel, 1547) | |
IMEP | Index of Middle English Prose | |
IMEV, IMEV(S), NIMEV | The Index of Middle English Verse (1943), Supplement (1965), A New Index of Middle English Verse (2005) | |
IPMEP | R.E. Lewis, N.F. Blake, and A.S.G. Edwards, The Index of Printed Middle English Prose (1985) | |
ISTC | Incunabula Short Title Catalogue ( | |
Jaffé | P. Jaffé, Regesta pontificum Romanorum : ab condita ecclesia ad annum post Christum natum MCXCVIII, 3rd ed., 3 vols (2016-) | |
Jolliffe | P. S. Jolliffe, A Check-List of Middle English Prose Writings of Spiritual Guidance (New York, 1985) | |
Kaeppeli | T. Kaeppeli, Scriptores Ordinis Praedicatorum Medii Aevi, 4 vols. (Rome, 1970-1993) | |
LALME | Angus McIntosh, M. L. Samuels, et al., A Linguistic Atlas of Later Mediaeval English, 4 vols. (Aberdeen, 1988) | |
Lambert | B. Lambert, Bibliotheca Hieronymiana manuscripta. La tradition manuscrite des œuvres de Saint Jérôme (1969-1972) | |
Lapidge & Sharpe | Michael Lapidge and Richard Sharpe, A bibliography of Celtic-Latin literature 400-1200 (Dublin, 1985) | |
Laud Exhib | An Exhibition of Manuscripts to Commemorate the 400th Anniversary of the Birth of Archbishop Laud 7 October 1573-10 January 1634 (Oxford, 1973) | |
MGH | Monumenta Germaniae Historica. For the abbreviations for individual series, and links to online volumes, see | |
MLGB | Medieval Libraries of Great Britain: A List of Surviving Books, 2nd ed. (1964), 3rd digital edition | |
OT | S. J. Ogilvie-Thomson (ed.), The Index of Middle English Prose VIII: Manuscripts Containing Middle English Prose in Oxford College Libraries (Cambridge, 1991) | |
P&A | Otto Pächt and J. J. G. Alexander, Illuminated Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library Oxford, 3 vols. (1966-1973); concordance and supplement by B. Barker-Benfield, 1974 | |
PG | Patrologia Graeca | |
PL | Patrologia Latina | |
PLS | Patrologiae cursus completus a J.P. Migne editus et Parisiis anno Domini 1844 excusus. Series Latina : supplementum, ed. A. Hamman, 5 vols. (1958-1974) | |
RGK | Repertorium Der Griechischen Kopisten 800 - 1600 | |
Salmon | P. Salmon, Les ‘Tituli psalmorum’ des manuscrits latins (Rome: Abbaye Saint-Jérôme; Vatican City: Libreria Vaticana, 1959) | |
SAO | Sancti Anselmi Opera, ed. F. S. Schmitt, 6 vols in 2, 1968 | |
SBO | Sancti Bernardi Opera, ed. J. Leclerq, C. H. Talbot, H. M. Rochais, 8 vols. (1957-77) | |
SChr | Sources chrétiennes (Paris, 1941-) | |
Schneyer | Johannes Baptist Schneyer [et al.], Repertorium der lateinischen Sermones des Mittelalters für die Zeit von 1150-1350, 11 vols. (1969-1990) | |
Schulte | J. F. Schulte, Die geschichte der quellen und literatur de canonischen rechts von Gratian bis auf die Gegenwart, 3 vols. in 4 (Stuttgart, 1875-1880) | |
Sharpe | Handlist | R. Sharpe, A Handlist of the Latin Writers of Great Britain and Ireland before 1540 (Turnhout, 1997); ‘Additions and Corrections (1997-2001)’, Publications of the Journal of Medieval Latin 1 (2001), 913-44 |
SK | D. Schaller and E. Könsgen, Initia carminum Latinorum saeculo undecimo antiquiorum (1977) [digitized] | |
Stegmüller | Sent. | F. Stegmüller, Repertorium commentariorum in Sententias Petri Lombardi, 2 vols. (Würzburg, 1947); supplement by V. Doucet, Quaracchi, 1954 |
Stegmüller | F. Stegmüller, Repertorium Biblicum Medii Aevi, 11 vols. (Madrid, 1940 [recte 1950] - 1980) [vols. 8-11 by V. Reinhardt] online: | |
USTC | Universal Short Title Catalogue ( | |
VD16 | Verzeichnis der im deutschen Sprachbereich erschienenen Drucke des 16. Jahrhunderts ( | |
Verfasserlexikon | Die deutsche Literatur des Mittelalters: Verfasserlexikon, ed. Kurt Ruh et al. (Berlin, 1978-) | |
Walther = WIC | H. Walther, Initia carminum ac versuum Medii Aevi posterioris Latinorum (Göttingen, 1959; suppl. 1969) | |
Watson | DMO | Andrew G. Watson, Catalogue of Dated and Datable Manuscripts c. 435-1600 in Oxford Libraries (Oxford, 1984) |
Watson | Savile | Andrew G. Watson, The Manuscripts of Henry Savile of Banke (London, 1969) |
WZIS | Wasserzeichen-Informationssystem ( | |
Zumkeller | A. Zumkeller, Manuskripte von Werken der Autoren des Augustiner-Eremitenordens in mitteleuropäischen Bibliotheken (1966) |