This process is not longer used. Revenue is now split 50/50 with treasury and a buy back of MTA for stakers.
Collect governor fees from Feeder Pools into the Savings Manager
- 0x789b9808cb57cc87d70571e04dcbbc6cb6157ae125a2db58f3e1993c348e983c
- HBTC 0.0056 mBTC (204 USD)
- GUSD 2,735 mUSD
- TBTC 0.0066 mBTC (240 USD)
- BUSD 4,070 mUSD
Distribute unallocated mUSD and mBTC from SavingsManager to Revenue Recipient
- 0x397e16d45b6ed2dfebfff25d9a1f9fe9f1e30cff5917af442078d5cb7755e19d
- 6,850 mUSD
- 0.0124 mBTC
Deposit mUSD and mBTC to the Balancer Pool
- 0x08dad0a43fe00941079117bb5edc1f2bf17a6dc8d812d2b1d72690cace070614
- Deposited 2,235 mUSD and 0.012 mBTC into the balancer pool
- Still has 4,661 mUSD left in the Savings Manager