Not paid:
- Money is not paid for these, everyone uses their own time at their own cost:
- Security reports, see
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- xet7 checking pull requests
- Public Community Support
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- Commercial Support at
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CVE Hall of Fame is at
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WeKan code contributors Hall of Fame is at ChangeLog, where GitHub usernames are mentioned with changes added:
Changes can be like typo fixes, bugfixes, features, or anything else like for example at open GitHub issues . Closed issues are already fixed or implemented.
Also see other docs at wiki, for example:
Do not use code formatting or linting like eslist or prettier.
Only send minimal changed code lines, that are related to feature or fix.
WeKan code has MIT license.
About 300 persons have contributed to WeKan, stats at:
WeKan maintainer xet7 reviews PR for typos etc before accepting to WeKan, so that WeKan code will still work OK.
Non-English translations are contributed only at
When adding new features, in your PR to only add new English source language strings to
Maintainer of WeKan xet7 downloads all newest translations from Transifex and adds them to WeKan repo before making new release.
About WeKan Organization
Only xet7 has write access to WeKan Organization.
xet7 reviews all PRs before merging.
There has been over 300 contributors to WeKan, newest stats at: