This was made by cloning this cool project
Add services in src/services, wire them to src/services/index.ts
Add features in src/features, wire each feature's Actions and Epics to store/root-{actions,epics, reducers}.ts
Add routes in src/routes, invoke them in App.tsx
imported global css in index.tsx
install auth0-js Edit App.tsx
- Add bunch of Auth0 stuff
- Inserts
into DOM tag root - service worker unregister
- initialize store Interesting wiring happens here
- import rootReducer, rootEpic, services from their locations
- createEpicMiddleware passing services as dependencies use types RootAction, RootState and Services for type safety
- compose them
- createStore passing rootReducer aand the composed epicMiddleware so that the epicMiddleware will receive Redux actions
- Provider store
- layout **Main**
+ load _Main.css_
+ app-header
+ app-main