main -> app -> server -> API
data User = User {...}
users =
[ User "Isaac Newton" 372 "[email protected]" (fromGregorian 1683 3 1)
, User "Albert Einstein" 136 "[email protected]" (fromGregorian 1905 12 1)
type MyAPI = "users" :> Get '[JSON] [User]
server :: Server MyAPI
server = return users
myAPI :: Proxy MyAPI
app :: Application
app = serve myAPI server
main = run 8081 app
type MyAPI = "users" :> Get '[JSON] [User]
:<|> "albert" :> Get '[JSON] User
server :: Server MyAPI
server = return users
:<|> return users[1]
myAPI :: Proxy MyAPI
app :: Application
app = serve myAPI server
main = run 8081 app
type Server api = ServerT api Handler
We can use a custom application monad instead of Handler
the handler methods will have to return AppM ResultType
instead of Handler ResultType
We have to provide a natural transformation to convert AppM
to Handler
Example to go from Reader to Handler:
readerToHandler :: Reader String a -> Handler a
readerToHandler r = return (runReader r "hi")
We will need hoistServer
to create the application
type ReaderAPI = "a" :> Get '[JSON] Int
:<|> "b" :> ReqBody '[JSON] Double :> Get '[JSON] Bool
readerAPI :: Proxy ReaderAPI
readerAPI = Proxy
readerServerT :: ServerT ReaderAPI (Reader String)
readerServerT = a :<|> b where
a :: Reader String Int
a = return 1797
b :: Double -> Reader String Bool
b _ = asks (== "hi")
readerToHandler :: Reader String a -> Handler a
readerToHandler r = return (runReader r "hi")
readerServer :: Server ReaderAPI
readerServer = hoistServer readerAPI readerToHandler readerServerT
app4 :: Application
app4 = serve readerAPI readerServer
serve :: HasServer api '[] => Proxy api -> Server api -> Application
Handler uses the simplest type that lets handlers perform IO and return success or fail with throwError
newtype Handler a = Handler { runHandler' :: ExceptT ServerError IO a } deriving ...
Note that
ExceptT e (m :: * -> *) a
constructor: ExceptT (m (Either e a))
So runHandler' returns a
ExceptT (IO (Either ServerError a))
hoistServer :: HasServer api '[] => Proxy api -> (forall x. m x -> n x) -> ServerT api m -> ServerT api nSource