mxpy exposes a number of CLI commands, organized within groups.
$ mxpy --help
usage: mxpy [-h] [-v] [--verbose] COMMAND-GROUP [-h] COMMAND ...
mxpy is part of the multiversx-sdk and consists of Command Line Tools and Python SDK
for interacting with the Blockchain (in general) and with Smart Contracts (in particular).
mxpy targets a broad audience of users and developers.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
contract Build, deploy, upgrade and interact with Smart Contracts
tx Create and broadcast Transactions
validator Stake, UnStake, UnBond, Unjail and other actions useful for Validators
account Get Account data (nonce, balance) from the Network
ledger Get Ledger App addresses and version
wallet Create wallet, derive secret key from mnemonic, bech32 address helpers etc.
deps Manage dependencies or multiversx-sdk modules
config Configure multiversx-sdk (default values etc.)
localnet Set up, start and control localnets
data Data manipulation omnitool
staking-provider Staking provider omnitool
dns Operations related to the Domain Name Service
faucet Get xEGLD on Devnet or Testnet
$ mxpy contract --help
usage: mxpy contract COMMAND [-h] ...
Build, deploy, upgrade and interact with Smart Contracts
-h, --help show this help message and exit
COMMANDS summary
new Create a new Smart Contract project based on a template.
templates List the available Smart Contract templates.
build Build a Smart Contract project.
clean Clean a Smart Contract project.
test Run tests.
report Print a detailed report of the smart contracts.
deploy Deploy a Smart Contract.
call Interact with a Smart Contract (execute function).
upgrade Upgrade a previously-deployed Smart Contract.
query Query a Smart Contract (call a pure function)
verify Verify the authenticity of the code of a deployed Smart Contract
reproducible-build Build a Smart Contract and get the same output as a previously built Smart Contract
$ mxpy contract new --help
usage: mxpy contract new [-h] ...
Create a new Smart Contract project based on a template.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--name NAME The name of the contract. If missing, the name of the template will be used.
--template TEMPLATE the template to use
--tag TAG the framework version on which the contract should be created
--path PATH the parent directory of the project (default: current directory)
$ mxpy contract templates --help
usage: mxpy contract templates [-h] ...
List the available Smart Contract templates.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--tag TAG the sc-meta framework version referred to
$ mxpy contract build --help
usage: mxpy contract build [-h] ...
Build a Smart Contract project.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--path PATH the project directory (default: current directory)
--no-wasm-opt do not optimize wasm files after the build (default: False)
--wasm-symbols for rust projects, does not strip the symbols from the wasm output. Useful for analysing
the bytecode. Creates larger wasm files. Avoid in production (default: False)
--wasm-name WASM_NAME for rust projects, optionally specify the name of the wasm bytecode output file
--wasm-suffix WASM_SUFFIX for rust projects, optionally specify the suffix of the wasm bytecode output file
--target-dir TARGET_DIR for rust projects, forward the parameter to Cargo
--wat also generate a WAT file when building
--mir also emit MIR files when building
--llvm-ir also emit LL (LLVM) files when building
--ignore IGNORE ignore all directories with these names. [default: target]
--no-imports skips extracting the EI imports after building the contracts
--no-abi-git-version skips loading the Git version into the ABI
--twiggy-top generate a twiggy top report after building
--twiggy-paths generate a twiggy paths report after building
--twiggy-monos generate a twiggy monos report after building
--twiggy-dominators generate a twiggy dominators report after building
$ mxpy contract clean --help
usage: mxpy contract clean [-h] ...
Clean a Smart Contract project.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--path PATH the project directory (default: current directory)
$ mxpy contract deploy --help
usage: mxpy contract deploy [-h] ...
Deploy a Smart Contract.
Output example:
"emittedTransaction": {
"nonce": 42,
"sender": "alice",
"receiver": "bob",
"...": "..."
"emittedTransactionData": "the transaction data, not encoded",
"emittedTransactionHash": "the transaction hash",
"contractAddress": "the address of the contract",
"transactionOnNetwork": {
"nonce": 42,
"sender": "alice",
"receiver": "bob",
"...": "..."
"simulation": {
"execution": {
"...": "..."
"cost": {
"...": "..."
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--bytecode BYTECODE the file containing the WASM bytecode
--abi ABI the ABI of the Smart Contract
--metadata-not-upgradeable ‼ mark the contract as NOT upgradeable (default: upgradeable)
--metadata-not-readable ‼ mark the contract as NOT readable (default: readable)
--metadata-payable ‼ mark the contract as payable (default: not payable)
--metadata-payable-by-sc ‼ mark the contract as payable by SC (default: not payable by SC)
--outfile OUTFILE where to save the output (default: stdout)
--pem PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--pem-index PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--keyfile KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--passfile PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--ledger-account-index LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX 🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--ledger-address-index LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX 🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
--sender-username SENDER_USERNAME 🖄 the username of the sender
--proxy PROXY 🔗 the URL of the proxy
--nonce NONCE # the nonce for the transaction
--recall-nonce ⭮ whether to recall the nonce when creating the transaction (default:
--gas-price GAS_PRICE ⛽ the gas price (default: 1000000000)
--gas-limit GAS_LIMIT ⛽ the gas limit
--value VALUE the value to transfer (default: 0)
--chain CHAIN the chain identifier
--version VERSION the transaction version (default: 2)
--relayer RELAYER the bech32 address of the relayer
--relayer-pem RELAYER_PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--relayer-pem-index RELAYER_PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--relayer-keyfile RELAYER_KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--relayer-passfile RELAYER_PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--relayer-ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--relayer-ledger-account-index RELAYER_LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX
🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--relayer-ledger-address-index RELAYER_LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX
🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
--guardian GUARDIAN the address of the guradian
--guardian-service-url GUARDIAN_SERVICE_URL the url of the guardian service
--guardian-2fa-code GUARDIAN_2FA_CODE the 2fa code for the guardian
--options OPTIONS the transaction options (default: 0)
--arguments ARGUMENTS [ARGUMENTS ...] arguments for the contract transaction, as [number, bech32-address,
ascii string, boolean] or hex-encoded. E.g. --arguments 42 0x64 1000
0xabba str:TOK-a1c2ef true erd1[..]
--arguments-file ARGUMENTS_FILE a json file containing the arguments. ONLY if abi file is provided.
E.g. [{ 'to': 'erd1...', 'amount': 10000000000 }]
--wait-result signal to wait for the transaction result - only valid if --send is
--timeout TIMEOUT max num of seconds to wait for result - only valid if --wait-result is
--send ✓ whether to broadcast the transaction (default: False)
--simulate whether to simulate the transaction (default: False)
--guardian-pem GUARDIAN_PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--guardian-pem-index GUARDIAN_PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--guardian-keyfile GUARDIAN_KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--guardian-passfile GUARDIAN_PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--guardian-ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--guardian-ledger-account-index GUARDIAN_LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX
🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--guardian-ledger-address-index GUARDIAN_LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX
🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
$ mxpy contract call --help
usage: mxpy contract call [-h] ...
Interact with a Smart Contract (execute function).
Output example:
"emittedTransaction": {
"nonce": 42,
"sender": "alice",
"receiver": "bob",
"...": "..."
"emittedTransactionData": "the transaction data, not encoded",
"emittedTransactionHash": "the transaction hash",
"contractAddress": "the address of the contract",
"transactionOnNetwork": {
"nonce": 42,
"sender": "alice",
"receiver": "bob",
"...": "..."
"simulation": {
"execution": {
"...": "..."
"cost": {
"...": "..."
positional arguments:
contract 🖄 the address of the Smart Contract
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--abi ABI the ABI of the Smart Contract
--outfile OUTFILE where to save the output (default: stdout)
--pem PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--pem-index PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--keyfile KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--passfile PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--ledger-account-index LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX 🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--ledger-address-index LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX 🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
--sender-username SENDER_USERNAME 🖄 the username of the sender
--proxy PROXY 🔗 the URL of the proxy
--nonce NONCE # the nonce for the transaction
--recall-nonce ⭮ whether to recall the nonce when creating the transaction (default:
--gas-price GAS_PRICE ⛽ the gas price (default: 1000000000)
--gas-limit GAS_LIMIT ⛽ the gas limit
--value VALUE the value to transfer (default: 0)
--chain CHAIN the chain identifier
--version VERSION the transaction version (default: 2)
--relayer RELAYER the bech32 address of the relayer
--relayer-pem RELAYER_PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--relayer-pem-index RELAYER_PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--relayer-keyfile RELAYER_KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--relayer-passfile RELAYER_PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--relayer-ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--relayer-ledger-account-index RELAYER_LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX
🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--relayer-ledger-address-index RELAYER_LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX
🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
--guardian GUARDIAN the address of the guradian
--guardian-service-url GUARDIAN_SERVICE_URL the url of the guardian service
--guardian-2fa-code GUARDIAN_2FA_CODE the 2fa code for the guardian
--options OPTIONS the transaction options (default: 0)
--function FUNCTION the function to call
--arguments ARGUMENTS [ARGUMENTS ...] arguments for the contract transaction, as [number, bech32-address,
ascii string, boolean] or hex-encoded. E.g. --arguments 42 0x64 1000
0xabba str:TOK-a1c2ef true erd1[..]
--arguments-file ARGUMENTS_FILE a json file containing the arguments. ONLY if abi file is provided.
E.g. [{ 'to': 'erd1...', 'amount': 10000000000 }]
token transfers for transfer & execute, as [token, amount] E.g.
--token-transfers NFT-123456-0a 1 ESDT-987654 100000000
--wait-result signal to wait for the transaction result - only valid if --send is
--timeout TIMEOUT max num of seconds to wait for result - only valid if --wait-result is
--send ✓ whether to broadcast the transaction (default: False)
--simulate whether to simulate the transaction (default: False)
--relay whether to relay the transaction (default: False)
--guardian-pem GUARDIAN_PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--guardian-pem-index GUARDIAN_PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--guardian-keyfile GUARDIAN_KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--guardian-passfile GUARDIAN_PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--guardian-ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--guardian-ledger-account-index GUARDIAN_LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX
🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--guardian-ledger-address-index GUARDIAN_LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX
🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
$ mxpy contract upgrade --help
usage: mxpy contract upgrade [-h] ...
Upgrade a previously-deployed Smart Contract.
Output example:
"emittedTransaction": {
"nonce": 42,
"sender": "alice",
"receiver": "bob",
"...": "..."
"emittedTransactionData": "the transaction data, not encoded",
"emittedTransactionHash": "the transaction hash",
"contractAddress": "the address of the contract",
"transactionOnNetwork": {
"nonce": 42,
"sender": "alice",
"receiver": "bob",
"...": "..."
"simulation": {
"execution": {
"...": "..."
"cost": {
"...": "..."
positional arguments:
contract 🖄 the address of the Smart Contract
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--abi ABI the ABI of the Smart Contract
--outfile OUTFILE where to save the output (default: stdout)
--bytecode BYTECODE the file containing the WASM bytecode
--metadata-not-upgradeable ‼ mark the contract as NOT upgradeable (default: upgradeable)
--metadata-not-readable ‼ mark the contract as NOT readable (default: readable)
--metadata-payable ‼ mark the contract as payable (default: not payable)
--metadata-payable-by-sc ‼ mark the contract as payable by SC (default: not payable by SC)
--pem PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--pem-index PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--keyfile KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--passfile PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--ledger-account-index LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX 🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--ledger-address-index LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX 🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
--sender-username SENDER_USERNAME 🖄 the username of the sender
--proxy PROXY 🔗 the URL of the proxy
--nonce NONCE # the nonce for the transaction
--recall-nonce ⭮ whether to recall the nonce when creating the transaction (default:
--gas-price GAS_PRICE ⛽ the gas price (default: 1000000000)
--gas-limit GAS_LIMIT ⛽ the gas limit
--value VALUE the value to transfer (default: 0)
--chain CHAIN the chain identifier
--version VERSION the transaction version (default: 2)
--relayer RELAYER the bech32 address of the relayer
--relayer-pem RELAYER_PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--relayer-pem-index RELAYER_PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--relayer-keyfile RELAYER_KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--relayer-passfile RELAYER_PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--relayer-ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--relayer-ledger-account-index RELAYER_LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX
🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--relayer-ledger-address-index RELAYER_LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX
🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
--guardian GUARDIAN the address of the guradian
--guardian-service-url GUARDIAN_SERVICE_URL the url of the guardian service
--guardian-2fa-code GUARDIAN_2FA_CODE the 2fa code for the guardian
--options OPTIONS the transaction options (default: 0)
--arguments ARGUMENTS [ARGUMENTS ...] arguments for the contract transaction, as [number, bech32-address,
ascii string, boolean] or hex-encoded. E.g. --arguments 42 0x64 1000
0xabba str:TOK-a1c2ef true erd1[..]
--arguments-file ARGUMENTS_FILE a json file containing the arguments. ONLY if abi file is provided.
E.g. [{ 'to': 'erd1...', 'amount': 10000000000 }]
--wait-result signal to wait for the transaction result - only valid if --send is
--timeout TIMEOUT max num of seconds to wait for result - only valid if --wait-result is
--send ✓ whether to broadcast the transaction (default: False)
--simulate whether to simulate the transaction (default: False)
--guardian-pem GUARDIAN_PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--guardian-pem-index GUARDIAN_PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--guardian-keyfile GUARDIAN_KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--guardian-passfile GUARDIAN_PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--guardian-ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--guardian-ledger-account-index GUARDIAN_LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX
🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--guardian-ledger-address-index GUARDIAN_LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX
🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
$ mxpy contract query --help
usage: mxpy contract query [-h] ...
Query a Smart Contract (call a pure function)
positional arguments:
contract 🖄 the address of the Smart Contract
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--abi ABI the ABI of the Smart Contract
--proxy PROXY 🔗 the URL of the proxy
--function FUNCTION the function to call
--arguments ARGUMENTS [ARGUMENTS ...] arguments for the contract transaction, as [number, bech32-address, ascii
string, boolean] or hex-encoded. E.g. --arguments 42 0x64 1000 0xabba
str:TOK-a1c2ef true erd1[..]
--arguments-file ARGUMENTS_FILE a json file containing the arguments. ONLY if abi file is provided. E.g. [{
'to': 'erd1...', 'amount': 10000000000 }]
$ mxpy contract report --help
usage: mxpy contract report [-h] ...
Print a detailed report of the smart contracts.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--skip-build skips the step of building of the wasm contracts
--skip-twiggy skips the steps of building the debug wasm files and running twiggy
--output-format {github-markdown,text-markdown,json}
report output format (default: text-markdown)
--output-file OUTPUT_FILE if specified, the output is written to a file, otherwise it's written
to the standard output
--compare report-1.json [report-2.json ...] create a comparison from two or more reports
--path PATH the project directory (default: current directory)
--no-wasm-opt do not optimize wasm files after the build (default: False)
--wasm-symbols for rust projects, does not strip the symbols from the wasm output.
Useful for analysing the bytecode. Creates larger wasm files. Avoid in
production (default: False)
--wasm-name WASM_NAME for rust projects, optionally specify the name of the wasm bytecode
output file
--wasm-suffix WASM_SUFFIX for rust projects, optionally specify the suffix of the wasm bytecode
output file
--target-dir TARGET_DIR for rust projects, forward the parameter to Cargo
--wat also generate a WAT file when building
--mir also emit MIR files when building
--llvm-ir also emit LL (LLVM) files when building
--ignore IGNORE ignore all directories with these names. [default: target]
--no-imports skips extracting the EI imports after building the contracts
--no-abi-git-version skips loading the Git version into the ABI
--twiggy-top generate a twiggy top report after building
--twiggy-paths generate a twiggy paths report after building
--twiggy-monos generate a twiggy monos report after building
--twiggy-dominators generate a twiggy dominators report after building
$ mxpy tx --help
usage: mxpy tx COMMAND [-h] ...
Create and broadcast Transactions
-h, --help show this help message and exit
COMMANDS summary
new Create a new transaction.
send Send a previously saved transaction.
get Get a transaction.
sign Sign a previously saved transaction.
relay Relay a previously saved transaction.
$ mxpy tx new --help
usage: mxpy tx new [-h] ...
Create a new transaction.
Output example:
"emittedTransaction": {
"nonce": 42,
"sender": "alice",
"receiver": "bob",
"...": "..."
"emittedTransactionData": "the transaction data, not encoded",
"emittedTransactionHash": "the transaction hash"
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--pem PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--pem-index PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--keyfile KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--passfile PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--ledger-account-index LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX 🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--ledger-address-index LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX 🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
--sender-username SENDER_USERNAME 🖄 the username of the sender
--nonce NONCE # the nonce for the transaction
--recall-nonce ⭮ whether to recall the nonce when creating the transaction (default:
--receiver RECEIVER 🖄 the address of the receiver
--receiver-username RECEIVER_USERNAME 🖄 the username of the receiver
--gas-price GAS_PRICE ⛽ the gas price (default: 1000000000)
--gas-limit GAS_LIMIT ⛽ the gas limit
--value VALUE the value to transfer (default: 0)
--data DATA the payload, or 'memo' of the transaction (default: )
--chain CHAIN the chain identifier
--version VERSION the transaction version (default: 2)
--relayer RELAYER the bech32 address of the relayer
--relayer-pem RELAYER_PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--relayer-pem-index RELAYER_PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--relayer-keyfile RELAYER_KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--relayer-passfile RELAYER_PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--relayer-ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--relayer-ledger-account-index RELAYER_LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX
🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--relayer-ledger-address-index RELAYER_LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX
🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
--guardian GUARDIAN the address of the guradian
--guardian-service-url GUARDIAN_SERVICE_URL the url of the guardian service
--guardian-2fa-code GUARDIAN_2FA_CODE the 2fa code for the guardian
--options OPTIONS the transaction options (default: 0)
--data-file DATA_FILE a file containing transaction data
token transfers for transfer & execute, as [token, amount] E.g.
--token-transfers NFT-123456-0a 1 ESDT-987654 100000000
--outfile OUTFILE where to save the output (signed transaction, hash) (default: stdout)
--send ✓ whether to broadcast the transaction (default: False)
--simulate whether to simulate the transaction (default: False)
--relay whether to relay the transaction (default: False)
--proxy PROXY 🔗 the URL of the proxy
--guardian-pem GUARDIAN_PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--guardian-pem-index GUARDIAN_PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--guardian-keyfile GUARDIAN_KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--guardian-passfile GUARDIAN_PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--guardian-ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--guardian-ledger-account-index GUARDIAN_LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX
🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--guardian-ledger-address-index GUARDIAN_LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX
🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
--wait-result signal to wait for the transaction result - only valid if --send is
--timeout TIMEOUT max num of seconds to wait for result - only valid if --wait-result is
$ mxpy tx send --help
usage: mxpy tx send [-h] ...
Send a previously saved transaction.
Output example:
"emittedTransaction": {
"nonce": 42,
"sender": "alice",
"receiver": "bob",
"...": "..."
"emittedTransactionData": "the transaction data, not encoded",
"emittedTransactionHash": "the transaction hash"
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--infile INFILE input file (a previously saved transaction)
--outfile OUTFILE where to save the output (the hash) (default: stdout)
--proxy PROXY 🔗 the URL of the proxy
$ mxpy tx get --help
usage: mxpy tx get [-h] ...
Get a transaction.
Output example:
"transactionOnNetwork": {
"nonce": 42,
"sender": "alice",
"receiver": "bob",
"...": "..."
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--hash HASH the hash
--sender SENDER the sender address
--with-results will also return the results of transaction
--proxy PROXY 🔗 the URL of the proxy
--omit-fields OMIT_FIELDS omit fields in the output payload (default: [])
$ mxpy validator --help
usage: mxpy validator COMMAND [-h] ...
Stake, UnStake, UnBond, Unjail and other actions useful for Validators
-h, --help show this help message and exit
COMMANDS summary
stake Stake value into the Network
unstake Unstake value
unjail Unjail a Validator Node
unbond Unbond tokens for a bls key
change-reward-address Change the reward address
claim Claim rewards
unstake-nodes Unstake-nodes will unstake nodes for provided bls keys
unstake-tokens This command will un-stake the given amount (if value is greater than the existing topUp value, it will unStake one or several nodes)
unbond-nodes It will unBond nodes
unbond-tokens It will unBond tokens, if provided value is bigger that topUp value will unBond nodes
clean-registered-data Deletes duplicated keys from registered data
restake-unstaked-nodes It will reStake UnStaked nodes
$ mxpy validator stake --help
usage: mxpy validator stake [-h] ...
Stake value into the Network
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--proxy PROXY 🔗 the URL of the proxy
--pem PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--pem-index PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--keyfile KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--passfile PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--ledger-account-index LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX 🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--ledger-address-index LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX 🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
--sender-username SENDER_USERNAME 🖄 the username of the sender
--nonce NONCE # the nonce for the transaction
--recall-nonce ⭮ whether to recall the nonce when creating the transaction (default:
--gas-price GAS_PRICE ⛽ the gas price (default: 1000000000)
--gas-limit GAS_LIMIT ⛽ the gas limit
--estimate-gas ⛽ whether to estimate the gas limit (default: 0)
--value VALUE the value to transfer (default: 0)
--chain CHAIN the chain identifier
--version VERSION the transaction version (default: 2)
--relayer RELAYER the bech32 address of the relayer
--relayer-pem RELAYER_PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--relayer-pem-index RELAYER_PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--relayer-keyfile RELAYER_KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--relayer-passfile RELAYER_PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--relayer-ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--relayer-ledger-account-index RELAYER_LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX
🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--relayer-ledger-address-index RELAYER_LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX
🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
--guardian GUARDIAN the address of the guradian
--guardian-service-url GUARDIAN_SERVICE_URL the url of the guardian service
--guardian-2fa-code GUARDIAN_2FA_CODE the 2fa code for the guardian
--options OPTIONS the transaction options (default: 0)
--send ✓ whether to broadcast the transaction (default: False)
--simulate whether to simulate the transaction (default: False)
--outfile OUTFILE where to save the output (signed transaction, hash) (default: stdout)
--guardian-pem GUARDIAN_PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--guardian-pem-index GUARDIAN_PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--guardian-keyfile GUARDIAN_KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--guardian-passfile GUARDIAN_PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--guardian-ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--guardian-ledger-account-index GUARDIAN_LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX
🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--guardian-ledger-address-index GUARDIAN_LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX
🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
--reward-address REWARD_ADDRESS the reward address
--validators-file VALIDATORS_FILE a JSON file describing the Nodes
--top-up Stake value for top up
$ mxpy validator unstake --help
usage: mxpy validator unstake [-h] ...
Unstake value
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--proxy PROXY 🔗 the URL of the proxy
--pem PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--pem-index PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--keyfile KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--passfile PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--ledger-account-index LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX 🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--ledger-address-index LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX 🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
--sender-username SENDER_USERNAME 🖄 the username of the sender
--nonce NONCE # the nonce for the transaction
--recall-nonce ⭮ whether to recall the nonce when creating the transaction (default:
--gas-price GAS_PRICE ⛽ the gas price (default: 1000000000)
--gas-limit GAS_LIMIT ⛽ the gas limit
--estimate-gas ⛽ whether to estimate the gas limit (default: 0)
--value VALUE the value to transfer (default: 0)
--chain CHAIN the chain identifier
--version VERSION the transaction version (default: 2)
--relayer RELAYER the bech32 address of the relayer
--relayer-pem RELAYER_PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--relayer-pem-index RELAYER_PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--relayer-keyfile RELAYER_KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--relayer-passfile RELAYER_PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--relayer-ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--relayer-ledger-account-index RELAYER_LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX
🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--relayer-ledger-address-index RELAYER_LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX
🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
--guardian GUARDIAN the address of the guradian
--guardian-service-url GUARDIAN_SERVICE_URL the url of the guardian service
--guardian-2fa-code GUARDIAN_2FA_CODE the 2fa code for the guardian
--options OPTIONS the transaction options (default: 0)
--send ✓ whether to broadcast the transaction (default: False)
--simulate whether to simulate the transaction (default: False)
--outfile OUTFILE where to save the output (signed transaction, hash) (default: stdout)
--guardian-pem GUARDIAN_PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--guardian-pem-index GUARDIAN_PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--guardian-keyfile GUARDIAN_KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--guardian-passfile GUARDIAN_PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--guardian-ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--guardian-ledger-account-index GUARDIAN_LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX
🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--guardian-ledger-address-index GUARDIAN_LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX
🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
--nodes-public-keys NODES_PUBLIC_KEYS the public keys of the nodes as CSV (addrA,addrB)
$ mxpy validator unjail --help
usage: mxpy validator unjail [-h] ...
Unjail a Validator Node
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--proxy PROXY 🔗 the URL of the proxy
--pem PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--pem-index PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--keyfile KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--passfile PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--ledger-account-index LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX 🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--ledger-address-index LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX 🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
--sender-username SENDER_USERNAME 🖄 the username of the sender
--nonce NONCE # the nonce for the transaction
--recall-nonce ⭮ whether to recall the nonce when creating the transaction (default:
--gas-price GAS_PRICE ⛽ the gas price (default: 1000000000)
--gas-limit GAS_LIMIT ⛽ the gas limit
--estimate-gas ⛽ whether to estimate the gas limit (default: 0)
--value VALUE the value to transfer (default: 0)
--chain CHAIN the chain identifier
--version VERSION the transaction version (default: 2)
--relayer RELAYER the bech32 address of the relayer
--relayer-pem RELAYER_PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--relayer-pem-index RELAYER_PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--relayer-keyfile RELAYER_KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--relayer-passfile RELAYER_PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--relayer-ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--relayer-ledger-account-index RELAYER_LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX
🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--relayer-ledger-address-index RELAYER_LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX
🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
--guardian GUARDIAN the address of the guradian
--guardian-service-url GUARDIAN_SERVICE_URL the url of the guardian service
--guardian-2fa-code GUARDIAN_2FA_CODE the 2fa code for the guardian
--options OPTIONS the transaction options (default: 0)
--send ✓ whether to broadcast the transaction (default: False)
--simulate whether to simulate the transaction (default: False)
--outfile OUTFILE where to save the output (signed transaction, hash) (default: stdout)
--guardian-pem GUARDIAN_PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--guardian-pem-index GUARDIAN_PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--guardian-keyfile GUARDIAN_KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--guardian-passfile GUARDIAN_PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--guardian-ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--guardian-ledger-account-index GUARDIAN_LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX
🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--guardian-ledger-address-index GUARDIAN_LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX
🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
--nodes-public-keys NODES_PUBLIC_KEYS the public keys of the nodes as CSV (addrA,addrB)
$ mxpy validator unbond --help
usage: mxpy validator unbond [-h] ...
Unbond tokens for a bls key
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--proxy PROXY 🔗 the URL of the proxy
--pem PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--pem-index PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--keyfile KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--passfile PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--ledger-account-index LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX 🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--ledger-address-index LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX 🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
--sender-username SENDER_USERNAME 🖄 the username of the sender
--nonce NONCE # the nonce for the transaction
--recall-nonce ⭮ whether to recall the nonce when creating the transaction (default:
--gas-price GAS_PRICE ⛽ the gas price (default: 1000000000)
--gas-limit GAS_LIMIT ⛽ the gas limit
--estimate-gas ⛽ whether to estimate the gas limit (default: 0)
--value VALUE the value to transfer (default: 0)
--chain CHAIN the chain identifier
--version VERSION the transaction version (default: 2)
--relayer RELAYER the bech32 address of the relayer
--relayer-pem RELAYER_PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--relayer-pem-index RELAYER_PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--relayer-keyfile RELAYER_KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--relayer-passfile RELAYER_PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--relayer-ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--relayer-ledger-account-index RELAYER_LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX
🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--relayer-ledger-address-index RELAYER_LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX
🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
--guardian GUARDIAN the address of the guradian
--guardian-service-url GUARDIAN_SERVICE_URL the url of the guardian service
--guardian-2fa-code GUARDIAN_2FA_CODE the 2fa code for the guardian
--options OPTIONS the transaction options (default: 0)
--send ✓ whether to broadcast the transaction (default: False)
--simulate whether to simulate the transaction (default: False)
--outfile OUTFILE where to save the output (signed transaction, hash) (default: stdout)
--guardian-pem GUARDIAN_PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--guardian-pem-index GUARDIAN_PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--guardian-keyfile GUARDIAN_KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--guardian-passfile GUARDIAN_PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--guardian-ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--guardian-ledger-account-index GUARDIAN_LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX
🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--guardian-ledger-address-index GUARDIAN_LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX
🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
--nodes-public-keys NODES_PUBLIC_KEYS the public keys of the nodes as CSV (addrA,addrB)
$ mxpy validator change-reward-address --help
usage: mxpy validator change-reward-address [-h] ...
Change the reward address
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--proxy PROXY 🔗 the URL of the proxy
--pem PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--pem-index PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--keyfile KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--passfile PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--ledger-account-index LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX 🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--ledger-address-index LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX 🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
--sender-username SENDER_USERNAME 🖄 the username of the sender
--nonce NONCE # the nonce for the transaction
--recall-nonce ⭮ whether to recall the nonce when creating the transaction (default:
--gas-price GAS_PRICE ⛽ the gas price (default: 1000000000)
--gas-limit GAS_LIMIT ⛽ the gas limit
--estimate-gas ⛽ whether to estimate the gas limit (default: 0)
--value VALUE the value to transfer (default: 0)
--chain CHAIN the chain identifier
--version VERSION the transaction version (default: 2)
--relayer RELAYER the bech32 address of the relayer
--relayer-pem RELAYER_PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--relayer-pem-index RELAYER_PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--relayer-keyfile RELAYER_KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--relayer-passfile RELAYER_PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--relayer-ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--relayer-ledger-account-index RELAYER_LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX
🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--relayer-ledger-address-index RELAYER_LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX
🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
--guardian GUARDIAN the address of the guradian
--guardian-service-url GUARDIAN_SERVICE_URL the url of the guardian service
--guardian-2fa-code GUARDIAN_2FA_CODE the 2fa code for the guardian
--options OPTIONS the transaction options (default: 0)
--send ✓ whether to broadcast the transaction (default: False)
--simulate whether to simulate the transaction (default: False)
--outfile OUTFILE where to save the output (signed transaction, hash) (default: stdout)
--guardian-pem GUARDIAN_PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--guardian-pem-index GUARDIAN_PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--guardian-keyfile GUARDIAN_KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--guardian-passfile GUARDIAN_PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--guardian-ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--guardian-ledger-account-index GUARDIAN_LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX
🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--guardian-ledger-address-index GUARDIAN_LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX
🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
--reward-address REWARD_ADDRESS the new reward address
$ mxpy validator claim --help
usage: mxpy validator claim [-h] ...
Claim rewards
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--proxy PROXY 🔗 the URL of the proxy
--pem PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--pem-index PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--keyfile KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--passfile PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--ledger-account-index LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX 🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--ledger-address-index LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX 🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
--sender-username SENDER_USERNAME 🖄 the username of the sender
--nonce NONCE # the nonce for the transaction
--recall-nonce ⭮ whether to recall the nonce when creating the transaction (default:
--gas-price GAS_PRICE ⛽ the gas price (default: 1000000000)
--gas-limit GAS_LIMIT ⛽ the gas limit
--estimate-gas ⛽ whether to estimate the gas limit (default: 0)
--value VALUE the value to transfer (default: 0)
--chain CHAIN the chain identifier
--version VERSION the transaction version (default: 2)
--relayer RELAYER the bech32 address of the relayer
--relayer-pem RELAYER_PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--relayer-pem-index RELAYER_PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--relayer-keyfile RELAYER_KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--relayer-passfile RELAYER_PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--relayer-ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--relayer-ledger-account-index RELAYER_LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX
🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--relayer-ledger-address-index RELAYER_LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX
🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
--guardian GUARDIAN the address of the guradian
--guardian-service-url GUARDIAN_SERVICE_URL the url of the guardian service
--guardian-2fa-code GUARDIAN_2FA_CODE the 2fa code for the guardian
--options OPTIONS the transaction options (default: 0)
--send ✓ whether to broadcast the transaction (default: False)
--simulate whether to simulate the transaction (default: False)
--outfile OUTFILE where to save the output (signed transaction, hash) (default: stdout)
--guardian-pem GUARDIAN_PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--guardian-pem-index GUARDIAN_PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--guardian-keyfile GUARDIAN_KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--guardian-passfile GUARDIAN_PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--guardian-ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--guardian-ledger-account-index GUARDIAN_LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX
🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--guardian-ledger-address-index GUARDIAN_LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX
🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
$ mxpy staking-provider --help
usage: mxpy staking-provider COMMAND [-h] ...
Staking provider omnitool
-h, --help show this help message and exit
COMMANDS summary
create-new-delegation-contract Create a new delegation system smart contract, transferred value must be greater than baseIssuingCost + min deposit value
get-contract-address Get create contract address by transaction hash
add-nodes Add new nodes must be called by the contract owner
remove-nodes Remove nodes must be called by the contract owner
stake-nodes Stake nodes must be called by the contract owner
unbond-nodes Unbond nodes must be called by the contract owner
unstake-nodes Unstake nodes must be called by the contract owner
unjail-nodes Unjail nodes must be called by the contract owner
delegate Delegate funds to a delegation contract
claim-rewards Claim the rewards earned for delegating
redelegate-rewards Redelegate the rewards earned for delegating
undelegate Undelegate funds from a delegation contract
withdraw Withdraw funds from a delegation contract
change-service-fee Change service fee must be called by the contract owner
modify-delegation-cap Modify delegation cap must be called by the contract owner
automatic-activation Automatic activation must be called by the contract owner
redelegate-cap Redelegate cap must be called by the contract owner
set-metadata Set metadata must be called by the contract owner
make-delegation-contract-from-validator Create a delegation contract from validator data. Must be called by the node operator
$ mxpy staking-provider create-new-delegation-contract --help
usage: mxpy staking-provider create-new-delegation-contract [-h] ...
Create a new delegation system smart contract, transferred value must be greater than baseIssuingCost + min deposit value
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--proxy PROXY 🔗 the URL of the proxy
--pem PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--pem-index PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--keyfile KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--passfile PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--ledger-account-index LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX 🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--ledger-address-index LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX 🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
--sender-username SENDER_USERNAME 🖄 the username of the sender
--nonce NONCE # the nonce for the transaction
--recall-nonce ⭮ whether to recall the nonce when creating the transaction (default:
--gas-price GAS_PRICE ⛽ the gas price (default: 1000000000)
--gas-limit GAS_LIMIT ⛽ the gas limit
--estimate-gas ⛽ whether to estimate the gas limit (default: 0)
--value VALUE the value to transfer (default: 0)
--chain CHAIN the chain identifier
--version VERSION the transaction version (default: 2)
--relayer RELAYER the bech32 address of the relayer
--relayer-pem RELAYER_PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--relayer-pem-index RELAYER_PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--relayer-keyfile RELAYER_KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--relayer-passfile RELAYER_PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--relayer-ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--relayer-ledger-account-index RELAYER_LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX
🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--relayer-ledger-address-index RELAYER_LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX
🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
--guardian GUARDIAN the address of the guradian
--guardian-service-url GUARDIAN_SERVICE_URL the url of the guardian service
--guardian-2fa-code GUARDIAN_2FA_CODE the 2fa code for the guardian
--options OPTIONS the transaction options (default: 0)
--send ✓ whether to broadcast the transaction (default: False)
--simulate whether to simulate the transaction (default: False)
--outfile OUTFILE where to save the output (signed transaction, hash) (default: stdout)
--guardian-pem GUARDIAN_PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--guardian-pem-index GUARDIAN_PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--guardian-keyfile GUARDIAN_KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--guardian-passfile GUARDIAN_PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--guardian-ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--guardian-ledger-account-index GUARDIAN_LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX
🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--guardian-ledger-address-index GUARDIAN_LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX
🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
--total-delegation-cap TOTAL_DELEGATION_CAP the total delegation contract capacity
--service-fee SERVICE_FEE the delegation contract service fee
$ mxpy staking-provider get-contract-address --help
usage: mxpy staking-provider get-contract-address [-h] ...
Get create contract address by transaction hash
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--create-tx-hash CREATE_TX_HASH the hash
--sender SENDER the sender address
--proxy PROXY 🔗 the URL of the proxy
$ mxpy staking-provider add-nodes --help
usage: mxpy staking-provider add-nodes [-h] ...
Add new nodes must be called by the contract owner
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--validators-file VALIDATORS_FILE a JSON file describing the Nodes
--delegation-contract DELEGATION_CONTRACT address of the delegation contract
--proxy PROXY 🔗 the URL of the proxy
--pem PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--pem-index PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--keyfile KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--passfile PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--ledger-account-index LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX 🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--ledger-address-index LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX 🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
--sender-username SENDER_USERNAME 🖄 the username of the sender
--nonce NONCE # the nonce for the transaction
--recall-nonce ⭮ whether to recall the nonce when creating the transaction (default:
--gas-price GAS_PRICE ⛽ the gas price (default: 1000000000)
--gas-limit GAS_LIMIT ⛽ the gas limit
--estimate-gas ⛽ whether to estimate the gas limit (default: 0)
--value VALUE the value to transfer (default: 0)
--chain CHAIN the chain identifier
--version VERSION the transaction version (default: 2)
--relayer RELAYER the bech32 address of the relayer
--relayer-pem RELAYER_PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--relayer-pem-index RELAYER_PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--relayer-keyfile RELAYER_KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--relayer-passfile RELAYER_PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--relayer-ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--relayer-ledger-account-index RELAYER_LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX
🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--relayer-ledger-address-index RELAYER_LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX
🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
--guardian GUARDIAN the address of the guradian
--guardian-service-url GUARDIAN_SERVICE_URL the url of the guardian service
--guardian-2fa-code GUARDIAN_2FA_CODE the 2fa code for the guardian
--options OPTIONS the transaction options (default: 0)
--send ✓ whether to broadcast the transaction (default: False)
--simulate whether to simulate the transaction (default: False)
--outfile OUTFILE where to save the output (signed transaction, hash) (default: stdout)
--guardian-pem GUARDIAN_PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--guardian-pem-index GUARDIAN_PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--guardian-keyfile GUARDIAN_KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--guardian-passfile GUARDIAN_PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--guardian-ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--guardian-ledger-account-index GUARDIAN_LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX
🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--guardian-ledger-address-index GUARDIAN_LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX
🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
$ mxpy staking-provider remove-nodes --help
usage: mxpy staking-provider remove-nodes [-h] ...
Remove nodes must be called by the contract owner
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--bls-keys BLS_KEYS a list with the bls keys of the nodes
--validators-file VALIDATORS_FILE a JSON file describing the Nodes
--delegation-contract DELEGATION_CONTRACT address of the delegation contract
--proxy PROXY 🔗 the URL of the proxy
--pem PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--pem-index PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--keyfile KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--passfile PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--ledger-account-index LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX 🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--ledger-address-index LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX 🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
--sender-username SENDER_USERNAME 🖄 the username of the sender
--nonce NONCE # the nonce for the transaction
--recall-nonce ⭮ whether to recall the nonce when creating the transaction (default:
--gas-price GAS_PRICE ⛽ the gas price (default: 1000000000)
--gas-limit GAS_LIMIT ⛽ the gas limit
--estimate-gas ⛽ whether to estimate the gas limit (default: 0)
--value VALUE the value to transfer (default: 0)
--chain CHAIN the chain identifier
--version VERSION the transaction version (default: 2)
--relayer RELAYER the bech32 address of the relayer
--relayer-pem RELAYER_PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--relayer-pem-index RELAYER_PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--relayer-keyfile RELAYER_KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--relayer-passfile RELAYER_PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--relayer-ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--relayer-ledger-account-index RELAYER_LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX
🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--relayer-ledger-address-index RELAYER_LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX
🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
--guardian GUARDIAN the address of the guradian
--guardian-service-url GUARDIAN_SERVICE_URL the url of the guardian service
--guardian-2fa-code GUARDIAN_2FA_CODE the 2fa code for the guardian
--options OPTIONS the transaction options (default: 0)
--send ✓ whether to broadcast the transaction (default: False)
--simulate whether to simulate the transaction (default: False)
--outfile OUTFILE where to save the output (signed transaction, hash) (default: stdout)
--guardian-pem GUARDIAN_PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--guardian-pem-index GUARDIAN_PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--guardian-keyfile GUARDIAN_KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--guardian-passfile GUARDIAN_PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--guardian-ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--guardian-ledger-account-index GUARDIAN_LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX
🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--guardian-ledger-address-index GUARDIAN_LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX
🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
$ mxpy staking-provider stake-nodes --help
usage: mxpy staking-provider stake-nodes [-h] ...
Stake nodes must be called by the contract owner
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--bls-keys BLS_KEYS a list with the bls keys of the nodes
--validators-file VALIDATORS_FILE a JSON file describing the Nodes
--delegation-contract DELEGATION_CONTRACT address of the delegation contract
--proxy PROXY 🔗 the URL of the proxy
--pem PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--pem-index PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--keyfile KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--passfile PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--ledger-account-index LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX 🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--ledger-address-index LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX 🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
--sender-username SENDER_USERNAME 🖄 the username of the sender
--nonce NONCE # the nonce for the transaction
--recall-nonce ⭮ whether to recall the nonce when creating the transaction (default:
--gas-price GAS_PRICE ⛽ the gas price (default: 1000000000)
--gas-limit GAS_LIMIT ⛽ the gas limit
--estimate-gas ⛽ whether to estimate the gas limit (default: 0)
--value VALUE the value to transfer (default: 0)
--chain CHAIN the chain identifier
--version VERSION the transaction version (default: 2)
--relayer RELAYER the bech32 address of the relayer
--relayer-pem RELAYER_PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--relayer-pem-index RELAYER_PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--relayer-keyfile RELAYER_KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--relayer-passfile RELAYER_PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--relayer-ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--relayer-ledger-account-index RELAYER_LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX
🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--relayer-ledger-address-index RELAYER_LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX
🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
--guardian GUARDIAN the address of the guradian
--guardian-service-url GUARDIAN_SERVICE_URL the url of the guardian service
--guardian-2fa-code GUARDIAN_2FA_CODE the 2fa code for the guardian
--options OPTIONS the transaction options (default: 0)
--send ✓ whether to broadcast the transaction (default: False)
--simulate whether to simulate the transaction (default: False)
--outfile OUTFILE where to save the output (signed transaction, hash) (default: stdout)
--guardian-pem GUARDIAN_PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--guardian-pem-index GUARDIAN_PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--guardian-keyfile GUARDIAN_KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--guardian-passfile GUARDIAN_PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--guardian-ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--guardian-ledger-account-index GUARDIAN_LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX
🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--guardian-ledger-address-index GUARDIAN_LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX
🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
$ mxpy staking-provider unbond-nodes --help
usage: mxpy staking-provider unbond-nodes [-h] ...
Unbond nodes must be called by the contract owner
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--bls-keys BLS_KEYS a list with the bls keys of the nodes
--validators-file VALIDATORS_FILE a JSON file describing the Nodes
--delegation-contract DELEGATION_CONTRACT address of the delegation contract
--proxy PROXY 🔗 the URL of the proxy
--pem PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--pem-index PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--keyfile KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--passfile PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--ledger-account-index LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX 🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--ledger-address-index LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX 🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
--sender-username SENDER_USERNAME 🖄 the username of the sender
--nonce NONCE # the nonce for the transaction
--recall-nonce ⭮ whether to recall the nonce when creating the transaction (default:
--gas-price GAS_PRICE ⛽ the gas price (default: 1000000000)
--gas-limit GAS_LIMIT ⛽ the gas limit
--estimate-gas ⛽ whether to estimate the gas limit (default: 0)
--value VALUE the value to transfer (default: 0)
--chain CHAIN the chain identifier
--version VERSION the transaction version (default: 2)
--relayer RELAYER the bech32 address of the relayer
--relayer-pem RELAYER_PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--relayer-pem-index RELAYER_PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--relayer-keyfile RELAYER_KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--relayer-passfile RELAYER_PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--relayer-ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--relayer-ledger-account-index RELAYER_LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX
🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--relayer-ledger-address-index RELAYER_LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX
🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
--guardian GUARDIAN the address of the guradian
--guardian-service-url GUARDIAN_SERVICE_URL the url of the guardian service
--guardian-2fa-code GUARDIAN_2FA_CODE the 2fa code for the guardian
--options OPTIONS the transaction options (default: 0)
--send ✓ whether to broadcast the transaction (default: False)
--simulate whether to simulate the transaction (default: False)
--outfile OUTFILE where to save the output (signed transaction, hash) (default: stdout)
--guardian-pem GUARDIAN_PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--guardian-pem-index GUARDIAN_PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--guardian-keyfile GUARDIAN_KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--guardian-passfile GUARDIAN_PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--guardian-ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--guardian-ledger-account-index GUARDIAN_LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX
🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--guardian-ledger-address-index GUARDIAN_LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX
🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
$ mxpy staking-provider unstake-nodes --help
usage: mxpy staking-provider unstake-nodes [-h] ...
Unstake nodes must be called by the contract owner
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--bls-keys BLS_KEYS a list with the bls keys of the nodes
--validators-file VALIDATORS_FILE a JSON file describing the Nodes
--delegation-contract DELEGATION_CONTRACT address of the delegation contract
--proxy PROXY 🔗 the URL of the proxy
--pem PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--pem-index PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--keyfile KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--passfile PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--ledger-account-index LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX 🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--ledger-address-index LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX 🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
--sender-username SENDER_USERNAME 🖄 the username of the sender
--nonce NONCE # the nonce for the transaction
--recall-nonce ⭮ whether to recall the nonce when creating the transaction (default:
--gas-price GAS_PRICE ⛽ the gas price (default: 1000000000)
--gas-limit GAS_LIMIT ⛽ the gas limit
--estimate-gas ⛽ whether to estimate the gas limit (default: 0)
--value VALUE the value to transfer (default: 0)
--chain CHAIN the chain identifier
--version VERSION the transaction version (default: 2)
--relayer RELAYER the bech32 address of the relayer
--relayer-pem RELAYER_PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--relayer-pem-index RELAYER_PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--relayer-keyfile RELAYER_KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--relayer-passfile RELAYER_PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--relayer-ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--relayer-ledger-account-index RELAYER_LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX
🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--relayer-ledger-address-index RELAYER_LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX
🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
--guardian GUARDIAN the address of the guradian
--guardian-service-url GUARDIAN_SERVICE_URL the url of the guardian service
--guardian-2fa-code GUARDIAN_2FA_CODE the 2fa code for the guardian
--options OPTIONS the transaction options (default: 0)
--send ✓ whether to broadcast the transaction (default: False)
--simulate whether to simulate the transaction (default: False)
--outfile OUTFILE where to save the output (signed transaction, hash) (default: stdout)
--guardian-pem GUARDIAN_PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--guardian-pem-index GUARDIAN_PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--guardian-keyfile GUARDIAN_KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--guardian-passfile GUARDIAN_PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--guardian-ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--guardian-ledger-account-index GUARDIAN_LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX
🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--guardian-ledger-address-index GUARDIAN_LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX
🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
$ mxpy staking-provider unjail-nodes --help
usage: mxpy staking-provider unjail-nodes [-h] ...
Unjail nodes must be called by the contract owner
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--bls-keys BLS_KEYS a list with the bls keys of the nodes
--validators-file VALIDATORS_FILE a JSON file describing the Nodes
--delegation-contract DELEGATION_CONTRACT address of the delegation contract
--proxy PROXY 🔗 the URL of the proxy
--pem PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--pem-index PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--keyfile KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--passfile PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--ledger-account-index LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX 🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--ledger-address-index LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX 🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
--sender-username SENDER_USERNAME 🖄 the username of the sender
--nonce NONCE # the nonce for the transaction
--recall-nonce ⭮ whether to recall the nonce when creating the transaction (default:
--gas-price GAS_PRICE ⛽ the gas price (default: 1000000000)
--gas-limit GAS_LIMIT ⛽ the gas limit
--estimate-gas ⛽ whether to estimate the gas limit (default: 0)
--value VALUE the value to transfer (default: 0)
--chain CHAIN the chain identifier
--version VERSION the transaction version (default: 2)
--relayer RELAYER the bech32 address of the relayer
--relayer-pem RELAYER_PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--relayer-pem-index RELAYER_PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--relayer-keyfile RELAYER_KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--relayer-passfile RELAYER_PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--relayer-ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--relayer-ledger-account-index RELAYER_LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX
🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--relayer-ledger-address-index RELAYER_LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX
🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
--guardian GUARDIAN the address of the guradian
--guardian-service-url GUARDIAN_SERVICE_URL the url of the guardian service
--guardian-2fa-code GUARDIAN_2FA_CODE the 2fa code for the guardian
--options OPTIONS the transaction options (default: 0)
--send ✓ whether to broadcast the transaction (default: False)
--simulate whether to simulate the transaction (default: False)
--outfile OUTFILE where to save the output (signed transaction, hash) (default: stdout)
--guardian-pem GUARDIAN_PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--guardian-pem-index GUARDIAN_PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--guardian-keyfile GUARDIAN_KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--guardian-passfile GUARDIAN_PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--guardian-ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--guardian-ledger-account-index GUARDIAN_LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX
🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--guardian-ledger-address-index GUARDIAN_LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX
🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
$ mxpy staking-provider change-service-fee --help
usage: mxpy staking-provider change-service-fee [-h] ...
Change service fee must be called by the contract owner
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--service-fee SERVICE_FEE new service fee value
--delegation-contract DELEGATION_CONTRACT address of the delegation contract
--proxy PROXY 🔗 the URL of the proxy
--pem PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--pem-index PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--keyfile KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--passfile PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--ledger-account-index LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX 🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--ledger-address-index LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX 🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
--sender-username SENDER_USERNAME 🖄 the username of the sender
--nonce NONCE # the nonce for the transaction
--recall-nonce ⭮ whether to recall the nonce when creating the transaction (default:
--gas-price GAS_PRICE ⛽ the gas price (default: 1000000000)
--gas-limit GAS_LIMIT ⛽ the gas limit
--estimate-gas ⛽ whether to estimate the gas limit (default: 0)
--value VALUE the value to transfer (default: 0)
--chain CHAIN the chain identifier
--version VERSION the transaction version (default: 2)
--relayer RELAYER the bech32 address of the relayer
--relayer-pem RELAYER_PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--relayer-pem-index RELAYER_PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--relayer-keyfile RELAYER_KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--relayer-passfile RELAYER_PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--relayer-ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--relayer-ledger-account-index RELAYER_LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX
🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--relayer-ledger-address-index RELAYER_LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX
🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
--guardian GUARDIAN the address of the guradian
--guardian-service-url GUARDIAN_SERVICE_URL the url of the guardian service
--guardian-2fa-code GUARDIAN_2FA_CODE the 2fa code for the guardian
--options OPTIONS the transaction options (default: 0)
--send ✓ whether to broadcast the transaction (default: False)
--simulate whether to simulate the transaction (default: False)
--outfile OUTFILE where to save the output (signed transaction, hash) (default: stdout)
--guardian-pem GUARDIAN_PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--guardian-pem-index GUARDIAN_PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--guardian-keyfile GUARDIAN_KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--guardian-passfile GUARDIAN_PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--guardian-ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--guardian-ledger-account-index GUARDIAN_LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX
🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--guardian-ledger-address-index GUARDIAN_LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX
🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
$ mxpy staking-provider modify-delegation-cap --help
usage: mxpy staking-provider modify-delegation-cap [-h] ...
Modify delegation cap must be called by the contract owner
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--delegation-cap DELEGATION_CAP new delegation contract capacity
--delegation-contract DELEGATION_CONTRACT address of the delegation contract
--proxy PROXY 🔗 the URL of the proxy
--pem PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--pem-index PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--keyfile KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--passfile PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--ledger-account-index LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX 🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--ledger-address-index LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX 🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
--sender-username SENDER_USERNAME 🖄 the username of the sender
--nonce NONCE # the nonce for the transaction
--recall-nonce ⭮ whether to recall the nonce when creating the transaction (default:
--gas-price GAS_PRICE ⛽ the gas price (default: 1000000000)
--gas-limit GAS_LIMIT ⛽ the gas limit
--estimate-gas ⛽ whether to estimate the gas limit (default: 0)
--value VALUE the value to transfer (default: 0)
--chain CHAIN the chain identifier
--version VERSION the transaction version (default: 2)
--relayer RELAYER the bech32 address of the relayer
--relayer-pem RELAYER_PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--relayer-pem-index RELAYER_PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--relayer-keyfile RELAYER_KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--relayer-passfile RELAYER_PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--relayer-ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--relayer-ledger-account-index RELAYER_LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX
🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--relayer-ledger-address-index RELAYER_LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX
🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
--guardian GUARDIAN the address of the guradian
--guardian-service-url GUARDIAN_SERVICE_URL the url of the guardian service
--guardian-2fa-code GUARDIAN_2FA_CODE the 2fa code for the guardian
--options OPTIONS the transaction options (default: 0)
--send ✓ whether to broadcast the transaction (default: False)
--simulate whether to simulate the transaction (default: False)
--outfile OUTFILE where to save the output (signed transaction, hash) (default: stdout)
--guardian-pem GUARDIAN_PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--guardian-pem-index GUARDIAN_PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--guardian-keyfile GUARDIAN_KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--guardian-passfile GUARDIAN_PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--guardian-ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--guardian-ledger-account-index GUARDIAN_LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX
🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--guardian-ledger-address-index GUARDIAN_LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX
🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
$ mxpy staking-provider automatic-activation --help
usage: mxpy staking-provider automatic-activation [-h] ...
Automatic activation must be called by the contract owner
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--set set automatic activation True
--unset set automatic activation False
--delegation-contract DELEGATION_CONTRACT address of the delegation contract
--proxy PROXY 🔗 the URL of the proxy
--pem PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--pem-index PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--keyfile KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--passfile PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--ledger-account-index LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX 🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--ledger-address-index LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX 🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
--sender-username SENDER_USERNAME 🖄 the username of the sender
--nonce NONCE # the nonce for the transaction
--recall-nonce ⭮ whether to recall the nonce when creating the transaction (default:
--gas-price GAS_PRICE ⛽ the gas price (default: 1000000000)
--gas-limit GAS_LIMIT ⛽ the gas limit
--estimate-gas ⛽ whether to estimate the gas limit (default: 0)
--value VALUE the value to transfer (default: 0)
--chain CHAIN the chain identifier
--version VERSION the transaction version (default: 2)
--relayer RELAYER the bech32 address of the relayer
--relayer-pem RELAYER_PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--relayer-pem-index RELAYER_PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--relayer-keyfile RELAYER_KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--relayer-passfile RELAYER_PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--relayer-ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--relayer-ledger-account-index RELAYER_LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX
🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--relayer-ledger-address-index RELAYER_LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX
🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
--guardian GUARDIAN the address of the guradian
--guardian-service-url GUARDIAN_SERVICE_URL the url of the guardian service
--guardian-2fa-code GUARDIAN_2FA_CODE the 2fa code for the guardian
--options OPTIONS the transaction options (default: 0)
--send ✓ whether to broadcast the transaction (default: False)
--simulate whether to simulate the transaction (default: False)
--outfile OUTFILE where to save the output (signed transaction, hash) (default: stdout)
--guardian-pem GUARDIAN_PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--guardian-pem-index GUARDIAN_PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--guardian-keyfile GUARDIAN_KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--guardian-passfile GUARDIAN_PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--guardian-ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--guardian-ledger-account-index GUARDIAN_LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX
🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--guardian-ledger-address-index GUARDIAN_LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX
🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
$ mxpy staking-provider redelegate-cap --help
usage: mxpy staking-provider redelegate-cap [-h] ...
Redelegate cap must be called by the contract owner
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--set set redelegate cap True
--unset set redelegate cap False
--delegation-contract DELEGATION_CONTRACT address of the delegation contract
--proxy PROXY 🔗 the URL of the proxy
--pem PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--pem-index PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--keyfile KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--passfile PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--ledger-account-index LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX 🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--ledger-address-index LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX 🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
--sender-username SENDER_USERNAME 🖄 the username of the sender
--nonce NONCE # the nonce for the transaction
--recall-nonce ⭮ whether to recall the nonce when creating the transaction (default:
--gas-price GAS_PRICE ⛽ the gas price (default: 1000000000)
--gas-limit GAS_LIMIT ⛽ the gas limit
--estimate-gas ⛽ whether to estimate the gas limit (default: 0)
--value VALUE the value to transfer (default: 0)
--chain CHAIN the chain identifier
--version VERSION the transaction version (default: 2)
--relayer RELAYER the bech32 address of the relayer
--relayer-pem RELAYER_PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--relayer-pem-index RELAYER_PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--relayer-keyfile RELAYER_KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--relayer-passfile RELAYER_PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--relayer-ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--relayer-ledger-account-index RELAYER_LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX
🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--relayer-ledger-address-index RELAYER_LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX
🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
--guardian GUARDIAN the address of the guradian
--guardian-service-url GUARDIAN_SERVICE_URL the url of the guardian service
--guardian-2fa-code GUARDIAN_2FA_CODE the 2fa code for the guardian
--options OPTIONS the transaction options (default: 0)
--send ✓ whether to broadcast the transaction (default: False)
--simulate whether to simulate the transaction (default: False)
--outfile OUTFILE where to save the output (signed transaction, hash) (default: stdout)
--guardian-pem GUARDIAN_PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--guardian-pem-index GUARDIAN_PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--guardian-keyfile GUARDIAN_KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--guardian-passfile GUARDIAN_PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--guardian-ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--guardian-ledger-account-index GUARDIAN_LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX
🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--guardian-ledger-address-index GUARDIAN_LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX
🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
$ mxpy staking-provider set-metadata --help
usage: mxpy staking-provider set-metadata [-h] ...
Set metadata must be called by the contract owner
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--name NAME name field in staking provider metadata
--website WEBSITE website field in staking provider metadata
--identifier IDENTIFIER identifier field in staking provider metadata
--delegation-contract DELEGATION_CONTRACT address of the delegation contract
--proxy PROXY 🔗 the URL of the proxy
--pem PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--pem-index PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--keyfile KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--passfile PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--ledger-account-index LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX 🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--ledger-address-index LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX 🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
--sender-username SENDER_USERNAME 🖄 the username of the sender
--nonce NONCE # the nonce for the transaction
--recall-nonce ⭮ whether to recall the nonce when creating the transaction (default:
--gas-price GAS_PRICE ⛽ the gas price (default: 1000000000)
--gas-limit GAS_LIMIT ⛽ the gas limit
--estimate-gas ⛽ whether to estimate the gas limit (default: 0)
--value VALUE the value to transfer (default: 0)
--chain CHAIN the chain identifier
--version VERSION the transaction version (default: 2)
--relayer RELAYER the bech32 address of the relayer
--relayer-pem RELAYER_PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--relayer-pem-index RELAYER_PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--relayer-keyfile RELAYER_KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--relayer-passfile RELAYER_PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--relayer-ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--relayer-ledger-account-index RELAYER_LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX
🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--relayer-ledger-address-index RELAYER_LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX
🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
--guardian GUARDIAN the address of the guradian
--guardian-service-url GUARDIAN_SERVICE_URL the url of the guardian service
--guardian-2fa-code GUARDIAN_2FA_CODE the 2fa code for the guardian
--options OPTIONS the transaction options (default: 0)
--send ✓ whether to broadcast the transaction (default: False)
--simulate whether to simulate the transaction (default: False)
--outfile OUTFILE where to save the output (signed transaction, hash) (default: stdout)
--guardian-pem GUARDIAN_PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--guardian-pem-index GUARDIAN_PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--guardian-keyfile GUARDIAN_KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--guardian-passfile GUARDIAN_PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--guardian-ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--guardian-ledger-account-index GUARDIAN_LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX
🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--guardian-ledger-address-index GUARDIAN_LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX
🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
$ mxpy account --help
usage: mxpy account COMMAND [-h] ...
Get Account data (nonce, balance) from the Network
-h, --help show this help message and exit
COMMANDS summary
get Query account details (nonce, balance etc.)
$ mxpy account get --help
usage: mxpy account get [-h] ...
Query account details (nonce, balance etc.)
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--proxy PROXY 🔗 the URL of the proxy
--address ADDRESS 🖄 the address to query
--balance whether to only fetch the balance
--nonce whether to only fetch the nonce
--username whether to only fetch the username
--omit-fields OMIT_FIELDS omit fields in the output payload (default: [])
$ mxpy wallet --help
usage: mxpy wallet COMMAND [-h] ...
Create wallet, derive secret key from mnemonic, bech32 address helpers etc.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
COMMANDS summary
new Create a new wallet and print its mnemonic; optionally save as password-protected JSON (recommended) or PEM (not recommended)
convert Convert a wallet from one format to another
bech32 Helper for encoding and decoding bech32 addresses
sign-message Sign a message
verify-message Verify a previously signed message
$ mxpy wallet new --help
usage: mxpy wallet new [-h] ...
Create a new wallet and print its mnemonic; optionally save as password-protected JSON (recommended) or PEM (not recommended)
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--format {raw-mnemonic,keystore-mnemonic,keystore-secret-key,pem}
the format of the generated wallet file (default: None)
--outfile OUTFILE the output path and base file name for the generated wallet files
(default: None)
--address-hrp ADDRESS_HRP the human-readable part of the address, when format is keystore-
secret-key or pem (default: erd)
--shard SHARD the shard in which the address will be generated; (default: random)
$ mxpy wallet convert --help
usage: mxpy wallet convert [-h] ...
Convert a wallet from one format to another
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--infile INFILE path to the input file
--outfile OUTFILE path to the output file
--in-format {raw-mnemonic,keystore-mnemonic,keystore-secret-key,pem}
the format of the input file
--out-format {raw-mnemonic,keystore-mnemonic,keystore-secret-key,pem,address-bech32,address-hex,secret-key}
the format of the output file
--address-index ADDRESS_INDEX the address index, if input format is raw-mnemonic, keystore-mnemonic
or pem (with multiple entries) and the output format is keystore-
secret-key or pem
--address-hrp ADDRESS_HRP the human-readable part of the address, when the output format is
keystore-secret-key or pem (default: erd)
$ mxpy wallet bech32 --help
usage: mxpy wallet bech32 [-h] ...
Helper for encoding and decoding bech32 addresses
positional arguments:
value the value to encode or decode
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--encode whether to encode
--decode whether to decode
$ mxpy wallet sign-message --help
usage: mxpy wallet sign-message [-h] ...
Sign a message
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--message MESSAGE the message you want to sign
--pem PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--pem-index PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--keyfile KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--passfile PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--ledger-account-index LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX 🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--ledger-address-index LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX 🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
--sender-username SENDER_USERNAME 🖄 the username of the sender
$ mxpy wallet verify-message --help
usage: mxpy wallet verify-message [-h] ...
Verify a previously signed message
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--address ADDRESS the bech32 address of the signer
--message MESSAGE the previously signed message(readable text, as it was signed)
--signature SIGNATURE the signature in hex format
$ mxpy localnet --help
usage: mxpy localnet COMMAND [-h] ...
Set up, start and control localnets
-h, --help show this help message and exit
$ mxpy localnet setup --help
usage: mxpy localnet setup [-h] ...
Set up a localnet (runs 'prerequisites', 'build' and 'config' in one go)
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--configfile CONFIGFILE An optional configuration file describing the localnet
$ mxpy localnet new --help
usage: mxpy localnet new [-h] ...
Create a new localnet configuration
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--configfile CONFIGFILE An optional configuration file describing the localnet
$ mxpy localnet prerequisites --help
usage: mxpy localnet prerequisites [-h] ...
Download and verify the prerequisites for running a localnet
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--configfile CONFIGFILE An optional configuration file describing the localnet
$ mxpy localnet build --help
usage: mxpy localnet build [-h] ...
Build necessary software for running a localnet
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--configfile CONFIGFILE An optional configuration file describing the localnet
--software {node,seednode,proxy} [{node,seednode,proxy} ...]
The software to build (default: ['node', 'seednode', 'proxy'])
$ mxpy localnet config --help
usage: mxpy localnet config [-h] ...
Configure a localnet (required before starting it the first time or after clean)
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--configfile CONFIGFILE An optional configuration file describing the localnet
$ mxpy localnet start --help
usage: mxpy localnet start [-h] ...
Start a localnet
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--configfile CONFIGFILE An optional configuration file describing the localnet
--stop-after-seconds STOP_AFTER_SECONDS Stop the localnet after a given number of seconds (default: 31536000)
$ mxpy localnet clean --help
usage: mxpy localnet clean [-h] ...
Erase the currently configured localnet (must be already stopped)
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--configfile CONFIGFILE An optional configuration file describing the localnet
$ mxpy deps --help
usage: mxpy deps COMMAND [-h] ...
Manage dependencies or multiversx-sdk modules
-h, --help show this help message and exit
COMMANDS summary
install Install dependencies or multiversx-sdk modules.
check Check whether a dependency is installed.
$ mxpy deps install --help
usage: mxpy deps install [-h] ...
Install dependencies or multiversx-sdk modules.
positional arguments:
{all,rust,golang,testwallets} the dependency to install
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--overwrite whether to overwrite an existing installation
$ mxpy deps check --help
usage: mxpy deps check [-h] ...
Check whether a dependency is installed.
positional arguments:
{all,rust,golang,testwallets} the dependency to check
-h, --help show this help message and exit
$ mxpy config --help
usage: mxpy config COMMAND [-h] ...
Configure multiversx-sdk (default values etc.)
-h, --help show this help message and exit
COMMANDS summary
dump Dumps configuration.
get Gets a configuration value.
set Sets a configuration value.
delete Deletes a configuration value.
new Creates a new configuration.
switch Switch to a different config
list List available configs
reset Deletes the config file. Default config will be used.
$ mxpy config dump --help
usage: mxpy config dump [-h] ...
Dumps configuration.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--defaults dump defaults instead of local config
$ mxpy config get --help
usage: mxpy config get [-h] ...
Gets a configuration value.
positional arguments:
name the name of the configuration entry
-h, --help show this help message and exit
$ mxpy config set --help
usage: mxpy config set [-h] ...
Sets a configuration value.
positional arguments:
name the name of the configuration entry
value the new value
-h, --help show this help message and exit
$ mxpy config new --help
usage: mxpy config new [-h] ...
Creates a new configuration.
positional arguments:
name the name of the configuration entry
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--template TEMPLATE template from which to create the new config
$ mxpy config switch --help
usage: mxpy config switch [-h] ...
Switch to a different config
positional arguments:
name the name of the configuration entry
-h, --help show this help message and exit
$ mxpy config list --help
usage: mxpy config list [-h] ...
List available configs
-h, --help show this help message and exit
$ mxpy config reset --help
usage: mxpy config reset [-h] ...
Deletes the config file. Default config will be used.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
$ mxpy data --help
usage: mxpy data COMMAND [-h] ...
Data manipulation omnitool
-h, --help show this help message and exit
COMMANDS summary
parse Parses values from a given file
store Stores a key-value pair within a partition
load Loads a key-value pair from a storage partition
$ mxpy data parse --help
usage: mxpy data parse [-h] ...
Parses values from a given file
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--file FILE path of the file to parse
--expression EXPRESSION the Python-Dictionary expression to evaluate in order to extract the data
$ mxpy data store --help
usage: mxpy data store [-h] ...
Stores a key-value pair within a partition
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--key KEY the key
--value VALUE the value to save
--partition PARTITION the storage partition (default: *)
--use-global use the global storage (default: False)
$ mxpy data load --help
usage: mxpy data load [-h] ...
Loads a key-value pair from a storage partition
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--key KEY the key
--partition PARTITION the storage partition (default: *)
--use-global use the global storage (default: False)
$ mxpy faucet --help
usage: mxpy faucet COMMAND [-h] ...
Get xEGLD on Devnet or Testnet
-h, --help show this help message and exit
COMMANDS summary
request Request xEGLD.
$ mxpy faucet request --help
usage: mxpy faucet request [-h] ...
Request xEGLD.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--pem PEM 🔑 the PEM file, if keyfile not provided
--pem-index PEM_INDEX 🔑 the index in the PEM file (default: 0)
--keyfile KEYFILE 🔑 a JSON keyfile, if PEM not provided
--passfile PASSFILE 🔑 a file containing keyfile's password, if keyfile provided
--ledger 🔐 bool flag for signing transaction using ledger
--ledger-account-index LEDGER_ACCOUNT_INDEX 🔐 the index of the account when using Ledger
--ledger-address-index LEDGER_ADDRESS_INDEX 🔐 the index of the address when using Ledger
--sender-username SENDER_USERNAME 🖄 the username of the sender
--chain CHAIN the chain identifier