Format commitlint reports
npm install --save @commitlint/format
- Signature
type Problem = {
* Level of the problem hint | warning | error
level: 0 | 1 | 2;
* Name of the problem to annotate the message with
name: string;
* Message to print
message: string;
type Report = {
results: ReportResult[];
type ReportResult = {
errors: Problem[];
warnings: Problem[];
type formatOptions = {
* Color the output
color: boolean = true;
* Signs to use as decoration for messages with severy 0, 1, 2
signs: readonly [string; string; string] = [' ', 'β ', 'β'];
* Colors to use for messages with severy 0, 1, 2
colors: readonly [string; string; string] = ['white', 'yellow', 'red'];
* Print summary and inputs for reports without problems
verbose: boolean = false;
* URL to print as help for reports with problems
helpUrl: string;
format(report?: Report = {}, options?: formatOptions = {}) => string[];
- Example
const format = require('@commitlint/format');
format(); // => [ '\u001b[1m\u001b[32mβ\u001b[39m found 0 problems, 0 warnings\u001b[22m' ]
results: [
warnings: [
level: 0,
name: 'some-hint',
message: 'This will not show up as it has level 0',
level: 1,
name: 'some-warning',
message: 'This will show up yellow as it has level 1',
errors: [
level: 2,
name: 'some-error',
message: 'This will show up red as it has level 2',
color: false,
/* => [
'β This will show up red as it has level 2 [some-error]',
' This will not show up as it has level 0 [some-hint]',
'β This will show up yellow as it has level 1 [some-warning]',
'β found 1 problems, 2 warnings'
] */
Load shared commitlint configuration
npm install --save @commitlint/load
- Signature
* How to handle violation of rule
* 0 - ignore
* 1 - warn
* 2 - throw
type RuleLevel = 0 | 1 | 2;
* Application of rule
* always - positive
* never - negative
type RuleCondition = 'always' | 'never';
* Additional, optional options to pass to rule
type RuleOption = any;
* Basic complete rule definition
type PrimitiveRule = [RuleLevel, RuleCondition, RuleOption?];
* Async rules are resolved during config lookup.
* They can be used to set up linting rules based on e.g. the project fs
type AsyncRule = Promise<PrimitiveRule>;
* Function rules are executed during config lookup.
* They can be used to set up linting rules based on e.g. the project fs
type FunctionRule = () => PrimitiveRule;
* Async function rules are executed and awaited during config lookup.
* They can be used to set up linting rules based on e.g. the project fs
type AsyncFunctionRule () => Promise<PrimitiveRule>;
* Polymorphic rule struct
type Rule = PrimitiveRule | FunctionRule | AsyncFunctionRule;
* Parser preset for conventional commits
type ParserPreset = {
name: string;
path: string;
opts: any;
type Seed = {
* ids resolveable from cwd or configuration file.
* Imported and merged into configuration
* with increasing precedence, with top level config taking the highest.
extends?: string[];
* id resolveable from cwd or configuration file.
* Imported and expanded to {ParserPreset}.
* Top level parserPresets override presets in extended configuration.
parserPreset?: string;
* Initial map of rules to check against
rules?: {[ruleName: string]: Rule};
type Config = {
* Relatives path to all extendend configurations.
extends: string[];
* Expanded parser preset, if any
parserPreset?: ParserPreset;
* Merged map of rules to check against
rules: {[ruleName: string]: Rule};
type LoadOptions = {
* Path to the config file to load.
file?: string;
* The cwd to use when loading config from file parameter.
cwd: string;
load(seed: Seed = {}, options?: LoadOptions = {cwd: process.cwd()}) => Promise<Config>;
- Example
const load = require('@commitlint/load');
rules: {
'body-leading-blank': [2, 'always'],
}).then((config) => console.log(config));
// => { extends: [], rules: { 'body-leading-blank': [ 2, 'always' ] } }
load({extends: ['./package']}).then((config) => console.log(config));
// => { extends: ['./package', './package-b'], rules: {} }
load({parserPreset: './parser-preset.js'}).then((config) =>
// => { extends: [], rules: {}, parserPreset: {name: './parser-preset.js', path: './parser-preset.js', opts: {}}}
load({}, {file: '.commitlintrc.yml', cwd: process.cwd()}).then((config) =>
// => { extends: [], rules: { 'body-leading-blank': [ 1, 'always' ] }, formatter: '@commitlint/format', plugins: {} }
Read commit messages from a specified range or disk
npm install --save @commitlint/read
- Signature
type Range = {
/* Lower end of the commit range to read */
from: string;
/* Upper end of the commit range to read */
to: string;
/* Wether (boolean) to read from ./.git/COMMIT_EDITMSG or where to read from (string) */
edit?: boolean | string;
read(range: Range) => Promise<string[]>
- Example
// git commit -m "I did something"
const read = require('@commitlint/read').default;
read({edit: true}).then((messages) => console.log(messages));
// => ['I did something\n\n']
read({edit: './git/GITGUI_EDITMESSAGE'}).then((messages) =>
// => ['I did something via git gui\n\n']
read({from: 'HEAD~2'}).then((messages) => console.log(messages));
// => ['I did something\n\n', 'Initial commit\n\n']
read({from: 'HEAD~2', to: 'HEAD~1'}).then((messages) => console.log(messages));
// => ['Initial commit\n\n']
Lint a string against commitlint rules
npm install --save @commitlint/lint
- Signature
type RuleLevel = 0 | 1 | 2;
type RuleCondition = 'always' | 'never';
type RuleOption = any;
type PrimitiveRule = [RuleLevel, RuleCondition, RuleOption?];
type AsyncRule = Promise<PrimitiveRule>;
type FunctionRule = () => PrimitiveRule;
type AsyncFunctionRule () => Promise<PrimitiveRule>;
type Rule = PrimitiveRule | FunctionRule | AsyncFunctionRule;
type Problem = {
level: number;
valid: boolean;
name: string;
message: string;
type Report = {
valid: boolean;
errors: Problem[];
warnings: Problem[];
type Options = {
parserOpts?: any;
lint(message: string, rules: {[ruleName: string]: Rule}, opts?: Options) => Promise<Report>;
- Basic Example
const lint = require('@commitlint/lint');
lint('foo: bar').then((report) => console.log(report));
// => { valid: true, errors: [], warnings: [] }
lint('foo: bar', {'type-enum': [1, 'always', ['foo']]}).then((report) =>
// => { valid: true, errors: [], warnings: [] }
lint('foo: bar', {'type-enum': [1, 'always', ['bar']]}).then((report) =>
/* =>
{ valid: true,
errors: [],
[ { level: 1,
valid: false,
name: 'type-enum',
message: 'type must be one of [bar]' } ] }
const opts = {
parserOpts: {
headerPattern: /^(\w*)-(\w*)/,
headerCorrespondence: ['type', 'scope'],
lint('foo-bar', {'type-enum': [2, 'always', ['foo']]}, opts).then((report) =>
// => { valid: true, errors: [], warnings: [] }
- Load configuration
const load = require('@commitlint/load');
const lint = require('@commitlint/lint');
const CONFIG = {
extends: ['@commitlint/config-conventional'],
.then((opts) =>
'foo: bar',
opts.parserPreset ? {parserOpts: opts.parserPreset.parserOpts} : {}
.then((report) => console.log(report));
/* =>
{ valid: false,
[ { level: 2,
valid: false,
name: 'type-enum',
message: 'type must be one of [build, chore, ci, docs, feat, fix, perf, refactor, revert, style, test]' } ],
warnings: [] }
- Read git history
const lint = require('@commitlint/lint');
const read = require('@commitlint/read');
const RULES = {
'type-enum': [2, 'always', ['foo']],
const check = (commit) => lint(commit, RULES);
read({to: 'HEAD', from: 'HEAD~2'}).then((commits) =>
- Simplfied last-commit checker
const load = require('@commitlint/load');
const read = require('@commitlint/read');
const lint = require('@commitlint/lint');
Promise.all([load(), read({from: 'HEAD~1'})])
.then((tasks) => {
const [{rules, parserPreset}, [commit]] = tasks;
return lint(
parserPreset ? {parserOpts: parserPreset.parserOpts} : {}
.then((report) => console.log(JSON.stringify(result.valid)));