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cezbek-engine-ci-prod Quality Gate Status Coverage

Cezbek Engine

Cezbek engine is a new prototype of core back-end system that helps Kezbek to manage their business, at scale. Currently we only develop for proof of concept on development environment. As per this document is created, Kezbek is officially partnered with LinkSaja, GoPaid, and Josvo as wallet service providers. Then it only works for B2B partner's customer who have MSISDN as identifier. To integrate with wallet service provider Kezbek could connect through a direct H2H or 3rd party payment provider API such as Middletrans and Xenit, based on the lowest service charge. And with the new Cezbek engine hopefully one day Kezbek could have

  • Business to Business (B2B) onboarding for enterprise partner.
  • B2B cashback workflow for B2B Partner transaction by their customer.
  • B2B loyalty reward workflow for "tiering" gamification.
  • Notification to boost customer engagement.
  • Budget friendly payment providers to give Kezbek finance team a better experience.
  • Dashboard for reporting & analytics for invoice and reconciliation purpose.

With some notes from the author that

  • In development environment we will use third party Mock API server that will be pretended as H2H and 3rd party payment provider.
  • Kezbek does not manage customer whitelists, product, and campaign that partner have and considered as out of scope.
  • Cezbek in current phase does not provide any parameter and configuration management so it will be manually handle on prototype version.
  • As per the first statement, Kezbek will take MSISDN as the unique identifier.


Technology Background

Cezbek engine is using monorepo, a version-controlled code repository that holds many projects. While these projects may be related, they are often logically independent and run by different teams. And looks perfect for a small development team that will begin a development pattern. The new Cezbek engine relies on cloud environment. As this apps that born in the cloud with its limited development resource, we proudly choose Go as the national language to talk. Why Go is selected as the core backend?

  1. Go is gaining its popularity and is getting increased in 2022 and have a lot of men-resource market in Indonesia.
  2. Support multi thread and single thread concurrency called Goroutine to develop an optimize distributed system.
  3. Go have many characteristics such as lightweight, cloud agnostic, build as native, and small memory footprint on startup are the advantages.
  4. For the HTTP router to serve Cezbek APIs we choose Fiber that have shown an impressive benchmark from Tech Empower.
  5. Like an Alfamidi or Indomaret, it has lot of standard library and many popular plugins that ready to use without need to lot of deep research the compatibility e.g database driver, ORM, memory cache, cloud library, message queue, logging, distributed systems, etc.

For the naming convention in our code, we are following the nature of Go that has been written on Effective Go and emitted by community. As the vision is growing up on each feature and the business need to minimize the impact of any changes on any features at the earliest stage, development team decide to split into several services instead of a single binary. Technically Cezbek engine itself is a multipurpose service to provide :

  • Cezbek APIs to serve APIs that related to Kezbek business operation and B2B partner.
  • Cezbek Job to serve backend job and scheduled task to support asynchronous business process.
  • Cezbek Analytics to serve reporting as summary for Kezbek organization and the B2B partner.

Services in Cezbek Engine are not divided into small things (atomic service) due to its commitment to consistent with the domain boundary context and to prevent over-layer service. Over-layered service could be the cause of many negative side effect such as higher latency due to a communication flood over protocol, waste of infrastructure resource due to too many deploy, scattered and will be hard to maintain.

Postgres has been choose as Object Relational Database over MySQL and Oracle due to its open-source and widely used on the market (Tokopedia, Gojek, Tiket, BRI, Mandiri, and Traveloka). Redis also has been choose as it is free on cloud and mandatory to have a distributed caching between services, the nice part is Redis has a pooling mechanism. We could image if we are relying on disk I/O to centralize our operation for store, fetch, and put an event in a large scale of process. Tremendously it can be a chaos due to limited queue of I/O operation and getting worse if the operation come in concurrent.

Below is the table of standard open-source libraries that we used in Cezbek Engine. Each of them have been selected based on "not so many manual activity" and we are trying not too have so many variant as much as possible due to vendor library management restriction.

Library Version Category Description
Pgxpool v4.17.2 Storage Postgres library that support transaction, pool mechanism, cache, and pgxscan to optimize scanning into struct with a lesser ops allocation. Docs for reference. We avoid to use ORM if we are not smart enough to use a raw SQL.
UberZap v1.22.0 Logger Log library that used by Uber, the output data statically by default is a JSON format. So it becomes developer friendly if the log is stored into Elastic tool. Docs for reference.
Go-Redis v6.15.9 Storage Redis library that support pool mechanism. Docs for reference.
Consul v1.18.0 Service Consul library to support service discovery and config management system as we are not using K8s on development.
Viper v1.14.0 Config Viper is a library that could do a multiform of configuration. It could fetch the config from a config server, OS environment variable, and YAML format.
Fiber v23.6.0 Router Built-in library in Fiber framework for HTTP router, middleware (interceptor), and limiter.
Fiber v23.6.0 Monitor Built in library in Fiber framework for resource monitoring.
Fiber w/ stdlib v23.6.0 w/ 1.17.12 Message Parser Built-in library in Fiber framework and combined with standard library to support message encoding decoding such as JSON, Struct, and interface.
Fiber w/ stdlib v23.6.0 w/ 1.17.12 File Operation Built-in library in Fiber framework for disk operation and stdlib for file operation.
AWS SDK v1.44.81 Object Storage, Message Queue, Notification, Security S3 object storage library to store and fetch file, legally supported by Amazon Web Service.

SQS library to do message queue ops, legally supported by Amazon Web Service.

SES Notification library to send message and notification such as email

Cognito library to connect with Customer Identity Access Management and handle customer authentication logic or data
Gojek Heimdall v7.0.2 External Adaptor Extended of standard Go HTTP client library for circuit breaker. Actually this library is using Hystrix. We use Heimdall because the sophisticated of casual typing by using its interface, we do not have to define of every context on each HTTP client function.
Go Cron w/ redislock v1.17.0 w/ v0.8.2 Job Job library that support UNIX cron expression, quartz, and resource lock for distributed job. One of the top usage by community and mostly have many custom time options, we can not benchmark this one but can be trusted due to its active maintainer.

Redislock is a library that enable to prevent multi instance execute a same process (distributed scheduler) by using a standard redis lock operation
Gosec v2.14.0 CLI Toolkit Go CLI SAST checker, standard Go AST by and has been a basic standard plugin in many CI cloud provider (GitLab, GitHub, CircleCI, and Codacy)
Swaggo v1.8.4 CLI Toolkit and OpenAPI Go CLI Swagger Open API code generator
Testify, Mockgen, and Counterfeiter v1.8.1 and v1.6.0 Unit test and CLI Toolkit Go CLI and library unit test, mock, and stub code generator. Counterfeiter is an extended version of gomock and mockery to generate stub code

Infrastructure Architecture

Amazon Web Service (AWS) will be the provider of Platform as a Service and Infrastructure as a Service because it provides many product and configuration to ease Cezbek Engine setup. AWS does not force to develop and do coding on the cloud, thus the developer still can run on their own machine. AWS free features that should be mandatory and included are :

  1. Amazon S3 low performant on development environment, DevOps team does not have to deploy separate EC2 instance and storage to store file as SFTP
  2. Amazon Cognito Customer Identity Access Management (CIAM), developer and DevOps team does not have to deploy or develop separate security layer or service
  3. Amazon SQS DevOps team does not have to deploy separate MQ product and its manual setup
  4. Amazon SES DevOps team could connect to SMTP that been used by the organization infrastructure
  5. Amazon Lambda event driven function to be called on every AWS product such as Cognito so it becomes serverless
  6. Amazon RDS Postgres Server free-tier with t3.micro
  7. Amazon Elastic Cache VM server free-tier with t3.micro
  8. Amazon EC2 VM server free-tier with t3.micro


On development we use only docker and on production will use K8s as the orchestrator that heavily backed up by AWS. By using K8s we could scale our apps with a more easy way. So even we are not using it on development environment due to financial costs, it still have so many similarities because the docker itself is just for a container that non mainly used by the developer. Still it does not break 12 factor apps for dev/prod parity. We recommend Consul and Vault as the configmaps and secrets source, due to its ability as a distributed config server and can be secured using authentication.

Below is the detail of development budget estimation per month, seems AWS provides a budget friendly environment if compared to another cloud provider.

Infrastructure Provider Description Est Price/Month
Database AWS AWS RDS t3.micro $0 / month
In-Memory Database AWS AWS Elastic Cache non Cluster t3.micro $0 / month
Code Repository GitHub Cloud Git versioning $0 / month with 2000 minutes of CI / month
Package Artifactory GitHub Cloud Git artifactory $0 / month with limited up to 2GB of storage
App Server AWS AWS EC2 t3.micro $0 / month
Config Server AWS AWS EC2 t3.micro $0 / month
MQ AWS AWS SQS $0 - $2 / month
CIAM AWS AWS Cognito $0 - $5 / month
SonarQube SonarCloud Sonar scanner on cloud by SonarCloud $0 for a public repository or $12 / month for a private repository

For CI/CD the packaging will be handled by GitHub Actions workflow based on the selected branch. Our code delivery will be scan and should passed the 4 steps. Each step have their own respective stages such as unit test, SAST, sonar-scan, and many more.

  1. Merge Request : Legitimate to push from feature branch into release/sprint-{x} branch.
  2. Quick Test : Code build, unit test should pass, have at least 60% of code coverage, and no suspicious code. Kezbek does not accept for a non testable code or code coverage less than 60% to embrace refactoring in the future.
  3. Package Service : Deliver build package to docker image and upload into ECR.
  4. Release Service : Rolling docker image from ECR into machine.

Some of tools to ensure the code quality that we have made are SonarCloud, GoSec, and out of the box Go Tools. For application metrics and health we use Fiber build-in monitoring page that can be accessed in application. The metrics also provide REST API that can be used for other monitoring tools such as Prometheus and can be populated to Grafana dashboard.

Data Structure


To ease data migration and ensure the quality of DDL and DML that made by developer we will use a repository called cezbek-sre-data. Data migration will be automated by CI/CD that run Flyway. All the SQL files are versioned and placed under migration/sql directory. Flyway will detect and notify if data migration is failing by email. Below is the example of workflow that running on Data Migration w/ Flyway.


To begin with Cezbek Engine product, all developer can refer to this section to start. Our product requirement(s) are :

  1. Consul as configuration server and service discovery
  2. WireMock with at least JRE11 as mock tool for external API
  3. Postgres 13 as the database
  4. Redis 6 as the memory cache
  5. AWS S3 as object storage
  6. AWS SQS as queue service
  7. AWS SES as notification sender
  8. AWS Cognito as Customer Identity Access Management (CIAM)

To run on our local machine we suggest to use Redis docker by run this command and make sure it could accessed by host.docker.internal domain with port 6379

docker pull redis

docker run -d --name local-redis -p 6379:6379 redis

Pre defined .env for local development to run the project



At least have installed Go 1.17 or above. Some toolkit that need also to be installed are :

  1. Swaggo to generate Open API specs
  2. Mockgen or Counterfeiter to generate code mock and based on personal taste Mockgen is more than enough

For those who just checkout Cezbek Engine should run command below to download libraries dependencies

go mod tidy

To run API router on local could run the command below, just make sure the port to run the HTTP server not yet used. Port that will be used by API can be seen on Consul

go run cmd/api/router.go .

To run job and scheduler on local could run the command below

go run cmd/job/cron.go .

To generate OpenAPI specification on router could run the command below, always run this command before commit to ensure we have the latest OpenAPI specs

swag init --parseDependency --parseInternal --parseDepth 1 -g ./cmd/api/router.go -o internal/docs

To generate code mocks to enable unit test become more easy could run the command below, always move the generated file to mocks directory to distinct.

mockgen --source=filename.go --destination=filename_mock.go

This project use simple docker to build and run. Dockerize API and Job to build on machine, in this example we are using latest tag for our build

docker build -f deployment/Dockerfile.job -t cezbek-api:latest  --build-arg CONSUL_HOST=$CONSUL_HOST --build-arg CONSUL_PORT=$CONSUL_PORT --build-arg APP_CEZBEK_JOB=cezbek-job-{{profile}} .

docker build -f deployment/Dockerfile.api -t cezbek-job:latest  --build-arg CONSUL_HOST=$CONSUL_HOST --build-arg CONSUL_PORT=$CONSUL_PORT --build-arg APP_CEZBEK_API=cezbek-api-{{profile}} .

Or if we only to make sure the apps can be run on local just need to execute the docker compose. We could use these configuration and set based on the required environment

  # make sure you have connectivity to Kezbek Consul, because the all of the stuffs such as
  # - Database
  # - Redis
  # - AWS
  # - etc
  # will not provided by this file but only on consul,
  # it only contains how to wrap on local machine
    container_name: redis-local
    image: redis:7.0.7-alpine
    restart: always
      - '6379:6379'
    command: redis-server --save 60 1 --loglevel warning
    container_name: cezbek-api
      context: ..
      dockerfile: ./deployment/Dockerfile.api
      - {{port_fwd}}:{{port_local}} # it could be different based on port that provided by consul
      - CONSUL_HOST={{consul_host}} # we could use provided Consul on dev e.g or use our own Consul
      - CONSUL_PORT={{consul_port}}
      - APP_CEZBEK_API={{app_name_config}} # we could update this one to use our own configuration based on consul 

    container_name: cezbek-job
      context: ..
      dockerfile: ./deployment/Dockerfile.job
      - CONSUL_HOST={{consul_host}} # we could use provided Consul on dev e.g or use our own Consul
      - CONSUL_PORT={{consul_port}}
      - APP_CEZBEK_JOB={{app_name_config}} # we could update this one to use our own configuration based on consul 

After all we could check the API's sandbox on our browser by http://{{host}}:{{port}}/api/swagger/index.html e.g http://localhost:10001/api/swagger/index.html to check the API is running or not. And for the job itself could be checked by docker log tail.

To simulate generated HMAC signature could create a main Go file in this project by adding this code

package main

import (

func main() {
	c := cdi.NewContainer("app_cezbek_api")
	epoch := time.Now().Unix()

	d := fiber.MethodPost + ":" + strings.ToUpper("LAJADA") + ":" + strconv.FormatInt(epoch, 10) + ":" +
	c.Logger.Info("EPOCH", zap.Int64("unixts", epoch), zap.String("hmac", apps.HMAC(d, "LAJADA")))

	d = fiber.MethodPost + ":" + strings.ToUpper("TOKMED") + ":" + strconv.FormatInt(epoch, 10) + ":" +
	c.Logger.Info("EPOCH", zap.Int64("unixts", epoch), zap.String("hmac", apps.HMAC(d, "TOKMED")))

	d = fiber.MethodPost + ":" + strings.ToUpper("BLAPAK") + ":" + strconv.FormatInt(epoch, 10) + ":" +
	c.Logger.Info("EPOCH", zap.Int64("unixts", epoch), zap.String("hmac", apps.HMAC(d, "BLAPAK")))

Hope we could improve this engine for a better future, any valuable questions and input could help us to be better.

License: GPL v2