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File metadata and controls

210 lines (150 loc) · 6.61 KB


Release Artifacts Snapshot Artifacts

Scala 3, 2.13

This is lightweight ZIO wrapper for latest datastax 4.x driver.

Inspired by akka/alpakka-cassandra CQL ported from ringcentral/cassandra4io



libraryDependencies += "st.alzo" %% "zio-cassandra" % zioCassandra

Create a connection to Cassandra

import zio.cassandra.session.Session

import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.CqlSession


val builder = CqlSession
      .addContactPoint(InetSocketAddress.createUnresolved("localhost", 9042))

val session = Session.make(builder)

Work with CQL interpolator

Gently ported from cassadnra4io cql package zio.cassandra.session.cql introduces typed way to deal with cql queries:

Simple syntax

This syntax reuse implicit driver prepared statements cache

import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.ConsistencyLevel
import zio.cassandra.session.Session
import zio.cassandra.session.cql._
import zio._

case class Model(id: Int, data: String)

trait Service {
  def put(value: Model): Task[Unit]
  def get(id: Int): Task[Option[Model]]

class ServiceImpl(session: Session) extends Service {

  private def insertQuery(value: Model) =
    cql"insert into table (id, data) values (${}, ${})"

  private def selectQuery(id: Int) =
    cql"select id, data from table where id = $id".as[Model]

  override def put(value: Model) = insertQuery(value).execute.unit.provide(ZLayer.succeed(session))
  override def get(id: Int) = selectQuery(id).selectFirst.provideSome(ZLayer.succeed(session))

  // alternatively, to avoid providing environment each time
  def insert(value: Model) = session.execute(insertQuery(value)).unit
  def select(id: Int) = session.selectFirst(selectQuery(id))


User Defined Type (UDT) support

zio.cassandra.cql provides support for Cassandra's User Defined Type (UDT) values. For example, given the following Cassandra schema:

create type basic_info(
    weight double,
    height text,
    datapoints frozen<set<int>>

create table person_attributes(
    person_id int,
    info frozen<basic_info>,
    PRIMARY KEY (person_id)

Note: frozen means immutable

Here is how to insert and select data from the person_attributes table:

import zio._
import zio.cassandra.session.Session
import zio.cassandra.session.cql._

final case class BasicInfo(weight: Double, height: String, datapoints: Set[Int])
final case class PersonAttribute(personId: Int, info: BasicInfo)

class UDTUsageExample {
  val data = PersonAttribute(1, BasicInfo(180.0, "tall", Set(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)))
  val insert: RIO[Session, Boolean] =
    cql"INSERT INTO cassandra4io.person_attributes (person_id, info) VALUES (${data.personId}, ${})"

  val retrieve: ZStream[Session, Throwable, PersonAttribute] = 
    cql"SELECT person_id, info FROM cassandra4io.person_attributes WHERE person_id = ${data.personId}"

More control over the transformation process of UdtValues

If you wanted to have additional control into how you map data-types to and from Cassandra rather than using UdtReads & UdtWrites, we expose the Datastax Java driver API to you for full control. Here is an example using BasicInfo:

import zio.cassandra.session.cql.Binder
import zio.cassandra.session.cql.codec.{ UdtReads, UdtWrites }

import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters.{ SetHasAsJava, SetHasAsScala }

final case class BasicInfo(weight: Double, height: String, datapoints: Set[Int])

object BasicInfo {

  implicit val basicInfoUdtReads: UdtReads[BasicInfo] = UdtReads.instance { udtValue =>
      weight = udtValue.getDouble("weight"),
      height = udtValue.getString("height"),
      datapoints = udtValue
        .getSet[java.lang.Integer]("datapoints", classOf[java.lang.Integer])
        .map { int: java.lang.Integer => Int.unbox(int) }

  implicit val basicInfoUdtWrites: UdtWrites[BasicInfo] = UdtWrites.instance { (info, constructor) =>
      .setDouble("weight", info.weight)
      .setString("height", info.height)
      .setSet("datapoints",, classOf[java.lang.Integer])

  // just an example, will be derived automatically from UdtWrites[BasicInfo]
  implicit val cqlBinder: Binder[BasicInfo] = Binder[UdtValue].contramapUDT { (info, constructor) =>
      .setDouble("weight", info.weight)
      .setString("height", info.height)
      .setSet("datapoints",, classOf[java.lang.Integer])


final case class CompactedInfo(weight: Double, height: String)

object CompactedInfo {

  implicit val compactedInfoUdtReads: UdtReads[CompactedInfo] =
    UdtReads[BasicInfo].map(basicInfo => CompactedInfo(basicInfo.weight, basicInfo.height))

  implicit val compactedInfoUdtWrites: UdtWrites[CompactedInfo] =
    UdtWrites[BasicInfo].contramap(compactedInfo => BasicInfo(compactedInfo.weight, compactedInfo.height, Set.empty))


Raw API without cql

  import zio._
  import zio.cassandra.session.Session

// Use:
  val job = for {
    session  <- ZIO.service[Session]
    _        <- session.execute("insert ...")
    prepared <- session.prepare("select ...")
    select   <- ZIO.attempt(prepared.bind(1, 2))
    row      <- session.selectFirst(select)
  } yield row

