diff --git a/src/bls/src/bls_c_impl.hpp b/src/bls/src/bls_c_impl.hpp
index f97cefd9d075b..ae30960489b6d 100644
--- a/src/bls/src/bls_c_impl.hpp
+++ b/src/bls/src/bls_c_impl.hpp
@@ -12,6 +12,9 @@
+#include <future>
+#include <thread>
+#include <vector>
 inline void Gmul(G1& z, const G1& x, const Fr& y) { G1::mul(z, x, y); }
 inline void Gmul(G2& z, const G2& x, const Fr& y) { G2::mul(z, x, y); }
@@ -440,30 +443,90 @@ int blsAggregateVerifyNoCheck(const blsSignature *sig, const blsPublicKey *pubVe
 	if (n == 0) return 0;
 #if 1 // 1.1 times faster
 	GT e;
-	const char *msg = (const char*)msgVec;
-	const size_t N = 16;
-	G1 g1Vec[N+1];
-	G2 g2Vec[N+1];
+	const char* msg = (const char*)msgVec;
+	constexpr size_t N = 16;
+	G1 g1Vec[N + 1];
+	G2 g2Vec[N + 1];
 	bool initE = true;
+	std::vector<std::future<GT>> futuresMiller;
+	std::vector<std::future<bool>> futures;
+	size_t numThreads = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
 	while (n > 0) {
 		size_t m = mcl::fp::min_<size_t>(n, N);
-		for (size_t i = 0; i < m; i++) {
-			g1Vec[i] = *cast(&pubVec[i].v);
-			if (g1Vec[i].isZero()) return 0;
-			hashAndMapToG(g2Vec[i], &msg[i * msgSize], msgSize);
+		// Lambda function to compute g1Vec and g2Vec in parallel
+		auto computeVectors = [&](size_t start, size_t end) {
+			for (size_t i = start; i < end; ++i) {
+				g1Vec[i] = *cast(&pubVec[i].v);
+				if (g1Vec[i].isZero()) return false; // Indicate failure to main thread
+				hashAndMapToG(g2Vec[i], &msg[i * msgSize], msgSize);
+			}
+			return true;
+		};
+		// Divide work among threads
+		size_t chunkSize = m / numThreads;
+		futures.clear();
+		// Launch threads to compute g1Vec and g2Vec
+		for (size_t t = 0; t < numThreads; ++t) {
+			size_t start = t * chunkSize;
+			size_t end = (t == numThreads - 1) ? m : (t + 1) * chunkSize;
+			futures.emplace_back(std::async(std::launch::async, computeVectors, start, end));
+		}
+		// Check for any failures in thread execution
+		for (auto& fut : futures) {
+			if (!fut.get()) return 0; // If any thread found a zero vector, return 0
 		pubVec += m;
 		msg += m * msgSize;
 		n -= m;
 		if (n == 0) {
 			g1Vec[m] = getBasePoint();
 			G2::neg(g2Vec[m], *cast(&sig->v));
-		millerLoopVec(e, g1Vec, g2Vec, m, initE);
-		initE = false;
+		// Prepare for parallel miller loop
+		auto millerLoopTask = [&](size_t start, size_t end, bool initE) {
+			GT localE;
+			millerLoopVec(localE, g1Vec + start, g2Vec + start, end - start, initE);
+			return localE;
+		};
+		// Launch threads to execute miller loop in parallel
+		futuresMiller.clear(); 
+		size_t mlChunkSize = m / numThreads;        // Divide miller loop work among threads
+		std::vector<GT> partialResults(numThreads); // To store partial results
+		for (size_t t = 0; t < numThreads; ++t) {
+			size_t start = t * mlChunkSize;
+			size_t end = (t == numThreads - 1) ? m : (t + 1) * mlChunkSize;
+			futuresMiller.emplace_back(std::async(std::launch::async, millerLoopTask, start, end, true));
+		}
+		// Combine results from each thread
+		for (size_t t = 0; t < numThreads; ++t) {
+				partialResults[t] = futuresMiller[t].get();
+		}
+		if (initE)
+			e = partialResults[0];
+		// Combine partial results into final result e
+		for (size_t t = initE ? 1 : 0; t < numThreads; ++t) {
+			e *= partialResults[t]; // Combine partial results
+		}
+		initE = false; // Ensure next iteration is not initialized
+	// Final exponentiation outside the loop
 	BN::finalExp(e, e);
 	return e.isOne();
diff --git a/src/blsct/range_proof/bulletproofs/amount_recovery_request.cpp b/src/blsct/range_proof/bulletproofs/amount_recovery_request.cpp
index 0cb1c87d1d8d6..b65ef7026d07c 100644
--- a/src/blsct/range_proof/bulletproofs/amount_recovery_request.cpp
+++ b/src/blsct/range_proof/bulletproofs/amount_recovery_request.cpp
@@ -13,12 +13,12 @@
 namespace bulletproofs {
 template <typename T>
-AmountRecoveryRequest<T> AmountRecoveryRequest<T>::of(const RangeProofWithSeed<T>& proof, const range_proof::GammaSeed<T>& nonce)
+AmountRecoveryRequest<T> AmountRecoveryRequest<T>::of(const RangeProofWithSeed<T>& proof, const range_proof::GammaSeed<T>& nonce, const size_t& id)
     auto proof_with_transcript = RangeProofWithTranscript<T>::Build(proof);
     AmountRecoveryRequest<T> req{
-        1,
+        id,
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ AmountRecoveryRequest<T> AmountRecoveryRequest<T>::of(const RangeProofWithSeed<T
     return req;
-template AmountRecoveryRequest<Mcl> AmountRecoveryRequest<Mcl>::of(const RangeProofWithSeed<Mcl>&, const range_proof::GammaSeed<Mcl>&);
+template AmountRecoveryRequest<Mcl> AmountRecoveryRequest<Mcl>::of(const RangeProofWithSeed<Mcl>&, const range_proof::GammaSeed<Mcl>&, const size_t&);
 } // namespace bulletproofs
diff --git a/src/blsct/range_proof/bulletproofs/amount_recovery_request.h b/src/blsct/range_proof/bulletproofs/amount_recovery_request.h
index 2faa50b4fc4ff..d5d89ee3c70dc 100644
--- a/src/blsct/range_proof/bulletproofs/amount_recovery_request.h
+++ b/src/blsct/range_proof/bulletproofs/amount_recovery_request.h
@@ -33,7 +33,8 @@ struct AmountRecoveryRequest
     static AmountRecoveryRequest<T> of(
         const RangeProofWithSeed<T>& proof,
-        const range_proof::GammaSeed<T>& nonce);
+        const range_proof::GammaSeed<T>& nonce,
+        const size_t& id = 0);
 } // namespace bulletproofs
diff --git a/src/blsct/range_proof/bulletproofs/range_proof_logic.cpp b/src/blsct/range_proof/bulletproofs/range_proof_logic.cpp
index d4aab60fd3309..0524f9fdab11c 100644
--- a/src/blsct/range_proof/bulletproofs/range_proof_logic.cpp
+++ b/src/blsct/range_proof/bulletproofs/range_proof_logic.cpp
@@ -14,9 +14,11 @@
 #include <blsct/range_proof/bulletproofs/range_proof_logic.h>
 #include <blsct/range_proof/common.h>
 #include <blsct/range_proof/msg_amt_cipher.h>
+#include <future>
 #include <optional>
 #include <stdexcept>
 #include <variant>
+#include <vector>
 namespace bulletproofs {
@@ -248,102 +250,86 @@ bool RangeProofLogic<T>::VerifyProofs(
     using Scalar = typename T::Scalar;
     using Scalars = Elements<Scalar>;
+    // Vector to hold future results from async tasks
+    std::vector<std::future<bool>> futures;
+    // Launch a verification task for each proof transcript in parallel
     for (const RangeProofWithTranscript<T>& p : proof_transcripts) {
-        if (p.proof.Ls.Size() != p.proof.Rs.Size()) return false;
-        const range_proof::Generators<T> gens = m_common.Gf().GetInstance(p.proof.seed);
-        G_H_Gi_Hi_ZeroVerifier<T> verifier(max_mn);
-        auto num_rounds = range_proof::Common<T>::GetNumRoundsExclLast(p.proof.Vs.Size());
-        Scalar weight_y = Scalar::Rand();
-        Scalar weight_z = Scalar::Rand();
-        Scalars z_pows_from_2 = Scalars::FirstNPow(p.z, p.num_input_values_power_2 + 1, 2); // z^2, z^3, ... // VectorPowers(pd.z, M+3);
-        Scalar y_pows_sum = Scalars::FirstNPow(p.y, p.concat_input_values_in_bits).Sum();   // VectorPowerSum(p.y, MN);
-        //////// (65)
-        // g^t_hat * h^tau_x = V^(z^2) * g^delta_yz * T1^x * T2^(x^2)
-        // g^(t_hat - delta_yz) = h^(-tau_x) * V^(z^2) * T1^x * T2^(x^2)
-        // LHS (65)
-        verifier.AddNegativeH(p.proof.tau_x * weight_y); // LHS (65)
-        // delta(y,z) in (39)
-        // = (z - z^2)*<1^n, y^n> - z^3<1^n,2^n>
-        // = z*<1^n, y^n> (1) - z^2*<1^n, y^n> (2) - z^3<1^n,2^n> (3)
-        Scalar delta_yz =
-            p.z * y_pows_sum                   // (1)
-            - (z_pows_from_2[0] * y_pows_sum); // (2)
-        for (size_t i = 1; i <= p.num_input_values_power_2; ++i) {
-            // multiply z^3, z^4, ..., z^(mn+3)
-            delta_yz = delta_yz - z_pows_from_2[i] * m_common.InnerProd1x2Pows64(); // (3)
-        }
+        futures.emplace_back(std::async(std::launch::async, [this, &p, max_mn]() -> bool {
+            if (p.proof.Ls.Size() != p.proof.Rs.Size()) return false;
-        // g part of LHS in (65) where delta_yz on RHS is moved to LHS
-        // g^t_hat ... = ... g^delta_yz
-        // g^(t_hat - delta_yz) = ...
-        verifier.AddNegativeG((p.proof.t_hat - delta_yz) * weight_y);
+            const range_proof::Generators<T> gens = m_common.Gf().GetInstance(p.proof.seed);
+            G_H_Gi_Hi_ZeroVerifier<T> verifier(max_mn);
-        // V^(z^2) in RHS (65)
-        for (size_t i = 0; i < p.proof.Vs.Size(); ++i) {
-            verifier.AddPoint(LazyPoint<T>(p.proof.Vs[i] - (gens.G * p.proof.min_value), z_pows_from_2[i] * weight_y)); // multiply z^2, z^3, ...
-        }
+            auto num_rounds = range_proof::Common<T>::GetNumRoundsExclLast(p.proof.Vs.Size());
+            Scalar weight_y = Scalar::Rand();
+            Scalar weight_z = Scalar::Rand();
-        // T1^x and T2^(x^2) in RHS (65)
-        verifier.AddPoint(LazyPoint<T>(p.proof.T1, p.x * weight_y));          // T1^x
-        verifier.AddPoint(LazyPoint<T>(p.proof.T2, p.x.Square() * weight_y)); // T2^(x^2)
+            Scalars z_pows_from_2 = Scalars::FirstNPow(p.z, p.num_input_values_power_2 + 1, 2); // z^2, z^3, ...
+            Scalar y_pows_sum = Scalars::FirstNPow(p.y, p.concat_input_values_in_bits).Sum();
-        //////// (66)
-        // P = A * S^x * g^(-z) * (h')^(z * y^n + z^2 * 2^n)
-        // exponents of g and (h') are created in a loop later
+            //////// (65)
+            verifier.AddNegativeH(p.proof.tau_x * weight_y);
-        // A and S^x in RHS (66)
-        verifier.AddPoint(LazyPoint<T>(p.proof.A, weight_z));       // A
-        verifier.AddPoint(LazyPoint<T>(p.proof.S, p.x * weight_z)); // S^x
+            Scalar delta_yz = p.z * y_pows_sum - (z_pows_from_2[0] * y_pows_sum);
+            for (size_t i = 1; i <= p.num_input_values_power_2; ++i) {
+                delta_yz = delta_yz - z_pows_from_2[i] * m_common.InnerProd1x2Pows64();
+            }
-        //////// (67), (68)
-        auto gen_exps = ImpInnerProdArg::GenGeneratorExponents<T>(num_rounds, p.xs);
+            verifier.AddNegativeG((p.proof.t_hat - delta_yz) * weight_y);
-        // for all bits of concat input values, do:
-        ImpInnerProdArg::LoopWithYPows<Mcl>(p.concat_input_values_in_bits, p.y,
-                                            [&](const size_t& i, const Scalar& y_pow, const Scalar& y_inv_pow) {
-                                                // g^a * h^b (16)
-                                                Scalar gi_exp = p.proof.a * gen_exps[i]; // g^a in (16) is distributed to each generator
-                                                Scalar hi_exp = p.proof.b *
-                                                                y_inv_pow *
-                                                                gen_exps[p.concat_input_values_in_bits - 1 - i]; // h^b in (16) is distributed to each generator. y_inv_pow to turn generator to (h')
+            for (size_t i = 0; i < p.proof.Vs.Size(); ++i) {
+                verifier.AddPoint(LazyPoint<T>(p.proof.Vs[i] - (gens.G * p.proof.min_value), z_pows_from_2[i] * weight_y));
+            }
-                                                gi_exp = gi_exp + p.z; // g^(-z) in RHS (66)
+            verifier.AddPoint(LazyPoint<T>(p.proof.T1, p.x * weight_y));
+            verifier.AddPoint(LazyPoint<T>(p.proof.T2, p.x.Square() * weight_y));
-                                                // ** z^2 * 2^n in (h')^(z * y^n + z^2 * 2^n) in RHS (66)
-                                                Scalar tmp =
-                                                    z_pows_from_2[i / range_proof::Setup::num_input_value_bits] *       // skipping the first 2 powers. different z_pow is assigned to each number
-                                                    m_common.TwoPows64()[i % range_proof::Setup::num_input_value_bits]; // power of 2 corresponding to i-th bit of the number being processed
+            //////// (66)
+            verifier.AddPoint(LazyPoint<T>(p.proof.A, weight_z));
+            verifier.AddPoint(LazyPoint<T>(p.proof.S, p.x * weight_z));
-                                                // ** z * y^n in (h')^(z * y^n + z^2 * 2^n) (66)
-                                                hi_exp = hi_exp - (tmp + p.z * y_pow) * y_inv_pow;
+            //////// (67), (68)
+            auto gen_exps = ImpInnerProdArg::GenGeneratorExponents<T>(num_rounds, p.xs);
-                                                verifier.SetGiExp(i, (gi_exp * weight_z).Negate()); // (16) g^a moved to LHS
-                                                verifier.SetHiExp(i, (hi_exp * weight_z).Negate()); // (16) h^b moved to LHS
-                                            });
+            ImpInnerProdArg::LoopWithYPows<Mcl>(p.concat_input_values_in_bits, p.y,
+                                                [&](const size_t& i, const Scalar& y_pow, const Scalar& y_inv_pow) {
+                                                    Scalar gi_exp = p.proof.a * gen_exps[i];
+                                                    Scalar hi_exp = p.proof.b * y_inv_pow * gen_exps[p.concat_input_values_in_bits - 1 - i];
-        verifier.AddNegativeH(p.proof.mu * weight_z); // ** h^mu (67) RHS
-        auto x_invs = p.xs.Invert();
+                                                    gi_exp = gi_exp + p.z;
-        // add L and R of all rounds to RHS (66) which equals P to generate the P of the final round on LHS (16)
-        for (size_t i = 0; i < num_rounds; ++i) {
-            verifier.AddPoint(LazyPoint<T>(p.proof.Ls[i], p.xs[i].Square() * weight_z));
-            verifier.AddPoint(LazyPoint<T>(p.proof.Rs[i], x_invs[i].Square() * weight_z));
-        }
+                                                    Scalar tmp = z_pows_from_2[i / range_proof::Setup::num_input_value_bits] *
+                                                                 m_common.TwoPows64()[i % range_proof::Setup::num_input_value_bits];
+                                                    hi_exp = hi_exp - (tmp + p.z * y_pow) * y_inv_pow;
-        verifier.AddPositiveG((p.proof.t_hat - p.proof.a * p.proof.b) * p.c_factor * weight_z);
+                                                    verifier.SetGiExp(i, (gi_exp * weight_z).Negate());
+                                                    verifier.SetHiExp(i, (hi_exp * weight_z).Negate());
+                                                });
+            verifier.AddNegativeH(p.proof.mu * weight_z);
+            auto x_invs = p.xs.Invert();
+            for (size_t i = 0; i < num_rounds; ++i) {
+                verifier.AddPoint(LazyPoint<T>(p.proof.Ls[i], p.xs[i].Square() * weight_z));
+                verifier.AddPoint(LazyPoint<T>(p.proof.Rs[i], x_invs[i].Square() * weight_z));
+            }
+            verifier.AddPositiveG((p.proof.t_hat - p.proof.a * p.proof.b) * p.c_factor * weight_z);
+            bool res = verifier.Verify(
+                gens.G,
+                gens.H,
+                gens.GetGiSubset(max_mn),
+                gens.GetHiSubset(max_mn));
+            return res;
+        }));
+    }
-        bool res = verifier.Verify(
-            gens.G,
-            gens.H,
-            gens.GetGiSubset(max_mn),
-            gens.GetHiSubset(max_mn));
-        if (!res) return false;
+    // Wait for all threads to finish and collect results
+    for (auto& fut : futures) {
+        if (!fut.get()) return false;
     return true;
@@ -446,7 +432,7 @@ AmountRecoveryResult<T> RangeProofLogic<T>::RecoverAmounts(
         auto msg_amt = maybe_msg_amt.value();
         auto x = range_proof::RecoveredData<T>(
-            i,
+            req.id,
             req.nonce.GetHashWithSalt(100), // gamma for vs[0]
diff --git a/src/blsct/wallet/keyman.cpp b/src/blsct/wallet/keyman.cpp
index 3e790b3782552..4dd2a4794330a 100644
--- a/src/blsct/wallet/keyman.cpp
+++ b/src/blsct/wallet/keyman.cpp
@@ -528,9 +528,11 @@ bulletproofs::AmountRecoveryResult<Arith> KeyMan::RecoverOutputs(const std::vect
     for (size_t i = 0; i < outs.size(); i++) {
         CTxOut out = outs[i];
+        if (out.blsctData.viewTag != CalculateViewTag(out.blsctData.blindingKey, viewKey.GetScalar()))
+            continue;
         auto nonce = CalculateNonce(out.blsctData.blindingKey, viewKey.GetScalar());
         bulletproofs::RangeProofWithSeed<Arith> proof = {out.blsctData.rangeProof, out.tokenId};
-        reqs.push_back(bulletproofs::AmountRecoveryRequest<Arith>::of(proof, nonce));
+        reqs.push_back(bulletproofs::AmountRecoveryRequest<Arith>::of(proof, nonce, i));
     return rp.RecoverAmounts(reqs);
diff --git a/src/test/coins_tests.cpp b/src/test/coins_tests.cpp
index 9fa38ea16a628..65a08c0e1b52b 100644
--- a/src/test/coins_tests.cpp
+++ b/src/test/coins_tests.cpp
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ bool operator==(const Coin &a, const Coin &b) {
 class CCoinsViewTest : public CCoinsView
     uint256 hashBestBlock_;
-    CStakedCommitmentsMap cacheStakedCommitments_;
+    CStakedCommitmentsMap deltaStakedCommitments_;
     std::map<COutPoint, Coin> map_;
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ class CCoinsViewTest : public CCoinsView
             hashBestBlock_ = hashBlock;
         for (auto& it : stakedCommitments) {
-            cacheStakedCommitments_[it.first] = it.second;
+            deltaStakedCommitments_[it.first] = it.second;
         if (erase)
diff --git a/src/wallet/rpc/transactions.cpp b/src/wallet/rpc/transactions.cpp
index ad1a054d5b3dc..14f5b4ce5bc81 100644
--- a/src/wallet/rpc/transactions.cpp
+++ b/src/wallet/rpc/transactions.cpp
@@ -520,7 +520,7 @@ RPCHelpMan listtransactions()
                 // iterate backwards until we have nCount items to return:
                 for (CWallet::TxItems::const_reverse_iterator it = txOrdered.rbegin(); it != txOrdered.rend(); ++it) {
                     CWalletTx* const pwtx = (*it).second;
-                    ListTransactions(*pwallet, *pwtx, 0, 100000000, true, ret, filter, filter_label);
+                    ListTransactions(*pwallet, *pwtx, 1, 100000000, true, ret, filter, filter_label);
                     if ((int)ret.size() >= (nCount + nFrom)) break;