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File metadata and controls

219 lines (165 loc) · 8.25 KB


A lightweight .NET Standard 2.0 CSV table (RFC 4180-like) parser.

How to get it

CSV-Parser is available as (NuGet package "CSV-Parser")[].


Parse a file example:

CsvTable table = wan24.Data.CsvParser.ParseFile(@"/path/to/file.csv");
foreach(string[] row in table)
	Console.WriteLine("Row in CSV table:");
	for(int i = 0; i < table.CountColumns; i++)
		Console.WriteLine($"\t{table.Header[i]}: {row[i]}");

Parse a file asynchronous example:

CsvTable table = await wan24.Data.CsvParser.ParseFileAsync(@"/path/to/file.csv");

These static methods are available:

  • ParseFile and ParseFileAsync for parsing a CSV file
  • ParseStream and ParseStreamAsync for parsing a CSV stream
  • ParseString for parsing a CSV string
  • CountRowsFromFile and CountRowsFromFileAsync for counting rows of a CSV file
  • CountRowsFromStream and CountRowsFromStreamAsync for counting rows of a CSV stream
  • CountRowsFromString for counting rows of a CSV string
  • ParseHeaderFromFile and ParseHeaderFromFileAsync for parsing column headers from a CSV file
  • ParseHeaderFromStream and ParseHeaderFromStreamAsync for parsing column headers from a CSV stream
  • ParseHeaderFromString for parsing column headers from a CSV string
  • EnumerateFile for enumerating each row from a CSV file
  • EnumerateStream for enumerating each row from a CSV stream
  • EnumerateString for enumerating each row from a CSV string
  • CreateMap for creating mapping informations
  • Map for mapping a row to an object
  • Unmap for mapping an object to a row

You may adjust these details using additional parameters:

  • If the first line contains the column headers (default is true)
  • The field delimiter character (default is comma (,))
  • The string value delimiter character (default is double quotes ("))
  • String encoding to use (default is the .NET encoding)
  • If the stream should be left open (default is false)
  • Buffer size in bytes (number of bytes that need to include all header columns, default is 80K)
  • Chunk size in bytes (for filling the buffer, default is 4K)
  • Desired row offset (zero based index of the first row to include in the result)
  • Maximum number of rows to include in the result (beginning from the row offset)

CSV table result

The resulting CSV table object holds the parsed table data:

  • CountColumns: column count
  • CountRows: row count
  • Header: column headers
  • Rows: row data
  • Objects: objects from rows having their type name in the first field
  • AsDictionaries: rows as dictionaries (having the headers as key)
  • Mapping: row <-> object mapping

The overloaded ToString method would create CSV table data from a CSV table. Other methods are:

  • CreateHeaders: create automatic headers (0..n)
  • AddColumn: add/insert a column (optional using a field value factory)
  • RemoveColumn: remove a column
  • MoveColumn: move a column to another position
  • SwapColumn: swap two columns
  • ReorderColumns: apply a new column order
  • AddRow: add a validated row
  • Validate: validate the CSV table
  • Clear: clear row (and header) data
  • AsDictionary: get a row as dictionary
  • Clone: create a copy of the CSV table object
  • AsObject: get a row mapped as/to an object
  • AsObjects: enumerate all rows as objects
  • AddObjects: map objects to a new row
  • CreateMapping: create a mapping from the column headers

Reading/writing CSV data from/to a stream

For memory saving stream operations, you might want to use the CsvStream:

// Reading
using(CsvStream csv = new CsvStream(File.OpenRead(@"path\to\data.csv")))
	csv.SkipHeader();// Or ReadHeader (optional, if any)
	foreach(string[] row in csv.Rows)// Or use ReadObjects
		// Enumerate rows or use ReadRow or ReadObject instead

// Writing
using(CsvStream csv = new CsvStream(File.OpenWrite(@"path\to\data.csv")))
	csv.WriteHeader(new string[] {...});// Optional
	csv.WriteRow(...);// Or use WriteObject(s)

Find all methods as asynchronous versions, having the Async postfix.

For working with dictionaries, you can use the property AsDictionaries or the methods ReadDictionary and ReadDictionaryAsync.

Per default when reading a header/row, the size is limited to 80KB. To adjust this value, you can modify these values at construction time:

  • bufferSize: Read buffer size in bytes (= maximum header/row size (default: 80KB))
  • chunkSize: Chunk size in bytes (how many bytes to read before trying to match a header/row from the buffer (default: 4KB))

Reading/writing objects

In order to be able to read/write objects, you need to define a mapping. This mapping is responsible for telling the CSV-Parser from which property to get a row field value, and to which property to write a field value from a row. The mapping also supports value factories which can convert a value, and value validation.

Dictionary<int,CsvMapping> mapping = CsvParser.CreateMapping(
	new CsvMapping()
		Field = 0,
		PropertyName = "AnyProperty",
		ObjectValueFactory = ...,// Convert from string to property value (optional)
		RowValueFactory = ...,// Convert from property value to string (optional)
		PreValidation = ...,// Validate a string value from the CSV data
		PostValidation = ...// Validate a converted value before setting it as object property value

Set this mapping to the Mapping property of a CsvTable, give it to the CsvStream constructor, or as parameter to one of the object mapping methods, if available.

For value conversion, CsvParser.ObjectValueFactories and CsvParser.RowValueFactories offer default converter functions for these types:

  • bool
  • int
  • float
  • char
  • byte[]

You can extend them with any type.

If you want to use the same mapping for the same type everytime when no other mapping was given, you can add a prepared mapping to CsvParser.TypeMappings.

In an object you may use the CsvMappingAttribute attribute for properties that should be mapped:

public string PropertyName { get; }

The attribute parameter is the index of the related CSV column. Then, for creating a mapping for your object, use CsvParser.CreateMapping without parameters. The returned mapping will be stored in the CsvParser.TypeMappings.

Actually CSV is used to store a table. Each row has a fixed number of fields, maybe a header row is present. But you can use CSV also for storing mixed data - for example different objects:

// Assumed all used types are working with CsvMappingAttribute, 
// or mapping are prepared in CsvParser.TypeMappings already

// Writing objects
using(CsvStream csv = new CsvStream(FileStream.OpenWrite("objects.csv")))
	csv.WriteObjectRows(anyObjectInstance, anotherTypeInstance);

// Reading objects
using(CsvStream csv = new CsvStream(FileStream.OpenRead("objects.csv")))
	anyObjectInstance = csv.ReadObjectRow() as AnyType;
	anotherTypeInstance = csv.ReadObjectRow() as AnotherType;

NOTE: The field mapping needs to count from field index zero, because the mapper will get the row without the first field that contains the type name! This ensures that you can re-use the mapping everywhere.

Using the streams ObjectRows property you can also enumerate trough objects from a CSV file.

CsvTable implements AsObject, AddObjects and Objects for this purpose.

Ignore errors in CSV data

Usually each row should have the number of fields that equals the number of columns. To ignore, when a row has a different field count:

CsvParser.IgnoreErrors = true;

This setting will also ignore null headers/values, and if using ToString when a string delimiter is required to produce valid CSV data.

WARNING: Ignoring errors may cause unknown failures and produce invalid CSV data!

Good to know

Even more lightweight versions of this library are available on request. These can come optional without

  • dictionary methods
  • object mapping
  • stream support (and CSV writing support)

That would reduce the functionality to this minimum, which may be enough for supporting a nice CSV import interface only:

  • CSV parsing
  • CSV header parsing
  • CSV file row counting

The resulting DLL file would be smaller than 30KB, if all extended features are excluded.