From b134149aca24ce7bf8a725ab9030fb8238446064 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ahti Puhuri is a cloud service for service providers like HPC centers, supercomputers and data centres for allocating, provisioning and billing compute power, virtual machines and storage. Created by Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration (NeIC) and first used in a supercomputer LUMI in Kajaani, Finland, Puhuri is operated by the HPC centre of University of Tartu. The Puhuri services deal with personal data and have been analysed from the perspective of GDPR compliance. Required contracts have to be signed prior to access to the production environment of Puhuri Core.About Puhuri
diff --git a/architecture.html b/architecture.html
index 4528557..60628a8 100644
--- a/architecture.html
+++ b/architecture.html
@@ -36,6 +36,14 @@