At this writing, there is no standard tools used for creating videos. Elaine has used Camtasia for creating videos, but a course developer is free to use whatever tool they are comfortable using. |
A course has an introductory video and every lesson that is not a Challenge has a video.
At this writing, this folder contains all assets for the videos created thus far:
The components you must create for a video are:
Keynote file to:
Introduce course/lesson
Create the .png that will be uploaded to Youtube for the video image
Show content that is not a demo
.mp4 file that is uploaded to Youtube
The audio for a lesson video should match the content for the lesson.
Elaine typically recorded the audio and then captured the video to possibly sync to the audio, but this is not always easy to do! |
Create keynote
Create video .png from keynote (1st slide)
Create a Camtasia project.
Record the audio in Camtasia.
If there are mistakes when recording you can say something like "BLA BLA".
Continue with a repeat of the step you made the mistake in.
Edit the audio in Camtasia to ensure all retakes are edited.
Export the audio as a .wav file.
Open the .wav file in Adobe Audition and:
Edit>Select All
Effects>Noise Reduction>Denoise
Save file
Back in Camtasia, remove the original audio from the timeline.
Import the .wav file denoised from Adobe Audition.
Place the audio in the timeline and lock it.
Record the keynote slides and place in timeline.
Cut the keynote recording so it matches the audio.
May need to speed up/slow down recording (clip speed).
Record the demo that goes with the audio.
May need to speed up/slow down recording (clip speed).
Export local file (creates .mp4 file).
If satisfied with video, upload to Youtube (add-video-youtube.adoc)
Record headshot recording.
Place the headshot recording in the track below the keynote video.
Select the headshot video you want to remove the green screen from.
Select Modify > Add Effects > Remove a Color.
Use eyedropper to select the green as the dropper
Adjust the softness, etc