This is the ansible playbook for,
- Installing kind, docker etc on the GCP VM.
- Create multiple kind clusters on the GCP VM.
- Install multus and weave CNIs on the kind clusters.
- This ansible should be triggered from the kind-cluster-gke terraform plan. So that we have one command to create the Infra.
- Terraform plan executed already.
- External IP address of the GCP VM.
- ssh key for loging in to the VM. FIXME I am using the the key called google_compute_engine which is getting created after I execute "gcloud compute ssh --zone "us-central1-a" "nephio-poc-001" --project "pure-faculty-367518"
Update the hosts.yaml with IP address of the VM, and the ssh private_key. In the kind_setup.yaml set number of kind clusters to be created.
bash /home/ubuntu/multiclusterkind/ .
ansible -i hosts.yaml all -m ping
ansible-playbook -i hosts.yaml kind_setup.yaml
PLAY [all] *******************************************************************************************
TASK [Gathering Facts] *******************************************************************************
ok: [server1]
TASK [Copy multuclusterkind directory] ***************************************************************
changed: [server1]
TASK [Prepare VM for kind installation] **************************************************************
changed: [server1]
TASK [Install kind clusters] *************************************************************************
changed: [server1]
PLAY RECAP *******************************************************************************************
server1 : ok=4 changed=3 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
The kubeconfig files are present in the ~/.kube/cluster.config files.