- specify in the title the implementation concerned (probe type and acquisition system)
- An use-case allowing to easily reproduce a bug is always appreciate
Issue are always welcome, don't hesitate to share your thought about this module.
- Fork the repository and open a pull request
- develop a class implementation inherited from template_probe with at least the create_channel_map method which populate the arguments :
- _yCoord = y position
- _xCoord = x position
- _kCoord = shank position
- _elecInd = electrode number
- _connected = 1 everywhere except if broken channel deactivated (0)
- _chanMap = channel number (data acquisition indice)
- _chanMap0ind = channel number starting from 0 instead of 1
- Specify the keyword use to connect with your implementation and the different options. And modify accordingly the probes init
- Add the documentation in your class and in the readme
- Add your name in the contributing list below
Some features idea for the future are :
- improve the channelmap drawing
- display specify channel in the channelmap order (?)
- Add unity tests
- ...