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File metadata and controls

116 lines (90 loc) · 3.6 KB

We roll out a brand new ckb-sdk-go after refactor work. The new sdk brings plenty of BREAKING CHANGES incompatible with the deprecated sdk v1.0.* and earlier releases.

The breaking changes include

  • Type or name change of quite a few fields in RPC type representation.
  • Unified address representation and operation.
  • Transaction signing mechanism by ScriptGroup, ScriptSigner, and TransactionSigner.
  • Clean some utils classes and unused classes.

Other underlying breaking changes that are possibly transparent to you

  • More robust test.

In the following part, we list the aspects you need to care about most if you are ready to migrate from deprecated sdk to the new one.


The new sdk removes struct ParsedAddress and AddressGenerateResult, and uses a unified struct Address to represent ckb address. Below code is an example of address operations.

Decode address

encoded := "ckt1qzda..."
// Before
parsedAddr, err := address.Parse(encoded)
script := parsedAddr.Script
network := parsedAddr.Mode

// Now:
addr, err := address.Decode(encoded)
script := addr.Script
network := addr.Network

Encode address from script and network

// Before:
encoded, err := address.ConvertScriptToAddress(address.Testnet, script)

// Now:
addr := &address.Address{Script: script, Network: types.NetworkTest}
encoded := addr.Encode()

Packages migration

Some important packages moves

  •* ->
// Before:
import (

// Now:
import (

Remove builder

For simplicity, we remove builder for Mercury JSON-RPC request struct. Here is the change to create a new Mercury JSON-RPC request.

// Before:
payload := model.NewQueryTransactionsPayloadBuilder().
        From: 0,
        To:   4592529,
payload.StructureType = model.DoubleEntry

// Now:
payload := model.QueryTransactionsPayload{
    Item:          item,
    AssetInfos:    []*model.AssetInfo{model.NewUdtAsset(constant.UDT_HASH)},
    Extra:         &extra,
    BlockRange:    &model.BlockRange{
        From: 0,
        To:   4592529,
    StructureType: model.StructureTypeDoubleEntry,

Sign transaction

The new go sdk introduces ScriptGroup for signing transactions. You can get the ScriptGroup with a raw transaction from mercury, or construct it by yourself. After that TransactionSigner can sign in the correct place as long as you provide the right secret information (e.g. private key).

// Before:
addressWithKeys := make(map[string]string)
// omit the code to put private key to `addressWithKeys`
txWithGroup, err := mercuryClient.BuildSimpleTransferTransaction(req)
scriptGroups := txWithGroup.GetScriptGroup()
tx := txWithGroup.GetTransaction()
for _, group := range scriptGroups {
    key, _ := secp256k1.HexToKey(addressWithKeys[group.GetAddress()])
    resp.SignTransaction(tx, group, key)
txHash, err := ckbClient.SendTransaction(context.Background(), txWithScriptGroup.TxView)

// Now:
txWithScriptGroups, err := mercuryClient.BuildSimpleTransferTransaction(req)
txSigner := signer.GetTransactionSignerInstance(types.NetworkTest)
txSigner.SignTransaction(txWithScriptGroup, "0x6c9ed03816e31...")
txHash, err := ckbClient.SendTransaction(context.Background(), txWithScriptGroup.TxView)