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14.Noise in Refractory Kernel and Diffusive Noise |
2016-07-22 |
OctoMiao |
Slow Noise in parameters and diffusive noise (Part 1) |
14 |
For a short review of refractory kernel, please refer to page 114 of the textbook (4.2.3 Simplified model SRM0), i.e.,
For noise models, we define refractory kernel
which in turn is plugged back into the refractory kernel,
We require that
We discussed threshold in 5.3.1 where we said spikes occur with probability density
in which
"Noise reset" model
Spike occur at
Interval distribution:
SRM0 model:
The stochastic parameter
Integrate-and-fire model:
- Membrane time constant
$\tau_m$ ; - Input resistance
$R$ ; - Input current
$I$ .
Introducing noise: add noise to the RHS,
Figure 5.12 is a very nice plot showing the effect of
For a Gaussian white noise
$\sigma$ amplitude of noise; -
$\tau_m$ membrane time constant.
c.f. Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process.
In a network, a integrate-and-fire neuron will take in
- input
$I^{ext}(t)$ , - input spikes at
$t^{(f)}_j$ , where$j$ means the spike from neuron$j$ , - stochastic spikes (from the background of the brain that we are not really interested in for now)
$t_k^{(f)}$ ,
so that
which is called Stein's model.
The stochastic spike arrivals are Poissonian.
Poisson process with rate
$\nu$ -
Input spike train $$ S(t) = \sum_{k=1}^N \sum_{t_k^{(f)}} \delta(t-t_k^{(f)}), $$
which has an average
$$ \langle S(t) \rangle = \nu_0, $$
and autocorrelation
$$ \langle S(t) S(t')\rangle - \nu_0^2 = N\nu_0 \delta(t-t'). $$
$\nu_0^2$ is from the constant hazard$\rho_0(t-\hat t) = \nu$ and Poisson has autocorrelation$C_{ii}(s) = \nu \delta(s) + \nu^2$ . -
Neglect both threshold and reset, which basically means weak input so that neuron doesn't reach firing threshold. $$ u(t) = w_0 \int_0^\infty \epsilon_0(s) S(t-s) ds $$
Also neglect the term
$-u/\tau_m$ ? -
Average over time we have $$ u_0 \equiv \langle u(t) \rangle = w_0 \nu_0 \int_0^\infty \epsilon_0(s)ds. $$
Variance of potential $$ \begin{align} \langle (u-u_0)^2 \rangle &= w_0^2 \left\langle \left( \int_0^\infty \epsilon_0(s) S(t-s) - w_0 \nu_0 \int_0^\infty \epsilon_0(s)ds \right)^2 \right\rangle \ & = \left\langle w_0^2 \int_0^\infty \int_0^\infty \epsilon_0(s) \epsilon_0(s') S(t-s) S(t-s') ds' ds - 2 u_0 w_0 \nu_0 \int_0^\infty \epsilon_0(s) S(t-s)ds + u_0^2 \right\rangle \ & = \left\langle w_0^2 \int_0^\infty \int_0^\infty \epsilon_0(s) \epsilon_0(s') S(t-s) S(t-s') ds' ds \right\rangle - 2 u_0 w_0 \left\langle \nu_0 \int_0^\infty \epsilon_0(s) S(t-s)ds \right\rangle + u_0^2 \ & = \left\langle w_0^2 \int_0^\infty \int_0^\infty \epsilon_0(s) \epsilon_0(s') S(t-s) S(t-s') ds' ds \right\rangle - 2 u_0^2 + u_0^2 \ & = w_0^2 \nu_0 \int_0^\infty \epsilon_0(s)^2ds \end{align} $$
Figure 5.14: We have equation 5.83
Stein model
After each firing, probability density of membrane potential can be calculated.
During this time the membrane potential will decay
Incoming spike at synapse