diff --git a/src/assets/images/events/ARCClub.drawio.png b/src/assets/images/events/ARCClub.drawio.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..525f4a73
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/assets/images/events/ARCClub.drawio.png differ
diff --git a/src/content/events/2023-05-09_CEPLAS-StartYourARC-Series.md b/src/content/events/2023-05-09_CEPLAS-StartYourARC-Series.md
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index 00000000..64d4eb92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/content/events/2023-05-09_CEPLAS-StartYourARC-Series.md
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+title: CEPLAS Start Your ARC Workshop Series
+category: Training
+excerpt: 'Learn how to move your datasets into ARCs, share them via the DataHUB, and annotate them with metadata.'
+ -
+ start: 2023-05-09T10:00:00
+ end: 2023-05-09T11:30:00
+ -
+ start: 2023-05-31T10:00:00
+ end: 2023-05-31T11:30:00
+ -
+ start: 2023-06-14T10:00:00
+ end: 2023-06-14T11:30:00
+mode: On-site
+audience: [Users]
+ short: HHU, ZSL 22.07, Room U1.025
+ address: HHU, ZSL 22.07, Room U1.025
+ url: https://www.ceplas.eu/en/contact/how-to-get-there
+ - Dominik Brilhaus (CEPLAS)
+ name: Dominik Brilhaus
+ affiliation: CEPLAS Data
+ url: https://www.ceplas.eu/en/research/data-science-and-data-management
+ description: This is a three-session event. Open for everyone. PhD-students, postdocs, group leaders, (lab) data managers
+ seats: 20
+ url: https://hhu2020.fra1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9ozJXlz7xo0iSlE
+## About
+You have probably heard about DataPLANT’s Annotated Research Context (ARC). This three-session workshop series demonstrates the ARC concept and introduces how to build a first ARC for your own research project and annotate the data in your ARC.
+## Content
+Session 1: Introduction to the ARC (demo)
+Session 2: Build your ARC
+Session 3: Annotate your data
+💡 We will try to record and share sessions with slides afterwards
+👩💻 Sessions 2 and 3 are hands-on and require a laptop
+## Teaching Materials
+Materials are shared via DataPLANT [Knowledge Base](https://nfdi4plants.org/nfdi4plants.knowledgebase/docs/teaching-materials/events-2023/2023-05-09_CEPLAS-StartYourARC-Series/index.html).
diff --git a/src/content/events/2023-08-17_ARC-Club_HHU.md b/src/content/events/2023-08-17_ARC-Club_HHU.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..58c126c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/content/events/2023-08-17_ARC-Club_HHU.md
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+title: "ARC Club HHU"
+excerpt: "a two-day adventure to prepare your lab for the ARC universe"
+category: Training
+mode: On-site
+audience: [Users]
+ start: 2023-08-17T09:00:00
+ end: 2023-08-18T17:00:00
+ short: HHU
+ address: HHU, ZSL 22.07, Room U1.21
+ url: https://www.ceplas.eu/en/contact/how-to-get-there
+ - Dominik Brilhaus (CEPLAS)
+ name: Dominik Brilhaus
+ affiliation: CEPLAS Data
+ url: https://www.ceplas.eu/en/research/data-science-and-data-management
+image: ~/assets/images/events/ARCClub.drawio.png
+## Setting
+- Good internet connection
+- Isolated from lab // office // daily duties
+- Access to the data to be ARCified
+(file share, hard disks)
+- Agile, communicative, collaborative, positive
+- Technical *ad-hoc* support by DataPLANT
+## Goals
+- Move existing datasets into ARCs
+- Share them via the DataHUB
+- First few steps into ARCs
+- Data users can pick them up from there
+## Preparation
+- DataHUB user accounts https://register.nfdi4plants.org/
+- DataHUB user group: https://git.nfdi4plants.org/hhu-plant-biochemistry
+- Installation
+ - [ARCitect](https://nfdi4plants.org/nfdi4plants.knowledgebase/docs/ARCitect-Manual/index.html)
+ - [Swate](https://nfdi4plants.org/nfdi4plants.knowledgebase/docs/SwateManual/Docs01-Installing-Swate.html)
+ - [ARC Commander](https://nfdi4plants.org/nfdi4plants.knowledgebase/docs/ArcCommanderManual/index-setup.html)
+- List of projects to be ARCified
+## Why you want to join the **ARC Club**
+- You've needed data before, now is your chance to make data available
+- Your contribution to the ARC will be visible
+- Food :pizza:
+- Drinks :beers:
+- After-ARCathon Party 🥳
+## Rough Schedule
+### Day 1
+Time | Content
+--- | ---
+Morning | Tech-check (Installation) - Intro ARC, ARC Commander & DataHUB - hands-on with dummy data
+Lunch | *tbd* :hamburger:
+Afternoon | Discuss / assign projects - Start creating ARCs
+Evening | *tbd* :tropical_drink:
+### Day 2
+Time | Content
+--- | ---
+Morning | Present project status - Intro Swate - hands-on with dummy data
+Lunch | *tbd* :pizza:
+Afternoon | Annotate experimental data - Start creating ARCs
+Evening | *tbd* :beers:
+## Volunteers
+- coders
+- data handlers
+- data users
+- ARC early adopters
+- long-term lab-associates
diff --git a/src/content/events/2023-09-MibiNet-CEPLAS-StartYourARC.md b/src/content/events/2023-09-MibiNet-CEPLAS-StartYourARC.md
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--- /dev/null
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+title: MibiNet/CEPLAS Start Your ARC Workshop
+date: 2023-09-20
+category: Training
+excerpt: 'This two-session workshop series demonstrates the ARC concept and introduces how to build a first ARC for your own research project and annotate the data in your ARC.'
+ -
+ start: 2024-09-21T09:30:00
+ end: 2024-09-21T15:30:00
+ -
+ start: 2024-09-28T09:30:00
+ end: 2024-09-28T15:30:00
+mode: On-site
+audience: [Users]
+ short: HHU, ZSL 22.07, Room U1.021
+ address: HHU, ZSL 22.07, Room U1.021
+ url: https://www.ceplas.eu/en/contact/how-to-get-there
+ - Dominik Brilhaus (CEPLAS Data)
+ - Sabrina Zander (MibiNet)
+ name: Sabrina Zander
+ affiliation: MibiNet
+ url: https://www.sfb1535.hhu.de/projects/research-area-z/z03
+ description: This is a three-session event. Open for everyone. PhD-students, postdocs, group leaders, (lab) data managers
+ url: https://pad.hhu.de/Aem023liTWKyfPysU0H8Gw?both
+ deadline: 2023-07-25
+ seats: 20
+# About
+You have probably heard about DataPLANT's **[Annotated Research Context](https://nfdi4plants.org/content/learn-more/annotated-research-context.html)** (ARC). This two-session workshop series demonstrates the ARC concept and introduces how to build a first ARC for your own research project and annotate the data in your ARC.
+# Preparation !
+1. For the **hands-on** blocks you will need a **laptop with functioning wifi access on HHU campus** (e.g. [Eduroam](https://www.zim.hhu.de/servicekatalog/netze/wlan))
+2. Please follow the [preparation slides](https://nfdi4plants.org/nfdi4plants.knowledgebase/docs/teaching-materials/disseminations/2023-09-MibiNet-CEPLAS-StartYourARC/index.html) to setup required tools on your laptop
+3. We offer an online tech-check meeting on **September 18th at 1pm**: [Meeting link](https://hhu.webex.com/hhu-en/j.php?MTID=m7d5f61cc9da2036cae1ae8926b14b62f)
+ - This is optional to help you with above setup
+ - If you run into issues with tool setup, but cannot make it to the tech-check, please come to the workshop half an hour earlier.
+4. :coffee: **Please bring your own coffee mug!** We will serve coffee and tea, but do not have a dish washer. :smiley:
+## Teaching Materials
+Materials are shared via DataPLANT [Knowledge Base](https://nfdi4plants.org/nfdi4plants.knowledgebase/docs/teaching-materials/events-2023/2023-09-MibiNet-CEPLAS-StartYourARC/index.html).
diff --git a/src/content/events/2023-10-CSCS-CEPLAS-StartYourARC.md b/src/content/events/2023-10-CSCS-CEPLAS-StartYourARC.md
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index 00000000..1aab646c
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+title: CSCS Start Your ARC Workshop
+excerpt: "This two-day workshop demonstrates the concept of ARC and introduces how to build a first ARC for your own research project."
+category: Webinar
+mode: Online
+audience: [Users]
+ -
+ start: 2023-10-05T13:00:00
+ end: 2023-10-05T17:00:00
+ -
+ start: 2023-10-11T13:00:00
+ end: 2023-10-11T17:00:00
+ short: WebEx
+ url: https://hhu.webex.com/hhu-en/j.php?MTID=m8469363c6758c7556096e3704df51885
+ - Dominik Brilhaus (CEPLAS)
+ name: Dominik Brilhaus
+ affiliation: CEPLAS Data
+ url: https://www.ceplas.eu/en/research/data-science-and-data-management
+ description: Open for members of CSCS.
+ url: https://forms.office.com/e/7vhfj5i2kX
+ deadline: 2023-09-25
+# About
+This two-day workshop demonstrates the concept of **[Annotated Research Context (ARC)](https://nfdi4plants.org/content/learn-more/annotated-research-context.html)** and introduces how to build a first ARC for your own research project. You will also learn to annotate the data within your ARC.
+## Teaching Materials
+Materials are shared via DataPLANT [Knowledge Base](https://nfdi4plants.org/nfdi4plants.knowledgebase/docs/teaching-materials/events-2023/2023-10-CSCS-CEPLAS-StartYourARC/index.html).
diff --git a/src/content/events/2023-11-15_CEPLAS-ARC-Clubs.md b/src/content/events/2023-11-15_CEPLAS-ARC-Clubs.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..87a2893d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/content/events/2023-11-15_CEPLAS-ARC-Clubs.md
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+title: "CEPLAS ARC Clubs"
+excerpt: "a two-day adventure to prepare your lab for the ARC universe"
+category: Training
+mode: On-site
+audience: [Users]
+ start: 2023-11-15T09:00:00
+ end: 2023-11-15T17:00:00
+ short: HHU, UoC
+ address: HHU, UoC
+ - Dominik Brilhaus (CEPLAS)
+ name: Dominik Brilhaus
+ affiliation: CEPLAS Data
+ url: https://www.ceplas.eu/en/research/data-science-and-data-management
+image: ~/assets/images/events/ARCClub.drawio.png
+## Goals
+- Move existing datasets into [ARCs](https://nfdi4plants.org/nfdi4plants.knowledgebase/docs/implementation/AnnotatedResearchContext.html)
+- Share them via the [DataHUB](https://nfdi4plants.org/nfdi4plants.knowledgebase/docs/implementation/DataHub.html)
+ - This can be done privately, group-internally or publicly
+- First few steps into the ARC ecosystem
+ - We will not produce "perfect" or "final" ARCs
+ - You or collaborators can pick them up from there in the future
+## Setting
+- Good internet connection
+- Ideally isolated from lab // office // daily duties
+- Access to the data to be ARCified (file share, hard disks, cloud, ...)
+- Agile, communicative, collaborative, positive
+- Technical *ad-hoc* support by DataPLANT
+## Participants
+This event benefits from a good mix of participants from you lab:
+- wet lab biologists
+- dry lab biologists, coders
+- data handlers, data users
+- long-term lab-associates with a good project overview
+Group size: 5-10 (for the interactive parts)
+## Tentative agenda
+We will mostly introduce concepts and tools in the mornings.
+The afternoons focus on interactive parts. Here you have the chance to use the tools with your own data while we are there to help.
+**Day 1**
+- Intro to ARC and demo
+- ARCitect Hands-on
+- Create your ARCs
+- DataHUB Features
+**Day 2**
+- ARC recap session
+- ISA and Metadata
+- Swate Hands-on
+- Annotate data in your ARC
+- Wrap-up
+## Checklist for participants
+Please prepare the following **before the workshop**.
+- Bring your laptop / computer
+- Bring datasets to be ARCified
+- Sign up for a DataHUB user account https://register.nfdi4plants.org/
+ - Please add your `Project/consortium` (e.g. CEPLAS, SFB, TRR) and choose the role `Guest`
+- Install ARCitect
+- Install Swate
+:bulb: Not all installations are perfectly straight-forward. We will start the first day with a tech-check to make sure your machine is up and running.
+### Optional (for coders or trouble-shooting)
+- Find the command-line on your machine
+ - On Windows: Enter `powershell` or `cmd` into the explorer path
+ - On MacOS: Search `terminal` via spotlight (⌘ + ␣) or navigate to `Applications` -> `Utilities` -> `Terminal`
+ - :bulb: No worries, we will not be using this a lot during the workshop. It's more for setup and trouble-shooting.
+- Install Git and Git LFS
+ - Git LFS may already be installed with your Git installation (at least on Windows)
+ - For macOS we recommend to install via homebrew as described on the site above
+- Install ARC Commander
+## Checklist for co-organizers (from lab)
+To make this as smooth as possible and create an enjoyable atmosphere, we ideally need
+- a room with good internet connection
+ - Wifi (via Eduroam?)
+ - or LAN sockets (might require to setup LAN network with local computing center)
+ - (optional) LAN cables
+- multi-outlet power strips
+- a list of putative datasets or projects to be ARCified
+ - discuss with the PI or participants
+- a DataHUB user group for your lab
+ - (optional) invite members from your lab
diff --git a/src/content/events/2024-04-03_CEPLAS-ARC-Trainings.md b/src/content/events/2024-04-03_CEPLAS-ARC-Trainings.md
index fc4ba0d1..1a4b4c6a 100644
--- a/src/content/events/2024-04-03_CEPLAS-ARC-Trainings.md
+++ b/src/content/events/2024-04-03_CEPLAS-ARC-Trainings.md
@@ -1,10 +1,49 @@
-title: CEPLAS ARC Training Series – Tool Demo & Hands-on @ HHU
+title: CEPLAS ARC Training Series
category: Training
excerpt: 'Learn how to move your datasets into ARCs, share them via the DataHUB, and annotate them with metadata.'
- start: 2024-04-03T09:00:00
- end: 2024-04-03T17:00:00
+ -
+ start: 2024-04-03T09:00:00
+ end: 2024-04-03T17:00:00
+ -
+ start: 2024-04-04T09:00:00
+ end: 2024-04-04T17:00:00
+ -
+ start: 2024-05-23T09:00:00
+ end: 2024-05-23T17:00:00
+ props:
+ location:
+ short: HHU, ZSL 22.07, Room U1.25
+ address: HHU, ZSL 22.07, Room U1.25
+ -
+ start: 2024-05-24T09:00:00
+ end: 2024-05-24T12:00:00
+ props:
+ tutors:
+ - Dominik Brilhaus (CEPLAS Data)
+ -
+ start: 2024-04-25T09:00:00
+ end: 2024-04-25T17:00:00
+ props:
+ location:
+ short: UoC, Biozentrum, Bldg 304, Room 1.007
+ address: UoC, Biozentrum, Bldg 304, Room 1.007
+ tutors:
+ - Dominik Brilhaus (CEPLAS Data)
+ - Eik Dahms (TRR341)
+ - Dan Wang (MibiNet, TRR341)
+ -
+ start: 2024-04-26T09:00:00
+ end: 2024-04-26T12:00:00
+ props:
+ location:
+ short: UoC, Biozentrum, Bldg 304, Room 1.007
+ address: UoC, Biozentrum, Bldg 304, Room 1.007
+ tutors:
+ - Dominik Brilhaus (CEPLAS Data)
+ - Eik Dahms (TRR341)
+ - Dan Wang (MibiNet, TRR341)
mode: On-site
audience: [Users]
@@ -13,11 +52,11 @@ location:
url: https://www.ceplas.eu/en/contact/how-to-get-there
image: ~/assets/images/events/ceplas-ARCs.drawio.png
- - Dominik Brilhaus (CEPLAS)
- - Sabrina Zander (MibiNet)
+ - Dominik Brilhaus (CEPLAS Data)
+ - Sabrina Zander (MibiNet)
name: Dominik Brilhaus
- affiliation: CEPLAS Data
+ affiliation: CEPLAS
url: https://www.ceplas.eu/en/research/data-science-and-data-management
url: 'https://terminplaner6.dfn.de/de/b/87c954f819c87b27797bc747db30003b-603458'
@@ -28,14 +67,6 @@ registration:
This workshop demonstrates the ARC concept and introduces the DataPLANT tools and services **ARCitect**, **SWATE** and **DataHUB**. In the hands-on sessions (full-day workshop only) you learn how to build a first ARC for your own research project and annotate the data in your ARC.
-## Organizers
-- Contact: Dominik Brilhaus; [CEPLAS Data](https://www.ceplas.eu/en/research/data-science-and-data-management)
-- Additional support by
- - Sabrina Zander ([MibiNet](https://www.sfb1535.hhu.de/projects/research-area-z/z03))
- - Eik Dahms, Dan Wang ([TRR341](https://trr341.uni-koeln.de/projects/data-management-z3))
- - Stella Eggels ([FZJ](https://www.fz-juelich.de/en/ibg/ibg-4/research/research-projects/projects-usadel-group/dataplant-1))
## Registration
➡️ [Please register](https://terminplaner6.dfn.de/de/b/87c954f819c87b27797bc747db30003b-603458) latest **two weeks** before the workshop date.
diff --git a/src/content/events/2024-04-04_CEPLAS-ARC-Trainings.md b/src/content/events/2024-04-04_CEPLAS-ARC-Trainings.md
deleted file mode 100644
index c719e883..00000000
--- a/src/content/events/2024-04-04_CEPLAS-ARC-Trainings.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-title: CEPLAS ARC Training Series – Tool Demo & Hands-on @ HHU
-category: Training
-excerpt: 'Learn how to move your datasets into ARCs, share them via the DataHUB, and annotate them with metadata.'
- start: 2024-04-04T09:00:00
- end: 2024-04-04T17:00:00
-mode: On-site
-audience: [Users]
- name: HHU
- address: HHU, ZSL 22.07, Room U1.21
- url: https://www.ceplas.eu/en/contact/how-to-get-there
-image: ~/assets/images/events/ceplas-ARCs.drawio.png
- - Dominik Brilhaus (CEPLAS)
- - Sabrina Zander (MibiNet)
- name: Dominik Brilhaus
- affiliation: CEPLAS Data
- url: https://www.ceplas.eu/en/research/data-science-and-data-management
- url: 'https://terminplaner6.dfn.de/de/b/87c954f819c87b27797bc747db30003b-603458'
- seats: 12
-## About
-This workshop demonstrates the ARC concept and introduces the DataPLANT tools and services **ARCitect**, **SWATE** and **DataHUB**. In the hands-on sessions (full-day workshop only) you learn how to build a first ARC for your own research project and annotate the data in your ARC.
-## Organizers
-- Contact: Dominik Brilhaus; [CEPLAS Data](https://www.ceplas.eu/en/research/data-science-and-data-management)
-- Additional support by
- - Sabrina Zander ([MibiNet](https://www.sfb1535.hhu.de/projects/research-area-z/z03))
- - Eik Dahms, Dan Wang ([TRR341](https://trr341.uni-koeln.de/projects/data-management-z3))
- - Stella Eggels ([FZJ](https://www.fz-juelich.de/en/ibg/ibg-4/research/research-projects/projects-usadel-group/dataplant-1))
-## Registration
-➡️ [Please register](https://terminplaner6.dfn.de/de/b/87c954f819c87b27797bc747db30003b-603458) latest **two weeks** before the workshop date.
-:bulb: Maximum 12 participants per session.
-## Dates and Locations
- Date | Type | Time | Location | Room
-03.04.2024 (Wed) | Full-day | 09:00 - 17:00 | HHU | [ZSL 22.07, Room U1.21](https://www.ceplas.eu/en/contact/how-to-get-there)
-04.04.2024 (Thu) | Full-day | 09:00 - 17:00 | HHU | [ZSL 22.07, Room U1.21](https://www.ceplas.eu/en/contact/how-to-get-there)
-25.04.2024 (Thu) | Full-day | 09:00 - 17:00 | UoC | Biozentrum, Bldg 304, Room 1.007
-26.04.2024 (Fri) | Half-day | 09:00 - 12:00 | UoC | Biozentrum, Bldg 304, Room 1.007
-23.05.2024 (Thu) | Full-day | 09:00 - 17:00 | HHU | [ZSL 22.07, Room U1.25](https://www.ceplas.eu/en/contact/how-to-get-there)
-24.05.2024 (Fri) | Half-day | 09:00 - 12:00 | HHU | [ZSL 22.07, Room U1.21](https://www.ceplas.eu/en/contact/how-to-get-there)
-## Tentative agenda
-We will mostly introduce concepts and tools in the mornings (half-day and full-day). The afternoons (full-day only) focus on interactive parts. Here you have the chance to use the tools with your own data while we are there to help.
-### Half-day
-Time | Topics
--------- | --------
-09:00 - 09:15 | Welcome, Intro RDM and NFDI
-09:15 - 09:30 | Overview DataPLANT, and DataPLANT Tool chain
-09:30 - 10:15 | Demo ARCitect and DataHUB
-10:15 - 10:30 | *Short break*
-10:30 - 11:45 | Demo Metadata annotation with SWATE
-11:45 - 12:00 | Q & A
-### Full-day (continues half-day)
-Time | Topics
--------- | --------
-12:00 - 13:00 | *Lunch break*
-13:00 - 15:00 | Hands-on ARCitect, DataHUB and Swate
-15:00 - 15:15 | *Short break*
-15:15 - 16:30 | Create your own ARC
-16:30 - 17:00 | Q & A and wrap-up
-## Checklist for participants (full-day)
-Please prepare the following **before the workshop**.
-- Bring your laptop / computer
-- Bring datasets to be ARCified
-- Sign up for a DataHUB user account https://register.nfdi4plants.org/
- - Please add your `Project/consortium` (e.g. CEPLAS, SFB, TRR) and choose the role `Guest` or `User`
-- Install ARCitect
-:bulb: Not all installations are perfectly straight-forward. We will be available **half an hour before the workshops** to help you get your machine up and running.
-## Continuous support
-Data managers in Düsseldorf, Cologne, Jülich and close by (CEPLAS, MibiNet, TRR341) offer *ad hoc* support, see [details here](https://nfdi4plants.org/nfdi4plants.knowledgebase/docs/teaching-materials/disseminations/ARC-user-support_HHU-Uoc-FZJ/arc-user-support.html).
-## Teaching Materials
-Materials are shared via DataPLANT [Knowledge Base](https://nfdi4plants.org/nfdi4plants.knowledgebase/docs/teaching-materials/events-2024/2024-04-03_CEPLAS-ARC-Trainings/index.html).
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/content/events/2024-04-11_MibiNet-CEPLAS-ARC-Trainings.md b/src/content/events/2024-04-11_MibiNet-CEPLAS-ARC-Trainings.md
index 56dfc019..30fa49f3 100644
--- a/src/content/events/2024-04-11_MibiNet-CEPLAS-ARC-Trainings.md
+++ b/src/content/events/2024-04-11_MibiNet-CEPLAS-ARC-Trainings.md
@@ -3,16 +3,34 @@ title: MibiNet CEPLAS – DataPLANT Tool Demonstration
category: Training
excerpt: 'Learn how to move your datasets into ARCs, share them via the DataHUB, and annotate them with metadata.'
- start: 2024-04-11T09:00:00
- end: 2024-04-11T13:00:00
+ -
+ start: 2024-04-11T09:00:00
+ end: 2024-04-11T13:00:00
+ -
+ start: 2024-04-18T09:00:00
+ end: 2024-04-18T17:00:00
+ props:
+ location:
+ short: HHU,
+ address: HHU,
+ -
+ start: 2024-04-30T09:00:00
+ end: 2024-04-30T17:00:00
+ props:
+ location:
+ short: HHU, 22.07.U1.025
+ address: HHU, 22.07.U1.025
+ short: HHU, 26.24.U1.018
+ address: HHU, 26.24.U1.018
mode: On-site
audience: [Users]
name: HHU
address: HHU, 26.24.U1.018
- - Sabrina Zander (MibiNet)
- - Dominik Brilhaus (CEPLAS)
+ - Sabrina Zander (MibiNet)
+ - Dominik Brilhaus (CEPLAS Data)
name: Sabrina Zander
affiliation: MibiNet
@@ -23,11 +41,6 @@ organizer:
This workshop demonstrates the ARC concept and introduces the DataPLANT tools and services **ARCitect**, **SWATE** and **DataHUB**. In the hands-on sessions (full-day workshop only) you learn how to build a first ARC for your own research project and annotate the data in your ARC.
-## Organizers
-- Sabrina Zander ([MibiNet](https://www.sfb1535.hhu.de/projects/research-area-z/z03))
-- Dominik Brilhaus ([CEPLAS Data](https://www.ceplas.eu/en/research/data-science-and-data-management))
## Registration
➡️ [Please register](https://pad.hhu.de/gXvgd5yETWa3Ks34dM3KCw?view) latest **two weeks** before the workshop date.
diff --git a/src/content/events/2024-04-18_MibiNet-CEPLAS-ARC-Trainings.md b/src/content/events/2024-04-18_MibiNet-CEPLAS-ARC-Trainings.md
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-title: MibiNet CEPLAS – DataPLANT Tool Workshop
-category: Training
-excerpt: 'Learn how to move your datasets into ARCs, share them via the DataHUB, and annotate them with metadata.'
- start: 2024-04-18T09:00:00
- end: 2024-04-18T17:00:00
-mode: On-site
-audience: [Users]
- name: HHU
- address: HHU,
- - Sabrina Zander (MibiNet)
- - Dominik Brilhaus (CEPLAS)
- name: Sabrina Zander
- affiliation: MibiNet
- url: https://www.sfb1535.hhu.de/projects/research-area-z/z03
-## About
-This workshop demonstrates the ARC concept and introduces the DataPLANT tools and services **ARCitect**, **SWATE** and **DataHUB**. In the hands-on sessions (full-day workshop only) you learn how to build a first ARC for your own research project and annotate the data in your ARC.
-## Organizers
-- Sabrina Zander ([MibiNet](https://www.sfb1535.hhu.de/projects/research-area-z/z03))
-- Dominik Brilhaus ([CEPLAS Data](https://www.ceplas.eu/en/research/data-science-and-data-management))
-## Registration
-➡️ [Please register](https://pad.hhu.de/gXvgd5yETWa3Ks34dM3KCw?view) latest **two weeks** before the workshop date.
-:bulb: Maximum 12 participants per session.
-## Dates and Locations
- Date | Type | Time | Location | Room
-11.04.2024 (Thu) | Half-day | 09:00 - 13:00 | HHU | 26.24.U1.018
-18.04.2024 (Thu) | Full-day | 09:00 - 17:00 | HHU |
-30.04.2024 (Tue) | Full-day | 09:00 - 17:00 | HHU | 22.07.U1.025
-## Tentative agenda
-We will mostly introduce concepts and tools in the mornings (half-day and full-day). The afternoons (full-day only) focus on interactive parts. Here you have the chance to use the tools with your own data while we are there to help.
-### Half-day
-Time | Topics
--------- | --------
-09:00 - 09:15 | Welcome, Intro RDM and NFDI
-09:15 - 09:30 | Overview DataPLANT, and DataPLANT Tool chain
-09:30 - 10:15 | Demo ARCitect and DataHUB
-10:15 - 10:30 | *Short break*
-10:30 - 11:45 | Demo Metadata annotation with SWATE
-11:45 - 12:00 | Q & A
-### Full-day (continues half-day)
-Time | Topics
--------- | --------
-12:00 - 13:00 | *Lunch break*
-13:00 - 15:00 | Hands-on ARCitect, DataHUB and Swate
-15:00 - 15:15 | *Short break*
-15:15 - 16:30 | Create your own ARC
-16:30 - 17:00 | Q & A and wrap-up
-## Checklist for participants (full-day)
-Please prepare the following **before the workshop**.
-- Bring your laptop / computer
-- Bring datasets to be ARCified
-- Sign up for a DataHUB user account https://register.nfdi4plants.org/
- - Please add your `Project/consortium` (e.g. CEPLAS, SFB, TRR) and choose the role `Guest` or `User`
-- Install ARCitect
-:bulb: Not all installations are perfectly straight-forward. We will be available **half an hour before the workshops** to help you get your machine up and running.
-## Continuous support
-Data managers in Düsseldorf, Cologne, Jülich and close by (CEPLAS, MibiNet, TRR341) offer *ad hoc* support, see [details here](https://nfdi4plants.org/nfdi4plants.knowledgebase/docs/teaching-materials/disseminations/ARC-user-support_HHU-Uoc-FZJ/arc-user-support.html).
-## Teaching Materials
-Materials are shared via DataPLANT [Knowledge Base](https://nfdi4plants.org/nfdi4plants.knowledgebase/docs/teaching-materials/events-2024/2024-04-11_MibiNet-CEPLAS-ARC-Trainings/index.html).
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/src/content/events/2024-04-25_CEPLAS-ARC-Trainings.md
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@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-title: CEPLAS ARC Training Series – Tool Demo & Hands-on @ UoC
-category: Training
-excerpt: 'Learn how to move your datasets into ARCs, share them via the DataHUB, and annotate them with metadata.'
- start: 2024-04-25T09:00:00
- end: 2024-04-25T17:00:00
-mode: On-site
-audience: [Users]
- name: UoC
- address: UoC, Biozentrum, Bldg 304, Room 1.007
-image: ~/assets/images/events/ceplas-ARCs.drawio.png
- - Dominik Brilhaus (CEPLAS)
- - Eik Dahms (TRR341)
- - Dan Wang (MibiNet, TRR341)
- name: Dominik Brilhaus
- affiliation: CEPLAS Data
- url: https://www.ceplas.eu/en/research/data-science-and-data-management
- url: 'https://terminplaner6.dfn.de/de/b/87c954f819c87b27797bc747db30003b-603458'
- seats: 12
-## About
-This workshop demonstrates the ARC concept and introduces the DataPLANT tools and services **ARCitect**, **SWATE** and **DataHUB**. In the hands-on sessions (full-day workshop only) you learn how to build a first ARC for your own research project and annotate the data in your ARC.
-## Organizers
-- Contact: Dominik Brilhaus; [CEPLAS Data](https://www.ceplas.eu/en/research/data-science-and-data-management)
-- Additional support by
- - Sabrina Zander ([MibiNet](https://www.sfb1535.hhu.de/projects/research-area-z/z03))
- - Eik Dahms, Dan Wang ([TRR341](https://trr341.uni-koeln.de/projects/data-management-z3))
- - Stella Eggels ([FZJ](https://www.fz-juelich.de/en/ibg/ibg-4/research/research-projects/projects-usadel-group/dataplant-1))
-## Registration
-➡️ [Please register](https://terminplaner6.dfn.de/de/b/87c954f819c87b27797bc747db30003b-603458) latest **two weeks** before the workshop date.
-:bulb: Maximum 12 participants per session.
-## Dates and Locations
- Date | Type | Time | Location | Room
-03.04.2024 (Wed) | Full-day | 09:00 - 17:00 | HHU | [ZSL 22.07, Room U1.21](https://www.ceplas.eu/en/contact/how-to-get-there)
-04.04.2024 (Thu) | Full-day | 09:00 - 17:00 | HHU | [ZSL 22.07, Room U1.21](https://www.ceplas.eu/en/contact/how-to-get-there)
-25.04.2024 (Thu) | Full-day | 09:00 - 17:00 | UoC | Biozentrum, Bldg 304, Room 1.007
-26.04.2024 (Fri) | Half-day | 09:00 - 12:00 | UoC | Biozentrum, Bldg 304, Room 1.007
-23.05.2024 (Thu) | Full-day | 09:00 - 17:00 | HHU | [ZSL 22.07, Room U1.25](https://www.ceplas.eu/en/contact/how-to-get-there)
-24.05.2024 (Fri) | Half-day | 09:00 - 12:00 | HHU | [ZSL 22.07, Room U1.21](https://www.ceplas.eu/en/contact/how-to-get-there)
-## Tentative agenda
-We will mostly introduce concepts and tools in the mornings (half-day and full-day). The afternoons (full-day only) focus on interactive parts. Here you have the chance to use the tools with your own data while we are there to help.
-### Half-day
-Time | Topics
--------- | --------
-09:00 - 09:15 | Welcome, Intro RDM and NFDI
-09:15 - 09:30 | Overview DataPLANT, and DataPLANT Tool chain
-09:30 - 10:15 | Demo ARCitect and DataHUB
-10:15 - 10:30 | *Short break*
-10:30 - 11:45 | Demo Metadata annotation with SWATE
-11:45 - 12:00 | Q & A
-### Full-day (continues half-day)
-Time | Topics
--------- | --------
-12:00 - 13:00 | *Lunch break*
-13:00 - 15:00 | Hands-on ARCitect, DataHUB and Swate
-15:00 - 15:15 | *Short break*
-15:15 - 16:30 | Create your own ARC
-16:30 - 17:00 | Q & A and wrap-up
-## Checklist for participants (full-day)
-Please prepare the following **before the workshop**.
-- Bring your laptop / computer
-- Bring datasets to be ARCified
-- Sign up for a DataHUB user account https://register.nfdi4plants.org/
- - Please add your `Project/consortium` (e.g. CEPLAS, SFB, TRR) and choose the role `Guest` or `User`
-- Install ARCitect
-:bulb: Not all installations are perfectly straight-forward. We will be available **half an hour before the workshops** to help you get your machine up and running.
-## Continuous support
-Data managers in Düsseldorf, Cologne, Jülich and close by (CEPLAS, MibiNet, TRR341) offer *ad hoc* support, see [details here](https://nfdi4plants.org/nfdi4plants.knowledgebase/docs/teaching-materials/disseminations/ARC-user-support_HHU-Uoc-FZJ/arc-user-support.html).
-## Teaching Materials
-Materials are shared via DataPLANT [Knowledge Base](https://nfdi4plants.org/nfdi4plants.knowledgebase/docs/teaching-materials/events-2024/2024-04-03_CEPLAS-ARC-Trainings/index.html).
diff --git a/src/content/events/2024-04-26_CEPLAS-ARC-Trainings.md b/src/content/events/2024-04-26_CEPLAS-ARC-Trainings.md
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--- a/src/content/events/2024-04-26_CEPLAS-ARC-Trainings.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-title: CEPLAS ARC Training Series – Tool Demo @ UoC
-category: Training
-excerpt: 'Learn how to move your datasets into ARCs, share them via the DataHUB, and annotate them with metadata.'
- start: 2024-04-25T09:00:00
- end: 2024-04-25T12:00:00
-mode: On-site
-audience: [Users]
- name: UoC
- address: UoC, Biozentrum, Bldg 304, Room 1.007
-image: ~/assets/images/events/ceplas-ARCs.drawio.png
- - Dominik Brilhaus (CEPLAS)
- - Eik Dahms (TRR341)
- - Dan Wang (MibiNet, TRR341)
- name: Dominik Brilhaus
- affiliation: CEPLAS Data
- url: https://www.ceplas.eu/en/research/data-science-and-data-management
- url: 'https://terminplaner6.dfn.de/de/b/87c954f819c87b27797bc747db30003b-603458'
- seats: 12
-## About
-This workshop demonstrates the ARC concept and introduces the DataPLANT tools and services **ARCitect**, **SWATE** and **DataHUB**. In the hands-on sessions (full-day workshop only) you learn how to build a first ARC for your own research project and annotate the data in your ARC.
-## Organizers
-- Contact: Dominik Brilhaus; [CEPLAS Data](https://www.ceplas.eu/en/research/data-science-and-data-management)
-- Additional support by
- - Sabrina Zander ([MibiNet](https://www.sfb1535.hhu.de/projects/research-area-z/z03))
- - Eik Dahms, Dan Wang ([TRR341](https://trr341.uni-koeln.de/projects/data-management-z3))
- - Stella Eggels ([FZJ](https://www.fz-juelich.de/en/ibg/ibg-4/research/research-projects/projects-usadel-group/dataplant-1))
-## Registration
-➡️ [Please register](https://terminplaner6.dfn.de/de/b/87c954f819c87b27797bc747db30003b-603458) latest **two weeks** before the workshop date.
-:bulb: Maximum 12 participants per session.
-## Dates and Locations
- Date | Type | Time | Location | Room
-03.04.2024 (Wed) | Full-day | 09:00 - 17:00 | HHU | [ZSL 22.07, Room U1.21](https://www.ceplas.eu/en/contact/how-to-get-there)
-04.04.2024 (Thu) | Full-day | 09:00 - 17:00 | HHU | [ZSL 22.07, Room U1.21](https://www.ceplas.eu/en/contact/how-to-get-there)
-25.04.2024 (Thu) | Full-day | 09:00 - 17:00 | UoC | Biozentrum, Bldg 304, Room 1.007
-26.04.2024 (Fri) | Half-day | 09:00 - 12:00 | UoC | Biozentrum, Bldg 304, Room 1.007
-23.05.2024 (Thu) | Full-day | 09:00 - 17:00 | HHU | [ZSL 22.07, Room U1.25](https://www.ceplas.eu/en/contact/how-to-get-there)
-24.05.2024 (Fri) | Half-day | 09:00 - 12:00 | HHU | [ZSL 22.07, Room U1.21](https://www.ceplas.eu/en/contact/how-to-get-there)
-## Tentative agenda
-We will mostly introduce concepts and tools in the mornings (half-day and full-day). The afternoons (full-day only) focus on interactive parts. Here you have the chance to use the tools with your own data while we are there to help.
-### Half-day
-Time | Topics
--------- | --------
-09:00 - 09:15 | Welcome, Intro RDM and NFDI
-09:15 - 09:30 | Overview DataPLANT, and DataPLANT Tool chain
-09:30 - 10:15 | Demo ARCitect and DataHUB
-10:15 - 10:30 | *Short break*
-10:30 - 11:45 | Demo Metadata annotation with SWATE
-11:45 - 12:00 | Q & A
-### Full-day (continues half-day)
-Time | Topics
--------- | --------
-12:00 - 13:00 | *Lunch break*
-13:00 - 15:00 | Hands-on ARCitect, DataHUB and Swate
-15:00 - 15:15 | *Short break*
-15:15 - 16:30 | Create your own ARC
-16:30 - 17:00 | Q & A and wrap-up
-## Checklist for participants (full-day)
-Please prepare the following **before the workshop**.
-- Bring your laptop / computer
-- Bring datasets to be ARCified
-- Sign up for a DataHUB user account https://register.nfdi4plants.org/
- - Please add your `Project/consortium` (e.g. CEPLAS, SFB, TRR) and choose the role `Guest` or `User`
-- Install ARCitect
-:bulb: Not all installations are perfectly straight-forward. We will be available **half an hour before the workshops** to help you get your machine up and running.
-## Continuous support
-Data managers in Düsseldorf, Cologne, Jülich and close by (CEPLAS, MibiNet, TRR341) offer *ad hoc* support, see [details here](https://nfdi4plants.org/nfdi4plants.knowledgebase/docs/teaching-materials/disseminations/ARC-user-support_HHU-Uoc-FZJ/arc-user-support.html).
-## Teaching Materials
-Materials are shared via DataPLANT [Knowledge Base](https://nfdi4plants.org/nfdi4plants.knowledgebase/docs/teaching-materials/events-2024/2024-04-03_CEPLAS-ARC-Trainings/index.html).
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-title: MibiNet CEPLAS – DataPLANT Tool Workshop
-category: Training
-excerpt: 'Learn how to move your datasets into ARCs, share them via the DataHUB, and annotate them with metadata.'
- start: 2024-04-30T09:00:00
- end: 2024-04-30T17:00:00
-mode: On-site
-audience: [Users]
- name: HHU
- address: HHU, 22.07.U1.025
- - Sabrina Zander (MibiNet)
- - Dominik Brilhaus (CEPLAS)
- name: Sabrina Zander
- affiliation: MibiNet
- url: https://www.sfb1535.hhu.de/projects/research-area-z/z03
-## About
-This workshop demonstrates the ARC concept and introduces the DataPLANT tools and services **ARCitect**, **SWATE** and **DataHUB**. In the hands-on sessions (full-day workshop only) you learn how to build a first ARC for your own research project and annotate the data in your ARC.
-## Organizers
-- Sabrina Zander ([MibiNet](https://www.sfb1535.hhu.de/projects/research-area-z/z03))
-- Dominik Brilhaus ([CEPLAS Data](https://www.ceplas.eu/en/research/data-science-and-data-management))
-## Registration
-➡️ [Please register](https://pad.hhu.de/gXvgd5yETWa3Ks34dM3KCw?view) latest **two weeks** before the workshop date.
-:bulb: Maximum 12 participants per session.
-## Dates and Locations
- Date | Type | Time | Location | Room
-11.04.2024 (Thu) | Half-day | 09:00 - 13:00 | HHU | 26.24.U1.018
-18.04.2024 (Thu) | Full-day | 09:00 - 17:00 | HHU |
-30.04.2024 (Tue) | Full-day | 09:00 - 17:00 | HHU | 22.07.U1.025
-## Tentative agenda
-We will mostly introduce concepts and tools in the mornings (half-day and full-day). The afternoons (full-day only) focus on interactive parts. Here you have the chance to use the tools with your own data while we are there to help.
-### Half-day
-Time | Topics
--------- | --------
-09:00 - 09:15 | Welcome, Intro RDM and NFDI
-09:15 - 09:30 | Overview DataPLANT, and DataPLANT Tool chain
-09:30 - 10:15 | Demo ARCitect and DataHUB
-10:15 - 10:30 | *Short break*
-10:30 - 11:45 | Demo Metadata annotation with SWATE
-11:45 - 12:00 | Q & A
-### Full-day (continues half-day)
-Time | Topics
--------- | --------
-12:00 - 13:00 | *Lunch break*
-13:00 - 15:00 | Hands-on ARCitect, DataHUB and Swate
-15:00 - 15:15 | *Short break*
-15:15 - 16:30 | Create your own ARC
-16:30 - 17:00 | Q & A and wrap-up
-## Checklist for participants (full-day)
-Please prepare the following **before the workshop**.
-- Bring your laptop / computer
-- Bring datasets to be ARCified
-- Sign up for a DataHUB user account https://register.nfdi4plants.org/
- - Please add your `Project/consortium` (e.g. CEPLAS, SFB, TRR) and choose the role `Guest` or `User`
-- Install ARCitect
-:bulb: Not all installations are perfectly straight-forward. We will be available **half an hour before the workshops** to help you get your machine up and running.
-## Continuous support
-Data managers in Düsseldorf, Cologne, Jülich and close by (CEPLAS, MibiNet, TRR341) offer *ad hoc* support, see [details here](https://nfdi4plants.org/nfdi4plants.knowledgebase/docs/teaching-materials/disseminations/ARC-user-support_HHU-Uoc-FZJ/arc-user-support.html).
-## Teaching Materials
-Materials are shared via DataPLANT [Knowledge Base](https://nfdi4plants.org/nfdi4plants.knowledgebase/docs/teaching-materials/events-2024/2024-04-11_MibiNet-CEPLAS-ARC-Trainings/index.html).
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deleted file mode 100644
index 3097f872..00000000
--- a/src/content/events/2024-05-23_CEPLAS-ARC-Trainings.md
+++ /dev/null
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-title: CEPLAS ARC Training Series – Tool Demo & Hands-on @ HHU
-category: Training
-excerpt: 'Learn how to move your datasets into ARCs, share them via the DataHUB, and annotate them with metadata.'
- start: 2024-05-23T09:00:00
- end: 2024-05-23T17:00:00
-mode: On-site
-audience: [Users]
- name: HHU
- address: HHU, ZSL 22.07, Room U1.25
- url: https://www.ceplas.eu/en/contact/how-to-get-there
-image: ~/assets/images/events/ceplas-ARCs.drawio.png
- - Dominik Brilhaus (CEPLAS)
- - Sabrina Zander (MibiNet)
- name: Dominik Brilhaus
- affiliation: CEPLAS Data
- url: https://www.ceplas.eu/en/research/data-science-and-data-management
- url: 'https://terminplaner6.dfn.de/de/b/87c954f819c87b27797bc747db30003b-603458'
- seats: 12
-## About
-This workshop demonstrates the ARC concept and introduces the DataPLANT tools and services **ARCitect**, **SWATE** and **DataHUB**. In the hands-on sessions (full-day workshop only) you learn how to build a first ARC for your own research project and annotate the data in your ARC.
-## Organizers
-- Contact: Dominik Brilhaus; [CEPLAS Data](https://www.ceplas.eu/en/research/data-science-and-data-management)
-- Additional support by
- - Sabrina Zander ([MibiNet](https://www.sfb1535.hhu.de/projects/research-area-z/z03))
- - Eik Dahms, Dan Wang ([TRR341](https://trr341.uni-koeln.de/projects/data-management-z3))
- - Stella Eggels ([FZJ](https://www.fz-juelich.de/en/ibg/ibg-4/research/research-projects/projects-usadel-group/dataplant-1))
-## Registration
-➡️ [Please register](https://terminplaner6.dfn.de/de/b/87c954f819c87b27797bc747db30003b-603458) latest **two weeks** before the workshop date.
-:bulb: Maximum 12 participants per session.
-## Dates and Locations
- Date | Type | Time | Location | Room
-03.04.2024 (Wed) | Full-day | 09:00 - 17:00 | HHU | [ZSL 22.07, Room U1.21](https://www.ceplas.eu/en/contact/how-to-get-there)
-04.04.2024 (Thu) | Full-day | 09:00 - 17:00 | HHU | [ZSL 22.07, Room U1.21](https://www.ceplas.eu/en/contact/how-to-get-there)
-25.04.2024 (Thu) | Full-day | 09:00 - 17:00 | UoC | Biozentrum, Bldg 304, Room 1.007
-26.04.2024 (Fri) | Half-day | 09:00 - 12:00 | UoC | Biozentrum, Bldg 304, Room 1.007
-23.05.2024 (Thu) | Full-day | 09:00 - 17:00 | HHU | [ZSL 22.07, Room U1.25](https://www.ceplas.eu/en/contact/how-to-get-there)
-24.05.2024 (Fri) | Half-day | 09:00 - 12:00 | HHU | [ZSL 22.07, Room U1.21](https://www.ceplas.eu/en/contact/how-to-get-there)
-## Tentative agenda
-We will mostly introduce concepts and tools in the mornings (half-day and full-day). The afternoons (full-day only) focus on interactive parts. Here you have the chance to use the tools with your own data while we are there to help.
-### Half-day
-Time | Topics
--------- | --------
-09:00 - 09:15 | Welcome, Intro RDM and NFDI
-09:15 - 09:30 | Overview DataPLANT, and DataPLANT Tool chain
-09:30 - 10:15 | Demo ARCitect and DataHUB
-10:15 - 10:30 | *Short break*
-10:30 - 11:45 | Demo Metadata annotation with SWATE
-11:45 - 12:00 | Q & A
-### Full-day (continues half-day)
-Time | Topics
--------- | --------
-12:00 - 13:00 | *Lunch break*
-13:00 - 15:00 | Hands-on ARCitect, DataHUB and Swate
-15:00 - 15:15 | *Short break*
-15:15 - 16:30 | Create your own ARC
-16:30 - 17:00 | Q & A and wrap-up
-## Checklist for participants (full-day)
-Please prepare the following **before the workshop**.
-- Bring your laptop / computer
-- Bring datasets to be ARCified
-- Sign up for a DataHUB user account https://register.nfdi4plants.org/
- - Please add your `Project/consortium` (e.g. CEPLAS, SFB, TRR) and choose the role `Guest` or `User`
-- Install ARCitect
-:bulb: Not all installations are perfectly straight-forward. We will be available **half an hour before the workshops** to help you get your machine up and running.
-## Continuous support
-Data managers in Düsseldorf, Cologne, Jülich and close by (CEPLAS, MibiNet, TRR341) offer *ad hoc* support, see [details here](https://nfdi4plants.org/nfdi4plants.knowledgebase/docs/teaching-materials/disseminations/ARC-user-support_HHU-Uoc-FZJ/arc-user-support.html).
-## Teaching Materials
-Materials are shared via DataPLANT [Knowledge Base](https://nfdi4plants.org/nfdi4plants.knowledgebase/docs/teaching-materials/events-2024/2024-04-03_CEPLAS-ARC-Trainings/index.html).
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-title: CEPLAS ARC Training Series – Tool Demo @ HHU
-category: Training
-excerpt: 'Learn how to move your datasets into ARCs, share them via the DataHUB, and annotate them with metadata.'
- start: 2024-05-24T09:00:00
- end: 2024-05-24T12:00:00
-mode: On-site
-audience: [Users]
- name: HHU
- address: HHU, ZSL 22.07, Room U1.21
- url: https://www.ceplas.eu/en/contact/how-to-get-there
-image: ~/assets/images/events/ceplas-ARCs.drawio.png
- - Dominik Brilhaus (CEPLAS)
- name: Dominik Brilhaus
- affiliation: CEPLAS Data
- url: https://www.ceplas.eu/en/research/data-science-and-data-management
- url: 'https://terminplaner6.dfn.de/de/b/87c954f819c87b27797bc747db30003b-603458'
- seats: 12
-## About
-This workshop demonstrates the ARC concept and introduces the DataPLANT tools and services **ARCitect**, **SWATE** and **DataHUB**. In the hands-on sessions (full-day workshop only) you learn how to build a first ARC for your own research project and annotate the data in your ARC.
-## Organizers
-- Contact: Dominik Brilhaus; [CEPLAS Data](https://www.ceplas.eu/en/research/data-science-and-data-management)
-- Additional support by
- - Sabrina Zander ([MibiNet](https://www.sfb1535.hhu.de/projects/research-area-z/z03))
- - Eik Dahms, Dan Wang ([TRR341](https://trr341.uni-koeln.de/projects/data-management-z3))
- - Stella Eggels ([FZJ](https://www.fz-juelich.de/en/ibg/ibg-4/research/research-projects/projects-usadel-group/dataplant-1))
-## Registration
-➡️ [Please register](https://terminplaner6.dfn.de/de/b/87c954f819c87b27797bc747db30003b-603458) latest **two weeks** before the workshop date.
-:bulb: Maximum 12 participants per session.
-## Dates and Locations
- Date | Type | Time | Location | Room
-03.04.2024 (Wed) | Full-day | 09:00 - 17:00 | HHU | [ZSL 22.07, Room U1.21](https://www.ceplas.eu/en/contact/how-to-get-there)
-04.04.2024 (Thu) | Full-day | 09:00 - 17:00 | HHU | [ZSL 22.07, Room U1.21](https://www.ceplas.eu/en/contact/how-to-get-there)
-25.04.2024 (Thu) | Full-day | 09:00 - 17:00 | UoC | Biozentrum, Bldg 304, Room 1.007
-26.04.2024 (Fri) | Half-day | 09:00 - 12:00 | UoC | Biozentrum, Bldg 304, Room 1.007
-23.05.2024 (Thu) | Full-day | 09:00 - 17:00 | HHU | [ZSL 22.07, Room U1.25](https://www.ceplas.eu/en/contact/how-to-get-there)
-24.05.2024 (Fri) | Half-day | 09:00 - 12:00 | HHU | [ZSL 22.07, Room U1.21](https://www.ceplas.eu/en/contact/how-to-get-there)
-## Tentative agenda
-We will mostly introduce concepts and tools in the mornings (half-day and full-day). The afternoons (full-day only) focus on interactive parts. Here you have the chance to use the tools with your own data while we are there to help.
-### Half-day
-Time | Topics
--------- | --------
-09:00 - 09:15 | Welcome, Intro RDM and NFDI
-09:15 - 09:30 | Overview DataPLANT, and DataPLANT Tool chain
-09:30 - 10:15 | Demo ARCitect and DataHUB
-10:15 - 10:30 | *Short break*
-10:30 - 11:45 | Demo Metadata annotation with SWATE
-11:45 - 12:00 | Q & A
-### Full-day (continues half-day)
-Time | Topics
--------- | --------
-12:00 - 13:00 | *Lunch break*
-13:00 - 15:00 | Hands-on ARCitect, DataHUB and Swate
-15:00 - 15:15 | *Short break*
-15:15 - 16:30 | Create your own ARC
-16:30 - 17:00 | Q & A and wrap-up
-## Checklist for participants (full-day)
-Please prepare the following **before the workshop**.
-- Bring your laptop / computer
-- Bring datasets to be ARCified
-- Sign up for a DataHUB user account https://register.nfdi4plants.org/
- - Please add your `Project/consortium` (e.g. CEPLAS, SFB, TRR) and choose the role `Guest` or `User`
-- Install ARCitect
-:bulb: Not all installations are perfectly straight-forward. We will be available **half an hour before the workshops** to help you get your machine up and running.
-## Continuous support
-Data managers in Düsseldorf, Cologne, Jülich and close by (CEPLAS, MibiNet, TRR341) offer *ad hoc* support, see [details here](https://nfdi4plants.org/nfdi4plants.knowledgebase/docs/teaching-materials/disseminations/ARC-user-support_HHU-Uoc-FZJ/arc-user-support.html).
-## Teaching Materials
-Materials are shared via DataPLANT [Knowledge Base](https://nfdi4plants.org/nfdi4plants.knowledgebase/docs/teaching-materials/events-2024/2024-04-03_CEPLAS-ARC-Trainings/index.html).
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@@ -4,27 +4,28 @@ category: Webinar
audience: [Users]
excerpt: 'With this monthly ARC user meeting we try to regularly answer questions, demonstrate tools and services or discuss data management issues.'
- start: 2024-10-11T13:00:00
- end: 2024-10-11T14:00:00
+ -
+ start: 2024-10-11T13:00:00
+ end: 2024-10-11T14:00:00
+ -
+ start: 2024-11-08T13:00:00
+ end: 2024-11-08T14:00:00
+ -
+ start: 2024-12-13T13:00:00
+ end: 2024-12-13T14:00:00
+ -
+ start: 2024-01-10T13:00:00
+ end: 2024-01-10T14:00:00
mode: Online
- DataStewards of DataPLANT, CEPLAS, MibiNet, TRR341
-# tutors:
-# - Dominik Brilhaus ([CEPLAS](https://www.ceplas.eu/en/research/data-science-and-data-management))
-# - Vittorio Tracanna ([CEPLAS](https://www.ceplas.eu/en/research/data-science-and-data-management))
-# - Sabrina Zander ([MibiNet](https://www.sfb1535.hhu.de/projects/research-area-z/z03))
-# - Eik Dahms ([TRR341](https://trr341.uni-koeln.de/projects/data-management-z3))
-# - Stella Eggels, Angela Kranz ([DataPLANT](https://www.fz-juelich.de/en/ibg/ibg-4/research/research-projects/projects-usadel-group/dataplant-1))
name: WebEx
- address: ""
url: https://hhu.webex.com/hhu-en/j.php?MTID=m37ec02b7a7afdc4b0e1b310bd693ac0c
description: No registration required
## Dates
- Every second Friday of the month from 1 pm - 2pm
@@ -41,7 +42,6 @@ The easiest way to directly contact us for data stewardship is via our slack wor
There we try to quickly answer questions and keep you up-to-date with latest developments. Feel free to [join the workspace](https://join.slack.com/t/arc-user-support/shared_invite/zt-2cadwq8cx-azPsJhUF8m0ukXsrstNc0A), discuss with us, raise questions and topics for upcoming user meetings.
## Data management contacts
- Dominik Brilhaus, Vittorio Tracanna ([CEPLAS](https://www.ceplas.eu/en/research/data-science-and-data-management))
diff --git a/src/content/events/2024-10-24_ceplas-arc-workshop.md b/src/content/events/2024-10-24_ceplas-arc-workshop.md
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+++ b/src/content/events/2024-10-24_ceplas-arc-workshop.md
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ when:
mode: On-site
audience: [Users, DataStewards]
- name: HHU
- address: HHU, room tbd
- url: https://www.ceplas.eu/en/contact/how-to-get-there
+ short: HHU
+ address: HHU, Room 26.44.U1.022
+ url: https://www.hhu.de/fileadmin/redaktion/Oeffentliche_Medien/Karten-Anfahrtplaene-HHU/Infocenter_Lage_und_Anreise/HHU_Campusplan.jpg
image: ~/assets/images/events/ceplas-ARCs.drawio.png
- Dominik Brilhaus (CEPLAS Data)
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@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-title: ARC User Meeting
-category: Webinar
-audience: [Users]
-excerpt: 'With this monthly ARC user meeting we try to regularly answer questions, demonstrate tools and services or discuss data management issues.'
- start: 2024-11-08T13:00:00
- end: 2024-11-08T14:00:00
-mode: Online
- - DataStewards of DataPLANT, CEPLAS, MibiNet, TRR341
-# tutors:
-# - Dominik Brilhaus ([CEPLAS](https://www.ceplas.eu/en/research/data-science-and-data-management))
-# - Vittorio Tracanna ([CEPLAS](https://www.ceplas.eu/en/research/data-science-and-data-management))
-# - Sabrina Zander ([MibiNet](https://www.sfb1535.hhu.de/projects/research-area-z/z03))
-# - Eik Dahms ([TRR341](https://trr341.uni-koeln.de/projects/data-management-z3))
-# - Stella Eggels, Angela Kranz ([DataPLANT](https://www.fz-juelich.de/en/ibg/ibg-4/research/research-projects/projects-usadel-group/dataplant-1))
- name: WebEx
- address: ""
- url: https://hhu.webex.com/hhu-en/j.php?MTID=m37ec02b7a7afdc4b0e1b310bd693ac0c
- description: No registration required
-## Dates
-- Every second Friday of the month from 1 pm - 2pm
-## Topics
-- Question & Answer
-- On-demand demonstrations
-- Latest updates on DataPLANT tools and services
-## Support chat
-The easiest way to directly contact us for data stewardship is via our slack workspace: [arc-user-support.slack.com](https://join.slack.com/t/arc-user-support/shared_invite/zt-2cadwq8cx-azPsJhUF8m0ukXsrstNc0A).
-There we try to quickly answer questions and keep you up-to-date with latest developments. Feel free to [join the workspace](https://join.slack.com/t/arc-user-support/shared_invite/zt-2cadwq8cx-azPsJhUF8m0ukXsrstNc0A), discuss with us, raise questions and topics for upcoming user meetings.
-## Data management contacts
-- Dominik Brilhaus, Vittorio Tracanna ([CEPLAS](https://www.ceplas.eu/en/research/data-science-and-data-management))
-- Sabrina Zander ([MibiNet](https://www.sfb1535.hhu.de/projects/research-area-z/z03))
-- Eik Dahms ([TRR341](https://trr341.uni-koeln.de/projects/data-management-z3))
-- Stella Eggels, Angela Kranz ([DataPLANT](https://www.fz-juelich.de/en/ibg/ibg-4/research/research-projects/projects-usadel-group/dataplant-1))