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Serverless Boilerplate

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Serverless Boilerplate - Generic boilerplate for developing applications using the Serverless Framework.



Usage and command line options


Generate a key: aws kms create-key and get the keyId.

Encrypt a variable with

serverless encrypt --name foo --value bar --keyid {keyId}

DynamoDB / Dynalite

This boilerplate includes two options for running DynamoDB: the JVM-based AWS version and Dynalite, a Node-based version of DynamoDB


DynamoDB will be installed locally and automatically though the install:dynamodb script in package.json, i.e., yarn install:dynamodb. For the JVM-based version you need to enable to following plugin in your plugins section:

  - serverless-webpack
  - serverless-dynamodb-local
  - serverless-offline

Note that it comes after the serverless-webpack plugin and before the serverless-offline plugin.

This configuration in serverless.yml starts DynamoDB automatically when the local server is started with yarn start or serverless offline start.

      port: 8000
      inMemory: true
      migrate: true
      seed: true

You can access the shell interface to interact with DynamoDB at http://localhost:8000/shell.


This plugin can be found in the .serverless_plugins directory in the root of this boilerplate. I didn't include the official plugin because it does not work with serverless-offline and you would need to start it separately. If you want to use Dynalite instead, you need to enable it before serverless-webpack plugin, for example:

  - serverless-dynalite
  - serverless-webpack
  - serverless-offline


An admin interface for DynamoDB can be started with yarn dynamodb:admin, and will be available on http://localhost:8001.

Custom Domain Name

Using the serverless-domain-manager plugin you can easily map your serverless application to a particular domain name. To create the custom domain:

serverless create_domain

To deploy with the custom domain:

severless deploy

To remove the created custom domain:

serverless delete_domain

Boilerplate Contents

This boilerplate contains the following plugins:

  • Serverless Offline Plugin: Emulates AWS λ and API Gateway on your local machine to speed up your development cycles.

  • Serverless Webpack: A Serverless v1.x plugin to build your lambda functions with Webpack.

  • Serverless KMS Secrets: A Serverless Plugin which helps with encrypting service secrets using the AWS Key Management Service (KMS).

  • Serverless Jest Plugin: plugin to enable test driven development using jest, and adding functionality to create functions and tests from command line

  • Serverless AWS Documentation: Plugin that adds support for AWS API Gateway documentation and models (e.g. to export a Swagger JSON file with input/output definitions and full text documentation for API documentation).

  • Serverless DynamoDB Local: Allows to run dynamodb locally for serverless.

  • Serverless Domain Manager: Create custom domain names that your lambda can deploy to with serverless. Allows for base path mapping when deploying and deletion of domain names.

  • Serverless VPC Discovery: The vpc discovery plugin takes the given vpc, subnet, and security group names in the serverless file to setup the vpc configuration for the lambda.

  • file serverless.yml.json: Register plugins above

  • file webpack.config.js: Settings for webpack-plugin

  • file templates/function.ejs: Template to use for new functions

Debug process


  • API logs
  • Hooks
  • Build plugin
  • Containerization with Docker
  • Shell
  • ??

In Progress:

  • Test framework (jest)


  • Gulp with watch and eslint
  • KMS secrets
  • Quality check with CodeClimate
  • Configuration management
  • Automatic AWS Documentation
  • Coverage check with Codecov
  • DynamoDB and Dynalite
  • Domain Name Manager
  • VPC Discovery



Need to write more details Command yarn release.

Jest Plugin

The jest plugin seems to have several issues, such as:

  • it doesn't respect a custom template for tests,
  • when an error occurs while creating a function and test it still updates the serverless.yml file but does not create the function and test file,
  • running serverless invoke test --function foo only works when the handler defined in the function of serverless.yml matches the test name.

Credits and inspiration


Yes, thank you! This boilerplate is community-driven, most of its features are from different authors. Please update the docs and tests and add your name to the package.json file. We try to follow Airbnb's JavaScript Style Guide.
