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This is a podman & node monitoring stack fully based off on conda and does not require sudo permissions. It uses two prometheus exporters


Uses the following awesome dashboards


This repo and stack is designed to work out of the box and provide an quick initial dashboard. It automatically sets up the exporters, configures prometheus and points grafana at it.

Step 1: Install podman

configure conda channels

conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda config --set channel_priority strict

install podman

conda install podman

restart your current terminal.

Step 2: Configure podman

2.1 Add helper binaries folder to find rootlessport

When it starts first, podman will have issues finding rootlessport since its not on the PATH. To fix this, Edit /home/sp/miniconda3/share/containers/containers.conf

Add the sections below

helper_binaries_dir = [

2.2 Change network backend to netavark

First, check what is the current network backend.

podman info | grep networkBackend

If you see cni, continue with the steps below. If you see netavark, skip this step as you already have the correct backend and pick up from enable podman socket section

The default CNI network stack does not have dns resolution. To enable this, we need to install netavark.

2.2.1 Option 1 : Build netavark and aadvark-dns

This method requires sudo permissions to install build dependencies. You could build for a target machine and then deploy the binaries without sudo. Alternatively you can use Option 2 if you have glibc version 2.32 and above.

Install pre-requisites

  1. Rustc
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
source "$HOME/.cargo/env"
  1. Deps
sudo apt-get install build-essential protobuf-compiler
  1. Clone and build netavark
git clone
cd netavark
mv bin/netavark /home/sp/miniconda3/libexec/podman/
  1. Clone and build aadvark-dns
git clone
cd aardvark-dns
mv bin/aardvark-dns /home/sp/miniconda3/libexec/podman/

2.2.2 Option 2: Download builds directly

gzip -d netavark.gz
chmod +x netavark
mv netavark /home/sp/miniconda3/libexec/podman/
wget wget
gzip -d aardvark-dns.gz
chmod +x aardvark-dns
mv aardvark-dns /home/sp/miniconda3/libexec/podman/

2.3 Change default engine from cni to netavark

edit network_engine in /home/sp/miniconda3/share/containers/containers.conf

network_backend = "netavark"

2.4 Reset podman

This step is destructive and removes all existing images, containers and networks. Proceed only after backups are created.

podman system reset --force

Step 3: Enable podman socket

[!NOTE] Please edit the systemd files before copying them into your machine. currently the user is sp.

A socket is how the podman monitoring component communicates with the containers and images. Since podman is daemonless, we need to create this socket and give read permissions on it.

To do this, we first setup some systemd services. copy the systemd files from the folder systemd to /usr/lib/systemd/user/

sudo cp -r systemd/. /usr/lib/systemd/user/

enable the new files and enable the podman listener socket.

systemctl --user daemon-reload
systemctl --user start podman.socket

Step 4: Run stack

podman compose -f compose.yaml up -d

Step 5: View grafana ui

You are all done and can view the dashboard at the link below. IP_ADDRESS_OF_MAACHINE:3000