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Partial Incremental Tasks

Roman Kuzmin edited this page Aug 20, 2022 · 25 revisions

Partial incremental tasks are used in order to improve build performance in scenarios with one-to-one correspondence between input and output files. The build engine checks for output files existence and compares their timestamps with input timestamps. Finally, only input files with missing or out-of-date outputs are passed in task scripts.

If all outputs are up-to-date then task scripts are not invoked. Note that if there are referenced tasks then they are invoked in any case.

Here is a partial incremental task template:

task Name -Partial -Inputs ... -Outputs ... [-Jobs] {process{ ... }}

or using the alternative task syntax:

task Name @{
    Partial = $true
    Inputs = ...
    Outputs = ...
    Jobs = {process{ ... }}

It uses the switch Partial, defines the inputs and outputs expressions and the script, normally with the process block in it.

The inputs

It is a list of input file items or paths or a script block which gets them. For example, for all markdown files in the build directory it can be:

task ... -Inputs (Get-Item *.md, *.markdown)

Or with invocation performed when the task is invoked, e.g. if some of markdown files may be updated during the build (note {...} instead of (...)):

task ... -Inputs {Get-Item *.md, *.markdown}

A fixed list of known absolute or relative file paths will do as well:

task ... -Inputs,

The inputs are finally resolved by the engine into the full paths piped to the outputs if it is a script block (all of them) and to the task script (some of them). All input files must exist, otherwise the task fails.

The outputs

It is a list of output file paths or a script block which gets them. There must be one-to-one correspondence between input and output files taking their order into account.

If the argument is a script block then it is invoked with the inputs piped to it. Its goal is to transform each input path into its output pair. For example, on converting markdown files to HTML files it might be:

task ... -Outputs {process{[System.IO.Path]::ChangeExtension($_, 'htm')}}

Note use of the process block. It is called for every input path represented by the automatic variable $_ in it. The script processes the current $_ and outputs the corresponding output path.

A list of known file names will do as well:

task ... -Outputs README.htm, Release-Notes.htm

The script

The script is invoked with filtered input paths piped to it. Only input paths with missing or out-of-date output are piped.

Though it is not mandatory, it is typical for partial incremental task scripts to have the process block. This block is called for each input path. The current input and output paths are represented by the automatic variables $_ and $2 respectively. The script processes the input file $_ and creates or updates the output file $2:

    # process the file $_ and output results to the file $2

The script may also have the begin and end blocks called once before and after the process iterations. They can use the automatic variables $Inputs (array of resolved full input paths) and $Outputs (exactly as it was defined or returned by a script block):

    begin {
        # load assemblies, import modules, dot-source scripts, etc.
    process {
        # process the file $_ and output results to the file $2
    end {
        # clean-up

Note: in PowerShell if a script block is just code with no begin, process, and end blocks then it is treated as the end block. A partial incremental task can be defined in this way but the code has to deal with entire $Inputs and $Outputs instead of $_ and $2.

    # convert all $Inputs files into $Outputs files

Full example

# Synopsis: Converts *.md and *.markdown files to *.htm
task ConvertMarkdown @{
    Partial = $true
    Inputs = {
        Get-Item *.md, *.markdown
    Outputs = {
            [System.IO.Path]::ChangeExtension($_, 'htm')
    Jobs = {
            exec { pandoc.exe $_ --standalone --quiet --from=gfm "--output=$2" }

Note that in the above example the task is defined with a hashtable where keys and values are task parameter names and values in addition to the task name. This task syntax may be easier to compose and read. It is possible to specify -Partial, -Inputs , and -Outputs as usual task parameters, this is up to an author.

Dynamic incremental tasks

In some scenarios inputs and outputs are not known but discovered by a script. In this case incremental tasks may be created dynamically for each discovered set, see Tasks/Dynamic.

Inputs making Outputs

As far as inputs and outputs must have one-to-one correspondence, it might be convenient to generate them both simultaneously. The engine evaluates Inputs before Outputs, so that Inputs may create data for Outputs as well and store them in a script variable. Then the Outputs script uses the variable. See #143.