diff --git a/src/lib/getCycles.nix b/src/lib/getCycles.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9a0886cb35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/getCycles.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+# A cycle is when packages depend on each other
+# The Nix store can't contain direct cycles, so cycles need special handling
+# They can be avoided by referencing by name, so the consumer sets up the cycle
+# internally, or by co-locating cycling packages in a single store path.
+# Both approaches are valid, it depends on the situation what fits better.
+# The below code detects cycles by visiting all edges of the dependency graph
+# and keeping track of parents and already-visited nodes. Then it picks a head
+# for each cycle, and the other members are referred to as cyclees.
+# The head is the member with the shortest name, since that often results in a
+# head that "feels right".
+# The visits are tracked by maintaining state in the accumulator during folding.
+  lib,
+  dependencyGraph,
+}: let
+  b = builtins;
+  # The separator char should never be in version
+  mkTag = pkg: "${pkg.name}#${pkg.version}";
+  trueAttr = tag: lib.listToAttrs [(lib.nameValuePair tag true)];
+  # discover cycles as sets with their members=true
+  # a member is pkgname#pkgversion (# should not be in version string)
+  # this walks dependencies depth-first
+  # It will eventually see parents as children => cycle
+  #
+  # To visit only new nodes, we pass around state in parentAcc:
+  # - visited: a set of already-visited packages
+  # - cycles: a list of cycle sets
+  getCycles = pkg: parents: parentAcc: let
+    deps = dependencyGraph."${pkg.name}"."${pkg.version}";
+    pkgTag = mkTag pkg;
+    pkgTrue = trueAttr pkgTag;
+    visitOne = acc: dep: let
+      depTag = mkTag dep;
+      depTrue = trueAttr depTag;
+    in
+      if acc.visited ? "${depTag}"
+      then
+        # We will already have found all cycles it has, skip
+        acc
+      else if parents ? "${depTag}"
+      then
+        # We found a cycle
+        {
+          visited = acc.visited;
+          cycles = acc.cycles ++ [(pkgTrue // depTrue)];
+        }
+      else
+        # We need to check this dep
+        # Don't add pkg to visited until all deps are processed
+        getCycles dep (parents // pkgTrue) acc;
+    initialAcc = {
+      visited = parentAcc.visited;
+      cycles = [];
+    };
+    allVisited = b.foldl' visitOne initialAcc deps;
+  in
+    if parentAcc.visited ? "${pkgTag}"
+    then
+      # this can happen while walking the root nodes
+      parentAcc
+    else {
+      visited = allVisited.visited // pkgTrue;
+      cycles =
+        if b.length allVisited.cycles != 0
+        then mergeCycles parentAcc.cycles allVisited.cycles
+        else parentAcc.cycles;
+    };
+  # merge cycles: We want a set of disjoined cycles
+  # meaning, for each cycle of the set e.g. {a=true; b=true; c=true;...},
+  # there is no other cycle that has any member (a,b,c,...) of this set
+  # We maintain a set of already disjoint cycles and add a new cycle
+  # by merging all cycles of the set that have members in common with
+  # the cycle. The rest stays disjoint.
+  mergeCycles = b.foldl' mergeOneCycle;
+  mergeOneCycle = djCycles: cycle: let
+    cycleDeps = b.attrNames cycle;
+    includesDep = s: lib.any (n: s ? "${n}") cycleDeps;
+    partitions = lib.partition includesDep djCycles;
+    mergedCycle =
+      if b.length partitions.right != 0
+      then b.zipAttrsWith (n: v: true) ([cycle] ++ partitions.right)
+      else cycle;
+    disjoined = [mergedCycle] ++ partitions.wrong;
+  in
+    disjoined;
+  # Walk all root nodes of the dependency graph
+  allCycles = let
+    mkHandleVersion = name: acc: version:
+      getCycles {inherit name version;} {} acc;
+    handleName = acc: name: let
+      pkgVersions = b.attrNames dependencyGraph.${name};
+      handleVersion = mkHandleVersion name;
+    in
+      b.foldl' handleVersion acc pkgVersions;
+    initalAcc = {
+      visited = {};
+      cycles = [];
+    };
+    rootNames = b.attrNames dependencyGraph;
+    allDone = b.foldl' handleName initalAcc rootNames;
+  in
+    allDone.cycles;
+  # Convert list of cycle sets to set of cycle lists
+  getCycleSets = cycles: b.foldl' lib.recursiveUpdate {} (b.map getCycleSetEntry cycles);
+  getCycleSetEntry = cycle: let
+    split = b.map toNameVersion (b.attrNames cycle);
+    toNameVersion = d: let
+      matches = b.match "^(.*)#([^#]*)$" d;
+      name = b.elemAt matches 0;
+      version = b.elemAt matches 1;
+    in {inherit name version;};
+    sorted =
+      b.sort
+      (x: y: let
+        lenX = b.stringLength x.name;
+        lenY = b.stringLength y.name;
+      in
+        if lenX < lenY
+        then true
+        else if lenX == lenY
+        then
+          if x.name < y.name
+          then true
+          else if x.name == y.name
+          then x.version > y.version
+          else false
+        else false)
+      split;
+    head = b.elemAt sorted 0;
+    cyclees = lib.drop 1 sorted;
+  in {${head.name}.${head.version} = cyclees;};
+  cyclicDependencies = getCycleSets allCycles;
+  cyclicDependencies
diff --git a/src/lib/simpleTranslate2.nix b/src/lib/simpleTranslate2.nix
index 64fc3b0a33..2f867656ae 100644
--- a/src/lib/simpleTranslate2.nix
+++ b/src/lib/simpleTranslate2.nix
@@ -178,88 +178,7 @@
-      cyclicDependencies =
-        # TODO: inefficient! Implement some kind of early cutoff
-        let
-          depGraphWithFakeRoot =
-            l.recursiveUpdate
-            dependencyGraph
-            {
-              __fake-entry.__fake-version =
-                l.mapAttrsToList
-                dlib.nameVersionPair
-                exportedPackages;
-            };
-          findCycles = node: prevNodes: cycles: let
-            children =
-              depGraphWithFakeRoot."${node.name}"."${node.version}";
-            cyclicChildren =
-              lib.filter
-              (child: prevNodes ? "${child.name}#${child.version}")
-              children;
-            nonCyclicChildren =
-              lib.filter
-              (child: ! prevNodes ? "${child.name}#${child.version}")
-              children;
-            cycles' =
-              cycles
-              ++ (l.map (child: {
-                  from = node;
-                  to = child;
-                })
-                cyclicChildren);
-            # use set for efficient lookups
-            prevNodes' =
-              prevNodes
-              // {"${node.name}#${node.version}" = null;};
-          in
-            if nonCyclicChildren == []
-            then cycles'
-            else
-              lib.flatten
-              (l.map
-                (child: findCycles child prevNodes' cycles')
-                nonCyclicChildren);
-          cyclesList =
-            findCycles
-            (dlib.nameVersionPair
-              "__fake-entry"
-              "__fake-version")
-            {}
-            [];
-        in
-          l.foldl'
-          (cycles: cycle: (
-            let
-              existing =
-                cycles."${cycle.from.name}"."${cycle.from.version}"
-                or [];
-              reverse =
-                cycles."${cycle.to.name}"."${cycle.to.version}"
-                or [];
-            in
-              # if edge or reverse edge already in cycles, do nothing
-              if
-                l.elem cycle.from reverse
-                || l.elem cycle.to existing
-              then cycles
-              else
-                lib.recursiveUpdate
-                cycles
-                {
-                  "${cycle.from.name}"."${cycle.from.version}" =
-                    existing ++ [cycle.to];
-                }
-          ))
-          {}
-          cyclesList;
+      cyclicDependencies = import ./getCycles.nix {inherit lib dependencyGraph;};
       data =
diff --git a/src/utils/translator.nix b/src/utils/translator.nix
index 2297519229..0fcfa25599 100644
--- a/src/utils/translator.nix
+++ b/src/utils/translator.nix
@@ -167,75 +167,7 @@
       allSources =
         lib.recursiveUpdate sources generatedSources;
-      cyclicDependencies =
-        # TODO: inefficient! Implement some kind of early cutoff
-        let
-          findCycles = node: prevNodes: cycles: let
-            children = dependencyGraph."${node.name}"."${node.version}";
-            cyclicChildren =
-              lib.filter
-              (child: prevNodes ? "${child.name}#${child.version}")
-              children;
-            nonCyclicChildren =
-              lib.filter
-              (child: ! prevNodes ? "${child.name}#${child.version}")
-              children;
-            cycles' =
-              cycles
-              ++ (b.map (child: {
-                  from = node;
-                  to = child;
-                })
-                cyclicChildren);
-            # use set for efficient lookups
-            prevNodes' =
-              prevNodes
-              // {"${node.name}#${node.version}" = null;};
-          in
-            if nonCyclicChildren == []
-            then cycles'
-            else
-              lib.flatten
-              (b.map
-                (child: findCycles child prevNodes' cycles')
-                nonCyclicChildren);
-          cyclesList =
-            findCycles
-            (dlib.nameVersionPair defaultPackage packages."${defaultPackage}")
-            {}
-            [];
-        in
-          b.foldl'
-          (cycles: cycle: (
-            let
-              existing =
-                cycles."${cycle.from.name}"."${cycle.from.version}"
-                or [];
-              reverse =
-                cycles."${cycle.to.name}"."${cycle.to.version}"
-                or [];
-            in
-              # if edge or reverse edge already in cycles, do nothing
-              if
-                b.elem cycle.from reverse
-                || b.elem cycle.to existing
-              then cycles
-              else
-                lib.recursiveUpdate
-                cycles
-                {
-                  "${cycle.from.name}"."${cycle.from.version}" =
-                    existing ++ [cycle.to];
-                }
-          ))
-          {}
-          cyclesList;
+      cyclicDependencies = import ../lib/getCycles.nix {inherit lib dependencyGraph;};
         decompressed = true;