Everyone should agree that it is generally a good practice to separate data from processing. In the context of SPARQL queries, it seems like a good idea to have SPARQL queries separate from result visualization. In my case, that meant NOT having SPARQL queries as part of a JavaScript application.
In this tutorial, we will use grlc
to create a web API from existing SPARQL queries, hosted on github. In my particular case, my SPARQL queries are hosted here: https://github.com/DivePlus/dbpedia-queries. Notice that we have some fields at the top of the file which begin with #+
, these are grlc parameters to configure our query. Also notice that some variables start with ?_
(for instance ?_keywordsList
in getSearchQuery) -- these are BASIL parameters and will become the parameters for our web API.
Let's start by installing grlc
python package. Simply type:
pip install grlc
Once installed, you should have the grlc-server
command available. So we can start the grlc server by typing:
Once this is done, you will have a grlc server running locally on http://localhost:8088/
. We want to create a web API for queries on the github repo DivePlus/dbpedia-queries
, so we just need to open a browser and go to:
And we have a web interface to use our queries!
For example we could run our getSearchQuery as follows (notice the keywordsList
curl -X GET --header "Accept: application/json" "http://localhost:8088/api/DivePlus/dbpedia-queries/getSearchQuery?keywordsList=Frida"
But what if we wanted to use grcl from within Python? Perhaps because we want to transform the output of grlc using jq
Let's first install jq for python:
pip install jq
Now, let's see how we can use grlc within python:
# First we import a couple of grlc functions
from grlc.utils import build_spec
from grlc.gquery import rewrite_query
# And we build our spec from github user: DivePlus using repo: dbpedia-queries
spec = build_spec('DivePlus', 'dbpedia-queries')
# I'll repackage our spec by call_name
spec_dict = { entry['call_name']:entry for entry in spec }
# And this is the endpoint we sant to use
endpoint = 'http://dbpedia.org/sparql/'
# Let's use getSearchQuery again
searchQuery = spec_dict['getSearchQuery']
# And just to be sure, let's make sure it takes a parameter called keywordsList
assert 'keywordsList' in [ p['name'] for p in searchQuery['params'] ]
# Now we replace the keywordsList parameter for it's desired value
query = rewrite_query(searchQuery['query'], {'keywordsList': 'Frida'}, endpoint)
print 'We will run query: \n\n%s\n using endpoint: %s'%(query,endpoint)
# Now let's use SPARQLWrapper to run the query
from SPARQLWrapper import SPARQLWrapper, JSON
from jq import jq
sparql = SPARQLWrapper(endpoint=endpoint)
result = sparql.query().convert()
# And use JQ to transform our results
jq_code = "[ .results.bindings[] | [ .entity.value, .label.value ] ]"
transformedResult = jq(jq_code).transform(result)
for tr in transformedResult:
print tr
And we are done!