Deleted branch
fix: basic boot password should be able to contain colon characters
fix: basic boot password should be able to contain colon characters
feat: basic protection boot endpoint (WebOfTrust#334)
feat: basic protection boot endpoint (WebOfTrust#334)
Force push
feat: basic protection boot endpoint (WebOfTrust#334)
feat: basic protection boot endpoint (WebOfTrust#334)
Force push
feat: basic protection boot endpoint (WebOfTrust#334)
feat: basic protection boot endpoint (WebOfTrust#334)
Force push
feat: handle sigterm
feat: handle sigterm
Deleted branch
feat: basic protection boot endpoint
feat: basic protection boot endpoint
feat: configure keria env with environment variables
feat: configure keria env with environment variables
Force push
feat: configure keria env with environment variables
feat: configure keria env with environment variables
Force push
feat: configure keria env with environment variables
feat: configure keria env with environment variables
Deleted branch
fix ci
fix ci
fix ci
fix ci
implement basic auth and configuration via environment variables
implement basic auth and configuration via environment variables
Force push
implement basic auth and configuration via environment variables
implement basic auth and configuration via environment variables
Force push
implement basic auth
implement basic auth
Force push
implement basic auth
implement basic auth
Force push
implement basic auth
implement basic auth
Force push
Force push
updates for escrow fix, align with kerupy 1.1.17 and WebOfTrust#235
updates for escrow fix, align with kerupy 1.1.17 and WebOfTrust#235