Releases: oarepo/oarepo-model-builder
Releases · oarepo/oarepo-model-builder
Using runtime schema instead of invenio one
4.0.12 Using runtime schema instead of invenio one (#185)
Bugfix for fulltext+keyword
keyword fix (#184) * keyword fix * Fixed tests * Fixed tests
ui model extensible section, not including tests in packages
ui model extensible section, not including tests in packages (#183) * ui model extensible section, not including tests in packages * version bump
Enabled vs. index, deep searchable bug in case one of the children is not searchable
4.0.9 Enabled vs. index, deep searchable bug in case one of the children is…
Renamed facet_class to facet-class
4.0.8 Renamed facet_class to facet-class
Simplified facets
Merge pull request #180 from oarepo/Alzpeta-patch-1 Update setup.cfg
Facets - making them use the same layout
Facets - making them use the same layout (#178) * Fixing facets * making facets to use the same layout as other components
Small facet fixes
4.0.5 Fixing facets (#177)
Lenient OS mapping of datetime
Facets (#176) * version bump * making OS mapping more lenient
Integrated facets into OMB4
4.0.3 version bump (#175)